Hyperactivity in children – soothing aids for everyday life

A hyperactive child in the family not only causes restlessness every day, but often also creates disharmony and mutual reproaches. However, instead of letting yourself be restless or accepting the situation helplessly, parents – even if it is sometimes difficult – should keep trying to help their child, who eventually acts differently from other children due to his hyperactivity.

Structure, praise and calming activities

Clear structures and times
Like all other children, hyperactive children need structure and understandable daily routines and rules. Simple and clear words help better than long explanations that let them bounce off automatically. Due to their easy distraction, a regular daily schedule with fixed times, e.g. B. for meals and bedtime, very important.

Encouragement despite their often exhausting nature
A lot of praise is just as important for ADHD children, as they unfortunately perceive as they tease others. Comprehensible rewards, which are best set in writing beforehand, help them work towards realistic goals. Instead of rashly giving Ritalin, parents should look out for a special behavioral therapy so that affected Children learn over time to better control their impulses. Many hyperactive children can also find interests that they can concentrate on. A karate course or cycling can give them z. B. help harmonize their motor unrest while learning rules and having fun.

The role of nutrition and trace elements

Although genetic and organic brain triggers also play a role, diet is also considered a triggering factor in hyperactivity. In addition to the trial release of sweets, dairy products and certain dyes, an increased intake of magnesium in hyperactive children can also bring positive results in terms of concentration. Magnesium has already been shown to cause surprising behavioral changes in hyperactive children in studies. A magnesium deficiency can actually express itself through the well-known ADHD symptoms such as excessive nervousness, restlessness and difficulty concentrating, which is why it is also part of it small Fidget tips without ADHD diagnosis should always be thought of. A lot of magnesium is e.g. B. in nuts, millet, spelled, corn and whole grain rice.

Hyperactivity in children can be a big challenge for parents. In order to bring peace to everyday life again, various attempts like the ones mentioned above should be started. Soothing medication can only be considered when an almost normal family or school life can hardly take place despite all these possibilities.


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Christina Cherry
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