How do you recognize a narcissistic child?

How do you recognize a narcissistic child?

How do you recognize a narcissistic child?

Narcissists consider themselves better than others. They often get it through false praise from their parents. 5 signs of narcissistic children.

Narcissists consider themselves nicer, smarter and better than other people

People who are considered to be narcissistic are in love, selfish and disdainful of others. They want to be perceived as superior and treated that way. They believe that they always act accurately and expect constant praise from those around them. They see their talents and achievements as excessively valuable and often fantasize about how they can gain power, success and charisma. Even if their own performance is only good, but not extraordinarily good, they don’t feel it that way.

False praise promotes the development of the narcissist

There are two factors that promote the development of a narcissist in children: when the parents are narcissists themselves and when they teach their children to be better than others. In order to promote children’s self-confidence, it is important to convey to them that they are loved and valued. However, placing them above others is in no way beneficial.

So it is particularly harmful if parents praise their children incorrectly. Because that shapes their self and external perception, their way of thinking and their personality. Praising as much as possible and constantly is the wrong way. While this method is common, it produces most narcissistic children. Scientists have shown that children whose parents thought they were smarter, prettier or more special than others later developed narcissistic tendencies.

Children do not question parents’ statements

In a study with over 500 children, they were asked whether they thought they were better, prettier or smarter than their peers. Parents should also evaluate these statements regarding their children. When parents thought their children were special, smart, or prettier than others, children often said the same thing. The reason for this is obvious: children believe their parents when they tell them that they are special. She hardly questions her parents’ statements and in the worst case scenario develops a narcissistic personality disorder.

Impact on the future

This can have a negative impact not only on family life, but also on their professional, social and private future. In the job, narcissists push themselves to the fore without being asked, suppress their partners and are constantly looking for confirmation of their personality. If you do not get them, you may even experience depression and addictive behavior. In order to recognize in good time whether your child has narcissistic tendencies, you can look for these five signs.

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