Healthy traveling, vaccinations, allergies, travel pharmacy and co

Healthy travel

The most important thing when traveling – Health

Obtained too much sun, can not tolerate the food or suddenly the question of the last tetanus vaccination appears after having sustained an injury. The topicHealthy travel“Is an important point that should be part of every trip preparation.

What should in the first aid kit, why the look into the vaccination is advisable, how to protect yourself against a sunburn and what you can do, if it still caught on vacation, you can read in the following article.

Table of Contents

Important for the holiday – The travel pharmacy

Small and uncomplicated illnesses such as an upset stomach, headache or nausea can be well controlled with over-the-counter medicines. Often, the medicines in the holiday country are a lot cheaper than in Germany, but the active ingredient is another. It is therefore best to take medicines that have already proven themselves at home.

The composition of the first-aid kit is of course always dependent on the destination, the duration and the nature of the trip. It is also advisable to check the expiry date of the medication and, if necessary, to replace it with new ones. What is useful and has proven itself in a first-aid kit is listed below:

  • Dressing material, scissors and plaster
  • Disinfectant for wounds
  • thermometer
  • Painkiller
  • antipyretic
  • Medicines for nausea, diarrhea and constipation
  • Medicines for sore throat

Also consult with your family doctor, which medications are indispensable at your destination.

Important: For people who need to take prescription drugs on a regular basis, it is important to take a supply of them for the duration of the journey. For strong analgesics such as opiates or similar. should also be accompanied by the doctor confirmation. It has often happened that travelers have been detained due to heavy medications. Therefore, always carry a certificate from the doctor!

vaccinations & vaccination certificate

A topic that is gladly forgotten in the preparations, but enormously important. Often, the vaccination certificate is only taken out when traveling to countries where malaria prophylaxis is required. There are far more vaccinations that should be up to date, and not just when a trip is made. These include tetanus or the hepatitis vaccine.

On the page of the Foreign Office or often also on the side of your health insurance all necessary vaccinations for each travel country are listed, which are recommended before departure. A look at the vaccination record also provides information on whether vaccinations need to be refreshed or have yet to be made.

Depending on the destination, it is advisable to also carry a copy of the vaccination card with you in order to be able to show it in case of need. You have to take care of vaccinations on time, because often these are not just done with a syringe, but must be given over a longer period and at different intervals. Further information is also available from the family doctor, the health department or the tropical institute. The link is provided directly below.

For many vaccinations, the health insurance also covers the costs. Often can be found directly on the website of the health insurance to this information or just a short call to clarify the cost issue.

Also on vacation: allergies

Allergies are available in many variants and often you are not spared on vacation. Before starting your journey, it is advisable to consult with your family doctor and add the appropriate medication to his first aid kit. It is also helpful, who suffers from a pollen allergy, to consult the pollen calendar. This already gives information about whether the region in which you want to travel, is polluted at the time with pollen.

Another type of allergy that you often only get on vacation, even if you have never been affected before, is the sun allergy. It can be triggered by a reaction of the ingredients in the sunscreen or even cosmetics with the UV rays.

  • itching
  • erythema
  • Formation of blisters, blisters or nodules

If one already knows that one suffers from a sun allergy, one should consult with the family physician before beginning of the journey. Also recommend special sunscreen from the pharmacy with a high SPF and stay in the shade. At the latest when announcing the itchy bubbles you should get out of the sun.

Anyone who regularly has to take medication should read the leaflet carefully or ask the family doctor. It may happen that these drugs increase the sensitivity of the skin to light and promote sun allergy.

Classic: The sunburn

The sunburn is probably something, which probably almost everyone has taken away from his vacation. There are already simple, inexpensive and effective preventive measures to protect yourself from too much sun.

Already staying in the shade, long clothes or even a headgear help against the unpopular and painful redness of the skin as well as a sunstroke. Not only before sunbathing, it is advisable to cream regularly with a suitable sun protection factor, to avoid the sun at lunchtime and to stay in the shade.

Who belongs to the sunbathers, should immediately get out of the sun, as soon as the skin reddens. Otherwise, in retrospect, it can not only be painful, depending on the severity of the sunburn, but it is also not to be underestimated that one harms his skin and health in the long run.

If the skin is just red, the following first measures can help, not only to relieve, but also to help the skin to regenerate:

  • Immediately out of the sun
  • Cooling of the sunburn with gels, ointments or compresses
  • Make envelopes on the affected areas with cold water, chamomile tea, yogurt or quark
  • Take a cold shower and then cream with aloe vera gel, after sun or cortisol

Every sunburn is hard work for the skin to regenerate and increases the risk of skin cancer. In case of blisters and fever or signs of sunburn in the form of dizziness, nausea and headache should always be consulted doctor. Likewise with young children who have sustained a prolonged or severe sunburn.

Insect and tick bites

Often you do not worry about the unpleasant pests until you are already covered in mosquito bites. In some countries, one should not underestimate the danger that can come from an insect bite or even a tick bite. On the one hand, they can transmit diseases such as malaria or, on the other hand, trigger an allergic reaction. Depending on the destination, a timely vaccination is advisable.

For last-minute trips you should definitely visit his family doctor or contact the health department. When traveling to areas where no prior vaccination is needed to help already easy ways to protect yourself from the tormentors.

Special sprays or creams can be applied in advance as mosquito repellent. Helpful against some insects are also special scented candles or insect plug, which can also be easily taken in the luggage. Most effective for a quiet night, however, is a mosquito net. Before buying one should worry about the density of the mesh, because, depending on the destination country, even very small mosquitoes can really get on your nerves and disturb your sleep.

If the mosquito net then has too large mesh, the small insects can penetrate and help to a restless night. If, despite everything, you have become a victim of a small bloodsucker, the following tips can provide relief:

  • Cool the affected area
  • Freshly cut onion or lemon
  • Tea tree oil also helps against the itching
  • Dab vinegar on the affected area
  • Apply gel or cream with the ingredient antihistamines

If signs of an allergic reaction, shock, stinging or stinging and painful stitches are observed, a doctor should be consulted immediately.

Tips for arrival and departure

The manner of arrival and departure can sometimes influence the state of health. With simple and effective means one can support one’s body in dealing with the travel stress.

No matter which type of journey you take, avoid eating too greasy, as this will add extra work to the body and fatigue you faster.

It is recommended to change to light meals during the journey. You should also drink enough to provide the body with sufficient fluid to reduce the risk of thrombosis.

On air travel, it is advisable to move sufficiently during the flight to reduce the risk of thrombosis.

Those who go on vacation by car should plan enough breaks to reach their destination safely. They help to increase the concentration behind the wheel again. Similarly, such rest can be used to eat in peace and to move after sitting for a long time.

In order to avoid additional stress for the body and oneself, enough time should be allowed for the journey and departure.

More information about illness on the road

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