How dentures arise

Consider the following example: A corner of one of the two devital incisors has broken off because the enamel of nerve-red teeth is becoming brittle (1). Also the bridge from the canine to the second molar has to be renewed.

On the basis of X-ray images and after detailed examination, the dentist advises the patient (2).

After the treatment of the gums, the teeth become stumps for the crown

prepared (3). For a really nice, but unobtrusive restoration (here crowns on the middle incisors and a posterior bridge), the determination of tooth color is very important (4)

The dental technician or the dentist usually makes detailed notes during tooth shade determination, which are of great importance for his later work..

Insights into one "unknown" world ,
the world of the dental laboratory

Dear patient, dear patient !

Beautiful teeth are quality of life. This is undisputed. How often do you convince your fellow human beings only with your smile? Therefore, the consideration of your individual, natural appearance plays a very important role in the production of dentures. But also the restoration of the purchase function by the dentures is of central importance. It has a decisive influence on your overall health.

Your dentist and your dental technician will perform true precision work to restore aesthetics and function. But while you witness the work of the dentist live, the contribution of the dental technician remains largely hidden. The following pages should give you insights into the"unknown" Give world of dental laboratory.

The frequently used restoration with crowns and bridges is an example of a multitude of possibilities in dental prosthetics.

The dentist makes precision impressions of the upper and lower jaw for work in the dental laboratory (5)

The often very delicate tooth stumps are supplied with temporary restorations These are simple crowns and bridges that protect the stumps for a few days to weeks and ensure the purchase period (6)

The assistant arranges the appointment procedure with the dental laboratory for the production of the restorations bs for the final integration and writes an order with all necessary information for the dental technician.

We experts call this as well " harmonious occlusio", especially when chewing the lower teeth can pass smoothly forward or sideways in contact with the upper teeth.

The articulator is a "chewing simulator" , With the help of the dental technician can understand such movements.

For this, it is important to determine the position of the teeth to the skull and the temporomandibular joint, because only when we transfer this position in the articulator, same

the movements in the articulator the natural model.

This spatial orientation is determined by means of a face bow (9). Its application is especially important for large works.

The master model is the most important work basis for the dental technician. Produce it in several steps from high-quality special plasters according to the precision impressions of the dentist and thus has an exact copy of the dentition (11)

In order to be able to process each prepared tooth exactly for the technical operation, a part of the master model is divided into segments, which can be precisely set back into the model base by means of pins at any time (12)..

The lower edge of the prepared tooth stumps (the preparation margin) is marked with a wafer-thin line (13).

Special lacquer protects the stump so that the necessary precision is maintained during all steps of the procedure (14)

Special waxes are an important adjunct to the dental technician. In doing so, he reconstructs the tooth forms of the patients on the model. The liquefied material is applied drop by drop with a probe (15). The shape and position of the reconstructed teeth are very important for the aesthetic image. The model is complemented by an elastic mask as a replacement for the gums back to the natural form (16). (.)

First, the precious metal framework is made under the ceramic veneer for the crowns and bridge. Skin-tight and evenly thick, a special wax layer surrounds the stump (17). The best possible fit accuracy is required at the preparation margin so that no caries can form there later. There, the dental technician corrects under the stereomicroscope, so that this edge covers absolutely exactly the ground dentin (18) until the wax margin is perfectly shaped (19)..

For the casting process, all wax patterns are provided with feed channels to very precise guidelines and mounted on a pouring funnel for the liquid precious metal (21). The casting process can begin.

The precision casting cleaned with high-grade corundum in the sand blasting gobbler must have flowed out without defects and down to the finest edges (28).

The dental technician checks every detail under the stereomicroscope (29). That’s how he sees it "Inenleben" the crown caps and correct tiny bugs if necessary (30).

The precise fit of the crown caps separated from the feed channels is a prerequisite for the progress of the work. (31 & 32). At the request of the dentist, a fit control in the mouth of the patient can be made.

The two crowns have just left the vacuum chamber of the ceramic kiln after the first firing (41). The first fire is not yet perfect but you can already see the basic form (42). Ceramic paste may be reapplied at the first firing for the second for the purpose of necessary corrections (43).

The final shaping and the finest surface structures are worked out by the dental technician using delicate grinding tools. In order to be able to see plastic, in our case the surface of the teeth was painted with silver powder. (44).

The patient has come to the practice again. The lovingly crafted crowns and the bridge are to be tried in for control, because corrections can now easily be made to the raw blaze (45). (.)

Dental prosthetics is always precision work tailored to the individual anatomy of the patient. Finished parts and rationalization, which reduce costs elsewhere, can hardly be applied here.

If you could apply the standards of industrial manufacturing to dentistry, dentures might be cheaper, but

a massive deficit in function,
Shape and color would be the result. Because every person is an individual, every tooth is unique.

Therefore, a dental prosthetics that allows for optimal masticatory function and restores or even enhances the radiance of your personality is definitely worth the price.

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