Helpful tips and tricks on the topic of motherbats


The mother ribbons – worth knowing & Practical Tips for Stretching Pain Drawing abdominal pain is often caused by the stretching of the ligaments. Mostly […]

The mother ribbons – worth knowing & practical tips for stretching pain

Drawing abdominal pains are often caused by the stretching of the mother ligaments. Usually there is no cause for concern with regard to these typical complaints, yet they often lead to great uncertainty, especially among first-time mothers. Are these symptoms normal or should you worry about certain signs? Find out now – we’ll give you interesting facts in this article and give you practical tips for relieving the pain.

Course and function of the mother tapes

The ligaments (ligament) consist of muscle fibers and belong to the parametries (pelvic connective tissue), which can also be considered as a fastening apparatus of the uterus. They run on both sides from your uterus to the pubic bone and serve to stabilize the uterus. During pregnancy, the ligaments (ligaments) are exposed to great stress due to the strong growth of your uterus. It comes to stretching of the ligaments (ligamentum latum uteri and ligamentum teres uteri). Strong tensile forces act on the entire tissue in the abdomen. The round ligament (ligamentum teres uteri) resembles a classical tendon and extends on both sides from the upper third of the uterus past the ovaries through the inguinal canal to the labia majora. In the lower third of the uterus begins at the back of the broad ligament (ligamentum latum uteri). It is reminiscent of a broader cloth and runs from both sides down into the rear area to the respective lateral edge of the pelvic wall. The tensile forces due to stretching of the mother ligaments during pregnancy also affect the pelvic wall and inguinal canal.

Stretching pain in pregnancy

If you suffer from pulling pain on both sides at the beginning of your pregnancy in the groin area, this is in most cases no cause for concern. It is quite possible that these complaints come from the mother tapes. Most of these pain are associated with the general changes that affect the surrounding tissue from the uterus. During pregnancy, the uterus increases its volume about a hundredfold. Therefore, it is not surprising that as pregnancy progresses, more painful symptoms can occur due to the high stress on the mother ligaments. From around the 17th week of gestation, there can be more and more stretching pain, which manifests as a pull in the abdomen. However, the time for the first appearance of this mother band pain may well occur only in the 19th or 20th week of pregnancy. The ligaments expand with increasing size of the uterus, so dull, pulling and often stabbing pain is quite normal and not uncommon. You usually feel these complaints by stretching the mother ligaments on both sides of the lower abdomen. Sometimes it happens that expectant mothers complain of painful pulling, which can spread to the sacrum. These complaints are also favored by the movements of the growing child, which you can usually feel between the 20th and the 23rd SSW. They also have a negative impact on already strained straps. Another aspect is the hormonal changes in your body that loosen the ligaments during pregnancy. This can also contribute to the development of back pain and many pregnant women complain of a persistent pulling up to the sacrum.

Stretching pain or premature labor?

Although these drawing discomfort in the groin are rather uncomfortable, they usually do not indicate serious illnesses. They are harmless side effects of normal development in pregnancy. After the end of the 24th week of pregnancy, they usually disappear again, so they do not accompany you until the birth date. However, if you suffer from extreme pain, contact your midwife or your gynecologist is recommended. However, if you suffer from severe pain, contact your midwife or gynecologist (if you do not have one, you can use portals such as By a simple examination, it can then be determined with certainty whether there is normal abdominal pain due to stretching of the mother ligaments or if premature labor is present. In addition, if you find that your abdomen hardens as you experience painful symptoms and then softens, caution is advised, as these can be signs of premature labor. On the other hand, it is quite normal for your stomach to harden occasionally during pregnancy. These are usually so-called exercise labor. They occur already in the early pregnancy, usually you will feel them in about the 20th to 25th week of pregnancy. However, in contrast to premature labor and birth pains, labor pains are painless and usually appear irregularly. They serve the preparation for the birth date and it does not come to the opening of the cervix. However, if you experience pain and / or bleeding, you should visit your gynecologist. Especially with a diagnosed risk pregnancy, you should under no circumstances take a risk and better immediately consult your gynecologist. A high-risk pregnancy can lead to high risks for mother and child due to premature labor. A doctor’s visit is also advisable if the painful symptoms suddenly worsen and / or other problems such as vomiting, diarrhea and fever occur.

Senkwehen – Countdown to the birth date

After stretching pain and exercise labor you will be confronted with the Senkwehen nearer returning date of birth. As you make the final stretch of your pregnancy, your uterus will also prepare you for the big day. From about the 35th to the 37th week of pregnancy, the already well-known exercise pains go into Senkwehen and slowly transport your baby in the direction of the birth canal. Every woman perceives these irregularly occurring prostrations in a different way. Sometimes they are barely noticeable and can only be identified by the deeper-seated abdomen. However, it can also lead to varying degrees of contractions and pains in the abdomen, back and groin. Even noticeable contractions are possible. If the symptoms persist or get worse and you feel unwell, you should visit your gynecologist for safety. Here, too, special care should be taken with a high-risk pregnancy – in consideration of your child and your own health, you should not shy away from frequent visits to your gynecologist.

Tips for relieving strain pain

If you suffer from stretching pain due to the stretching of the ligaments due to the strong pulling forces, there are some tips that can give you relief. The uterus, pelvic wall, inguinal canal and, in particular, the round and broad ligaments (uterine and uterine ligaments) are under severe strain and you may be plagued by uncomfortable ailments that can affect the sacrum. Use the tips below to help relieve pain and relieve pain:

A short break can sometimes do wonders. Choose a relaxing resting position in bed or on the sofa and allow your body a little break. Especially recommended for the relief of the ligaments is the supine position. This ensures effective relief of the ligaments and promotes relief.


In period pain, heat can provide relief – even in the strain caused by the ligaments, a bath in warm bath water provides soothing relaxation. Also helpful are a heat pad or the classic hot water bottle.


In case of discomfort caused by the strained ligaments, you will counteract the unpleasant discomfort with a massage. Recommended is the use of essential massage oils (rosewood, lavender, chamomile, etc.). For particularly painful complaints, an oil compress in the groin area can help.


With a growing baby belly, you can relieve the ligaments and the stressed tissue during the day by wearing a special abdomen or a support band. During the night, however, you should take this relief aid for the mother ligaments, so that an optimal blood circulation is guaranteed.

So if you suffer from unpleasant stretch pain, only the mother ligaments are responsible. They are exposed to great stress and still provide the important stability of your uterus. These symptoms may be uncomfortable, but on the other hand, they are a sign of a normal course of your pregnancy.

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