Home that fits

Funded by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration with funds from the State of Baden-Württemberg

Three questions for a foster family

Photo: Thomas Niedermüller

Patron: Oliver Ostermann

Foster families are important because our children only have ONE childhood!

Oliver Ostermann, moderator Hitradio antenne 1 and patron of Das passt.

Voices on the project

In my view, foster parents take on an important social task, because they offer children and adolescents a second home, protection and security when their own parents cannot take care of them temporarily or in the long term. Being a foster family is associated with challenges and certainly some hurdles, but every family that opens up here offers a child the chance to grow up in a family environment. That is why every new foster family is invaluable.

Ursel Wolfgramm, CEO of PARITÄTISCHER Baden-Württemberg

Enabling children and young people from difficult backgrounds and with stressful experiences to live in a family is a great gift. Foster parents not only open their hearts, but also their doors to young people who are not lucky enough to grow up in an intact family. Children need adults who support them with care and responsibility in their development. This commitment requires courage, responsibility – and love. I would therefore be happy to support the “It fits.” Campaign and cordially invite you to consider the idea of ​​giving a foster child a home.

Manne Lucha, Minister for Social Affairs and Integration Baden-Württemberg

Foster families are great because they enjoy life with children and take on the task without knowing whether it ends tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or never. Foster families are communities of growing together, because the right path only becomes visible in everyday life. Foster families are real scouts for life paths.

Katja Mast MdB and even foster mother

Foster families are important because children can find a second home here, constant caregivers and a good place to grow up.

Wolfgang Trede, youth welfare director Böblingen

Foster families are important because they can offer children and adolescents security and a family model that promotes development

Dr. Jürgen Strohmaier, Head of Unit Local Association for Youth and Social Affairs Baden-Württemberg

Foster families are characterized by the fact that they can give children of stressed or overwhelmed parents an alternative home in a family setting.

Dr. Susanne Heynen, youth welfare officer city Stuttgart

Being a foster family suits us because the relationship is what matters, not where you come from.

Full-time care

The placement of a child in full-time care can be temporary or permanent. In principle, it is always possible to return to the family of origin.

For children who cannot live with their parents temporarily or permanently, there is the option of accommodation in a foster family or with carers. Accommodation is a form of help for education outside the parental home. The legislator speaks of full-time care, which is regulated in § 33 SGB VIII. There are many reasons for being placed in a foster family. In some cases, living conditions such as illness, separation, single parenting, personal crisis, excessive demands or an addiction problem make the situation of the parents more difficult. This can lead to inadequate upbringing, care and care and, in some cases, to the well-being of the child. During this time, the children and adolescents experience a reliable family environment through the foster family, which guarantees them security, security, care and support. During the period of accommodation, parents have the opportunity to stabilize their personal situation and improve the conditions of upbringing with them. Depending on this as well as on the personal ties of the child, the duration of the placement in the foster family is different. That is why full-time care provides for both the temporary and the permanent way of life. When deciding whether to return to the family of origin or to remain permanently in the foster family, the particularities of the individual case must be weighed up and clarified with all those involved. Therefore, advice and support for foster families as well as advice and support for the family of origin are important. These are ensured by the youth welfare office and the independent providers of youth welfare.

Carrier PATH FOR CHILDREN Ortsverband Konstanz e.V.

We are committed to foster and adoptive children and their families and are available to help and advise them in everyday life, putting the needs and needs of foster and adoptive families in the public eye. A milestone in the history of the association is the house trampel_PFAD on the Hohentwiel domain. A haven of peace for foster and adoptive families, a place for further training and an opportunity to relax. It offers specialists, foster parents, adoptive parents and other interested parties the opportunity for exchange and further training. A great achievement of the association in the house trampel_PFAD are the free time and project offers for foster and adoptive children and also their siblings.

Carrier PATH for children Baden-Württemberg e.V.

Every child has a right to family!

We want to help and support children who, for various reasons, cannot live with their biological parents.

We want to win, support and strengthen families who take in these children.

We provide information about full-time on-call and relatives care, foster child services, adoption and adoption agencies and offer regular training.

We advise families who want to take in a child, we mediate in the event of difficulties and are also contact persons for educators, teachers and everyone who has to do with foster and adoptive children.

We also work at the political level and are committed to fundamental improvements here.

Being a foster family suits us because we have a social responsibility.

host family

The aim of the accommodation of a child in a host family is primarily for unaccompanied minor foreigners, delinquent adolescents or children with severe mental disorders.

