Hygiene in the sandpit – this is how you keep your play sand clean

Many parents are understandably concerned that there is a danger from the sand that migrates into the child’s mouth in small quantities or as a whole sand tart.

Play sand is free from germs, dirt and pollutants

There is no binding definition of which sand can be called play sand, but as soon as a sand manufacturer advertises its sand as play sand, it is bound to the legal requirements for toys. Therefore, only such sand may be called play sand that free of biological and chemical pollutants is. For hygienic reasons, play sand is therefore washed before packaging and freed of germs, dirt and pollutants.

Play sand does not stain clothing

The fact that the sand has been washed has another positive side effect. It no longer contains clay or clay. Building sand containing these parts leaves stubborn stains on clothing. This is not the case with washed play sand and the children’s clothing is complete after playing easy to clean.

Play sand in the mouth – is it harmful?

It goes without saying that when playing in the sandpit, some of the sand gets into the child’s mouth and is swallowed. As a rule, parents do not have to worry if their child has eaten sand. Commercial play sand poses no particular risk with regard to germs. In addition, the amount of play sand, the children swallow very little.

Nevertheless, parents who want to play it safe should have a sandpit to buy, who is back after the game cover leaves. Although the risk is rather low, sandpits that are open all year round can quickly be used Litter Box become. If a cat from the neighborhood chose its child’s sandpit as a loo, worm eggs and other harmful microorganisms can become a problem. The chance that the sand is contaminated by dog ​​and cat droppings is in sandboxes on public playgrounds Naturally larger than in the private sandpit behind the house.

Change play sand regularly

Responsible parents should still use their child’s sandpit regularly on visible impurities check through the feces of cats and wild animals. An insect infestation, for example by ants, occurs again and again. To best protect the health of the little ones, you should regularly replace the sand in the sandpit.

How often must the sand in the sandpit be changed?

A lot accumulates in a sandpit throughout the year. This is especially true for sandboxes that are open all year round. The play sand should be exchanged regularly so that germ sources cannot arise in the first place. Ideally once a year. A good time for this is the first warm spring days when the new sandpit season is just around the corner.

Through a complete Exchange of sand in the sandpit can contain organic substances such as leaves and plant residues, fungal spores, pollen and combustion gases from the Air that contains heavy metals and other pollutants does not even become a danger.


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Christina Cherry
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