How much television is advisable for toddlers?

Reading time: 3 minutes Almost every German household has at least one television set, but do preschool children need television entertainment? Young parents wonder how much television is good for toddlers. In today’s world, it doesn’t help to shut children off from the media. Try to limit the TV time appropriately and choose suitable films for your child.

How much television is advisable for young children?

Tradition and modernity

Playing in the fresh air, reading picture books and building blocks – this is how parents imagine their youngest children. But the reality looks different. Children sit in front of the caster for far too long and develop into couch potatoes. The lack of exercise in turn leads to motor deficits and obesity.

The boundaries are fluid, as of when and how much television for young children has a negative impact on development. Parents are on the safe side if you pay attention to the youngest television consumption and offer a child-friendly compensation for consumption. It is important for the development of small children that they let off steam in the fresh air as much as possible and also play a lot with other children.

Watch TV vs. play

Even small children are enthusiastic about the colorful pictures in the flicker box. It is also so easy to let the moving images shower you. At the same time, television stimulates the imagination and builds tension through the music. Given the choice, many toddlers choose to watch TV, especially when they are bored.

Help your child find an exciting alternative. Playing a family game together, reading a picture book or building with toys are fantastic alternatives. The daily visit to the playground is more important than the daily television consumption.

How much television for toddlers?

This information is only a guide. Of course, your child can look a little longer during the holidays or at the weekend. For this, television remains switched off on other days.

  • Children under the age of two have no business in front of the television. You are completely overwhelmed with the program.
  • Toddlers from two to four Years, a short broadcast can look like the sand man. Depending on their age, however, they can sometimes handle films of a maximum of 20 minutes to half an hour. It is advisable not to put young children in front of the caster every day.
  • Preschool children tolerate one longer or two shorter programs up to a maximum of 45 minutes. Occasionally it is okay to watch a longer film.

Recommended programs for toddlers

It is not always the content that makes TV shows unsuitable for young children. Very quick cuts can overwhelm small children. They overwind and in the worst case become aggressive. Or they take on funny actions from cartoons that actually have negative consequences, such as hitting objects.

The KiKa channel is the first address for good television programs. There is no advertising here either. Respect, think highly of You absolutely in the case of children’s programs on the behavior of your child. If it reacts to a program in a frightened or over-excited manner, it cannot yet cope with the content. It is better, no longer watching this film.

Flimmo offers competent information about the children’s program. Here you will find the current television program for children and young people with a critical assessment and age information.

Tips for watching TV

In addition to the question of how much television is appropriate for young children, there are other important points to consider when watching television:

  • Don’t let toddlers watch TV alone.
  • Do not exhort your child to sit still. If it likes, it can sit on the floor at a reasonable distance and let its emotions fidget and slide around.
  • Do not complain about a program that your child likes.
  • Talk about the movies: why was something funny or what did your child find exciting?
  • Young children think television is real and are much more frightened. Pay attention to whether and what your child is afraid of and talk about it.
  • Avoid films whose topic scares children.
  • Don’t watch TV right before bed. Children need at least one hour to process what they see.
  • Adhere to the age ratings.
  • Avoid uncritical television viewing. Choose a program with your child. After the film, switch off the television consistently. By the way, this behavior also applies to parents! Be a role model and do not let the television program spur you on.
  • Watch longer films on DVD. Here you have the opportunity to pause the film and talk about problematic scenes.

Photo credit: Sven Bähr /

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