The offer JuMeGa® – young people in host families – was developed by Arkade e.V. together with the child and adolescent psychiatry of the center for psychiatry Die Weissenau and the district youth office Ravensburg. Young people in host or foster families are placed who are affected or threatened by mental disabilities and who accordingly have a heavy history. The host family relationships are comprehensively and intensively supported by a social pedagogical service. The offer can also be used for young mothers with children, unaccompanied foreign minors and for young people to avoid detention.

Carrier Arkade e.V. / JuMeGa®

The offer JuMeGa® – young people in host families – was developed by Arkade e.V. together with the child and adolescent psychiatry of the center for psychiatry Die Weissenau and the district youth office Ravensburg. JuMeGa® has been a regular offer of youth welfare for over 20 years and is therefore an integral part of the youth welfare landscape. We mediate young people who are affected or threatened by mental disabilities and accordingly have a heavily burdened history in host / foster families. The host family relationships are comprehensively and intensively supported by our social pedagogical service. With our offer, well over 1000 young people were able to experience a place of life with permanent caregivers – permanently or temporarily. Based on this safe place to live, we were able to develop individually suitable life prospects for the young people together with the host families.
Over the years we have also opened our offer to young mothers with children, unaccompanied minor foreigners and young people to avoid detention. Again and again we are fascinated by the possible successes, given the initial conditions that were often characterized by poor hope. Arkade e.V. has locations in Ravensburg, Ulm, Esslingen and Tuttlingen. .

Being a foster family suits us because it is a calling for us.

education site

Education centers are professional foster families in which one parent has an educational education. These take care of children and young people who are particularly affected by development.

They offer the child or adolescent a longer-term stay in a family setting. The legal basis for educational institutions is § 33 SGB VIII, sentence 2 "Suitable forms of family care must be created for children and adolescents with special development problems".
In this context, educational institutions are also called "special educational full-time care". Parenting places can also be offered according to § 34 SGB VIII through home education in a domestic community. The publicly commissioned education takes place in both offers in the home environment within the family. The professional competence of the childcare center lies on the one hand in the pedagogical qualifications of a caregiver and on the other hand that a freelance youth welfare agency takes over the selection of applicants, the placement of children or adolescents and the regular professional advice and support for this individual and intensive childcare assistance.

Pro Juventa gGmbH

Our educational institutions and on-call foster families are an essential part of Pro Juventa gGmbH, a differentiated institution for youth, family and educational assistance based in the district of Reutlingen.
Our qualified foster families have been taking care of children, adolescents and young adults with the support and support of the Pro Juventa facility for 32 years. 34 young people currently live in 25 families in Reutlingen and neighboring counties.
Being a foster family at Pro Juventa combines professionalism and family life, heart and mind with diversity, individuality and devotion and the security of many years of experience.

Porter of Martin Bonhoeffer Houses

Professional foster families, also called educational institutions, have been accompanied and advised by the Martin Bonhoeffer Houses, Tübingen Association for Social Therapy for Children and Adolescents, through the mediation and counseling service for over 30 years.
Educational institutions in which one parent has a pedagogical education are an established offer with a long tradition of decentralized organization of child, youth and family aid in Tübingen. 38 families currently offer a total of 46 children and adolescents a place in their private and home environment.
Education centers are a special form of the foster family. As "help for education" after this Children and Youth Welfare Act (KJHG) are organized according to § 33.2 SGBVIII as public education in the private household and accompanied professionally.
The individual foster families do socially very valuable and recognizable work in the colorful youth welfare landscape. They offer children and adolescents a new center of life for a shorter or longer period. They create new living spaces for development and development. They endure a lot as families. The diversity of educational institutions is unique and individual.
The campaign of the PARTÄTISCHEN Baden-Württemberg with the title "That fits" or you just missed me / being a foster parent wants to give a face to the exciting task of professional education in a private setting. She wants to make people curious about the stories behind them. In order to make the great commitment of the foster families visible, who are committed over a long period of time with a lot of personal commitment to the needs of children and adolescents who open their hearts and hearts, the campaign “That fits” offers one quality Possibility to look at this topic in our society with more attention, appreciation and recognition.
Are you interested in this task? Then please contact us. We are continuously looking for families with an educational qualification for whom a "foster child" fits and who, with our support, are well prepared and professionally accompanied to embark on new paths.

Carrier TUPF

Our department for educational institutions offers pedagogically trained people intensive preparation for a job as an educational institution. The specialist advice accompanies the educational institutions very closely and intensively from the preparation, through the initiation of the admission of a child and the entire period of accommodation. There are regular exchanges of experience with other educational institutions. Our educational institutions also receive supervision and training.


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