Healthy cereal snacks kids

Healthy get >

  • April 7

When bedtime approaches, children sometimes become hungry, either really or hoping to delay bedtime. In any situation, offering your child a healthy snack can help them sleep better and create an opportunity to give them more food. There are a variety of snacks your child can give at bedtime that are healthy and tasty.

Fruits are naturally sweetened foods that children enjoy. Encourage your child to eat an apple, strawberries, grapes, or an orange before going to bed. Bananas are also ideal because they contain natural muscle relaxation – magnesium and potassium – and help your child fall asleep. Many children enjoy peanut butter with bananas. Create a fruit smoothie by combining your child’s favorite fruits mixed with low-fat milk. Other fruit snacks are applesauce and fruit bowls.

Ants on a log

This is a healthy snack, the kids can make themselves. Spread peanut butter on a stick of celery and sprinkle with raisins. Replace the peanut butter with cheese or raisins with peanuts, or other alternatives, depending on your child’s likes and dislikes.


Giving your child cereals as a bedtime snack is not unknown. However, if given before going to bed, choose a cereal that is low in sugar and high in fiber. Consider fruit for cereals. Often children like grain dry when eaten as a snack.

Cheese is a versatile, high calcium food that can compliment almost any snack. A cheese sandwich is a favorite among the many children. Cheese crackers are also a healthy snack choice. Think about strings or diced cheese with your favorite vegetables.

Graham crackers and peanut butter

Graham crackers are an alternative to salt crackers. Graham crackers served with peanut butter are an ideal healthy bedtime snack. Break the Graham Crackers in two, spread peanut butter on one cracker and cover with the other cracker. Alternatively, applesauce with graham crackers serve for a bedtime snack.


Eating breakfast primarily, oatmeal can be served as a snack as well. Warm your child’s favorite taste of oatmeal and mix it with milk. Consider his favorite fruit, a tasty snack.


With many flavors to choose from, yogurt is an ideal bedtime snack for children. Consider pieces of your child’s favorite fruit to yogurt. You might also consider giving a frozen yogurt pop up as an alternative to ice cream.

How To Prepare Healthy Everyday Snacks For Your Children

  • May 12

Since children have little stomach and grow so quickly, they need snacks. Here are a few simple snack ideas.


• Place ants on a tree trunk. Spread peanut or almond butter on celery, then top with raisins or sunflower seeds.

• Cubes of sweet melon and let kids have fun eating the chunks with toothpicks.

• Pair of low-fat cheddar cheese with apple or pear slices.

• Stir a smoothie into the blender. Combine soft tofu, a frozen banana, and some frozen strawberries.

• Slice hard-boiled eggs in wedges and serve with orange slices.

• Top popcorn with grated parmesan for a little fiber and calcium.

• Heat up low sodium minestrone (homemade or canned). Serve with whole grain crackers.

• Don’t forget banal, but nutritious snacks like whole grain flakes with milk, cold pizza or half a sandwich.

Tips and warnings

Healthy cereal nutrition

  • June 21

What makes breakfast cereals so healthy? It is full of important vitamins, minerals, fiber and energy and can be consumed with nutritious low-fat milk. In its optimal condition, cereals are garnished with fresh fruit and nuts or accompanied by a glass of 100 percent fruit juice. Healthy cereals are low in calories, nutritious alternatives to processed frozen waffles, pancakes and egg sandwiches with significantly lower saturated fatty acids and cholesterol than sausages, donuts, cookies, and bacon.

Food label

When shopping for a healthy breakfast of cereal, the American Dietetic Association recommends looking for food labels that have at least 2.5 grams of fiber or more and a daily value of 25 percent vitamins and minerals. Pay attention to the word "full grain" or "full grain" listed as the first ingredient on the nutritional table. Since cereals are primarily made from cereals, they are a rich source of the B vitamins folic acid, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, B6 and B12. All are important in creating energy and aide in growth and development. Cereals also contain a healthy dose of iron, which helps deliver oxygen from the lungs to the body’s cells for life, and zinc, an important mineral in cell division, growth, and repair.

Sugar worries

People who care about sugar levels in cereals should use the new guidelines of the American Heart Association (AHA) when choosing their healthy cereals. They recommend that adult women get no more than 25 g (100 calories) a day from sugar and men no more than 36 g (150 calories) a day due to the fact that they are empty calories and replace nutritious foods. Since breakfast represents 25 to 30 percent of your day’s nutritional needs depending on how many snacks you eat, a cereal should average less than 7 grams of sugar per serving. Cereals containing dried fruit will have significantly higher sugar levels, and yet are equally good sources of iron, potassium and fiber and can be included in the AHA guidelines if they are favorites.

weight advantages

A study completed by Michigan State University and Kellogg Co. found that individuals who consume ready-to-eat cereals have healthier weights, a lower percentage of calories from fat, and higher vitamin and mineral intake than those who have other breakfast options choose. Eating breakfast on a regular basis can also help people lose weight. The National Weight Control Registry reports that 78 percent of people who lose weight and successfully maintain breakfast eat on a daily basis. When people skip meals they tend to overeat at the next meal by making quick, convenient choices that are higher in fat, cholesterol, and calories.

Brain Benefits

Breakfast also makes people smart. Students who eat breakfast have greater attention spans, improved focus, and better performance on math and reading tests. Other studies have demonstrated improved creativity, spatial thinking, and hand-eye coordination. This could be due in part to the fact that breakfast skippers are more apt to suffer from headaches and pains of hunger that challenge students’ abilities to concentrate. School attendance is also higher in the breakfast eater.

Not exactly for breakfast

Cereal has advanced over the breakfast table with some. It’s a delicious dry snack that beats chips, cookies, and ice cream hands down like a heart smart option. People use it as a quick meal replacement for lunch or dinner when nothing else sounds good or they just want to save time. Some manufacturers even promote a second bowl a day as a successful weight loss tool. Researchers at the University of Texas even showed that cereals were at least as effective as a sports drink in helping muscle recovery after a hard workout.

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