Hartz 4 calculator – calculate hartz 4? Basics – calculator?

Are you unemployed, but able to work, do not earn a living income and may be able to apply for Hartz IV in the future? Or are you just interested in what money you would be entitled to if you could use Hartz IV? Then use the practical Hartz4 calculator from hilfreiche-tools.de and find out in no time what your monthly income is according to SGB II (second social code).

Hartz 4 calculator: Calculate your personal Hartz 4 income

Below we explain to you what details you can find in the Hartz IV calculation and which data you have to enter in the respective mandatory field on the computer to get a meaningful result.

Have Hartz 4 calculated

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Calculate control power – perform these steps on the computer:

For the Hartz 4 income calculation, you have to insert various details in the respective mandatory field in the calculator:

  1. Personal information of the applicant for the calculation of the control power and the additional demand surcharge
  2. Personal information about the spouse / partner
  3. Information about children
  4. Information about accommodation costs
  5. Information on the income of all people living in the community of needs

Below we explain how to do this in order to get a reliable result.

1. Personal information of the applicant regarding the calculation of the control power and the additional requirement surcharge

Step 1 – personal information of the applicant – is necessary to determine whether you and the people living in the community of needs may be entitled to a so-called additional requirement. You can get this, for example, if you have to afford an expensive diet due to a certain illness. For example, if you suffer from renal insufficiency and have to undergo dialysis on a regular basis, the light diet is necessary. Since this is most likely associated with higher costs (than for the normal diet), there is a good chance that the additional demand will be allocated to you. You can also apply for additional needs in the event of liver failure or sprue.

The same applies, for example, to an existing pregnancy. In this case, you need more money to buy maternity clothes and purchase a newborn baby kit.

People with disabilities can usually do more money claim than the control power provides. § 2 SGB IX determines whether there is a disability or severe disability.

In order to get the additional demand, however, rehabilitation measures according to SGB ​​IX have been completed. These are explained in the cases of § 26 ff. SGB IX. Place a cross at the appropriate place if this is the case.

Enter the following details about yourself in the ALG-II calculator:

If you are pregnant (from the 12th week)?
Are you disabled and have already taken part in appropriate rehabilitation measures??
Are you sick and need expensive nutrition? If yes, please indicate the relevant disease (e.g. renal failure with dialysis, liver failure or sprue).

2. Personal information about the spouse / partner

In the first step, check "Yes" if you live in a community of needs. Use the following explanations to check whether this is true:

Also indicate whether the spouse or partner is of legal age or a minor. Then enter whether your partner or spouse is pregnant (from the 12th week). This also serves to calculate the additional requirement. Also state whether your life partner or spouse is disabled (if additional rehabilitation measures have been completed in accordance with SGB IX) and whether an additional requirement for costly nutrition or after illness is necessary.

3. Information on children

In step 3, provide the following information:

  • Do you have children in your household who are 5 years old or younger? Enter the appropriate number.
  • Do you have children between the ages of 6 and 13 in your household? Enter the appropriate number.
  • Young people in your household who are between 14 and 17 years old. Enter the appropriate number

a) Enter the number of children who have a disability i. S. v. § 28 SGB II (if you receive additional expenses for the child due to a disability / severe disability, you can assume that).

b) Enter the number of children who are pregnant (from the 12th week)

  • Young adults in your household who are between 18 and 24 years old. Enter the appropriate number.

a) Enter the number of children who have a disability i. S. v. § 28 SGB II (if you receive additional expenses for the child due to a disability / severe disability, you can assume that).

b) Enter the number of children who are pregnant (from the 12th week)

4. Information about accommodation costs

Step 4 provides for the entry of the KdU (accommodation costs) – also called "housing costs" – into the respective mandatory field.

First enter the amount of the monthly rent that the applicant has to pay for his apartment. The amount of the monthly heating costs must also be specified, as well as the fact whether the hot water is heated with household electricity. Since the electricity costs are not included in the Hartz-4 standard rate, a corresponding additional expense can be requested if electricity costs are incurred for the production of the hot water.

5. Information on the income of all people living in the community of needs

The 5th and last step provides for the registration of all people living in the community of needs.

Enter the following data in the respective mandatory field:

  • The gross earned income of the applicant
  • Deductions from the applicant’s gross earnings (Taxes, GRV contributions, other social security schemes, etc.)
  • The partner’s gross income
  • Deductions from partner’s gross income (taxes, GRV contributions, other social security, etc.)
  • Amount of pension income
  • Amount of maintenance payments
  • Amount of child benefit
  • Other Income

Taking the allowance into account, Hartz-4 is calculated.

ALG II: Frequently asked questions

What is Hartz 4 (unemployment benefit II)??

Hartz IV is the generic term for the restructuring of unemployment benefits and social assistance. The term “Hartz IV” came about as part of the reform of the social system. The term is generally understood to mean a current form of unemployment benefit. People who are unemployed first receive the so-called unemployment benefit I and then unemployment benefit II, which is also referred to as Hartz IV. The reforms that introduced Hartz IV were decided in 2003.

Hartz IV was finally introduced on January 1, 2004. However, the term cannot only be understood as the classic unemployment benefit or the social security of the unemployed. People who work can also get Hartz IV under certain circumstances. Social assistance and unemployment benefits have been combined and restructured under the term. After the Hartz IV reform, which can be found in SGB II, the labor market situation in Germany has changed strongly improved.

“Hartz 4 is unemployment benefit II (ALG II for short). It is a basic security that is paid in Germany to employable people who currently have no job. The legal basis results from the second social code. "

People who are unemployed but able to work initially receive unemployment benefit 1 for a maximum of 12 months in accordance with the relevant standard rates. If this period has passed and no new job is in prospect, the state pays unemployment benefit II. The corresponding benefits (for example the standard rate, the child supplement, housing costs or heating costs) result from social law.

If you receive Hartz IV, you have a certain basic allowance, which is not counted towards the standard rate. How much this tax-free amount is and what other deductions there are can be found in the list of tax-free allowances (e.g. for advertising costs), which can be found in the Social Code. Furthermore, the savings assets are taken into account. These savings do not have to be used up in order for you to receive unemployment benefit II from the state.


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