How computer games make people happy

Adults often talk about computer games being bad for children. You must have noticed that before. But is it really like that? Or gamble also has good sides?

Daddling also has advantages

Some studies have found that gaming is not only bad, it also has advantages! So the next time your parents get upset about computer games, there are a few reasons you can give them, Why not all bad is:

  • Whoever plays on the computer is in his everyday life more satisfied and friendly. You can reduce stress while gaming. For this reason, many are not so easily irritated in normal life and can react more comfortably in everyday situations.
  • Many computer games can now be played with several people. You learn how to as team the best way to get there. You have to stick together and support each other. Children often play with their friends and thus strengthen theirs friendships.
  • You practice it Hand-eye coordination. It’s a skill that you can use later in your job. For example, if you work in a car workshop, doctor’s office or at a newspaper. In these professions you have to be sensitive. The interaction of eyes and hands must work well so that you can react quickly.
  • Gambling improves that spatial imagination. This means that you can imagine rooms better. If you e.g. then someone asks what your hotel room looked like on vacation must you use your spatial imagination. This is the only way you can remember and describe the room. When you gamble, you learn to imagine spaces in which you are not really in.

But be careful: Your parents are of course right to worry if you play video games all day. Gambling only has advantages if you have a certain one Period Not exceeds.

Easy, medium and strong gaming

How do researchers actually find out when gaming is good or bad? To do this, they often divide children into different groups. It measures how long children sit in front of the PC or the console every day and then examines the impact this has on their lives. In a new study by the University of Oxford, children were divided into three groups:

Easy gaming: You play less than an hour a day
Oxford researchers have found that light gaming has benefits for children’s lives. These are all that we have listed above for you. Computer games can be good if you play less than an hour a day.

Medium gaming: You play between one and three hours a day
If you play more, it has no good but also no bad consequences in everyday life. So if you gamble between one and three hours a day and your parents don’t like it, you cannot defend yourself with the advantages mentioned above. Because they only apply if you play less than an hour a day.

Strong gaming: You play more than three hours a day
However, the Oxford study also found that more than three hours of gaming a day had a bad impact on children’s lives. For example, you are less satisfied with your life and more unfriendly. In addition, there is a greater risk of neglecting other things such as sports, music or friends.

Gambling is like chocolate

Who does not know about chocolate: It is so delicious that you simply cannot have enough of it. It’s similar with computer games. They are so much fun that you just don’t want to stop playing. The problem is that playing too much is not good. Just like too much chocolate.

It is important that you know your limits and abide by them. Then gaming can have advantages for life. Incidentally, this applies not only to the PC and console, but also to the smartphone and the television. To be happy in life, you just need a break from all the screens. It’s the mix that makes it easy: gaming, but also spending time with friends in nature or playing sports.

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Christina Cherry
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