Increased temperature – from when – what to do about it, guide cold

Elevated temperature: definition, causes and help

Fever and high temperature – that’s the same thing, isn’t it? No it is not. We’ll tell you when doctors talk about an elevated temperature, what the causes can be, and why drinking a lot is one of the possible home remedies for treating this symptom.

When do you start to have an elevated temperature??

First of all, you should know that an elevated temperature is different from fever. But when exactly do you have an elevated temperature? By definition at a core body temperature between 37.5 to 38 degrees Celsius. 1

This is what doctors call the elevated temperature

Normally, as an adult, you have a core body temperature – the temperature inside the chest, head and abdomen – of 37 degrees Celsius. 1 Various causes, such as a cold, can lead to an increase in the core body temperature. This heating up of your organism sometimes leads to the symptom fever. But from when do experts speak of fever and no longer of an elevated temperature? Usually when the body temperature is above 38 degrees Celsius – So from a value of 38.1 degrees Celsius. 1

That’s why an elevated temperature is generally a good thing

The organism does not raise the temperature from jokes and madness. This is especially true when illnesses or infections such as a cold are the cause of an increase in body temperature.

In a way, an elevated temperature is a weapon of the immune system. Pathogens such as viruses, fungi or bacteria have adapted to the usual core body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius. 1 However, this does not apply to values ​​that lie above it. One reason why your immune system raises the temperature in the event of illness. The purpose of this is to eliminate questionable microorganisms, since it is more difficult for them to survive at a higher core temperature.

Elevated temperature: conceivable causes

There are many possible reasons why you have an elevated temperature. For example, the following points are among the possible triggers of an elevated temperature:

  • Infections (such as a cold or a gastrointestinal infection)
  • Inflammation (such as a kidney infection)
  • Connective tissue diseases (the Cutis laxa counting; skin sagging)
  • Inflammation of blood vessels (a representative is the Schoenlein-Henoch purpura, in which the small blood vessels – mostly the skin and mucous membranes – are inflamed)

But you can also get an elevated temperature for reasons that have nothing to do with illnesses or the like. For example, influencing factors such as a hot one lead to warming Bad, intense physical exertion like sport or a sauna. Depending on which trigger is behind it, this causes your body to heat up from the outside or inside.

Increased temperature: This role is played by fluctuations in the time of day

The temperature in your body is usually not constant at 37 degrees Celsius all day long. 1 The core body temperature is typically somewhat lower in the morning than in the evening. Among other things, because your organism was hardly active shortly after getting up. If you are physically active, it is possible that your temperature will briefly rise by up to two degrees Celsius. 2 Your temperature can also be raised with a sumptuous meal. Your body then has to work harder to digest them.

In women, it is conceivable that the temperature increases every month after ovulation due to an increased level of the hormone progesterone until the upcoming menstrual period. Usually, however, the body core temperature does not exceed 37.8 degrees Celsius in this case. 2

This is how you get an elevated temperature under control

Even if pathogens are combated with an elevated temperature, it can be a burden for your organism. Because the higher the core body temperature, the faster the heart beats. Due to the increased effort, more oxygen has to be brought in via the blood. That’s why it’s never bad to ask a doctor for advice if your temperature is elevated. In addition to suitable medication, he also knows home remedies. Proven alternative treatment methods include these:

  • Drink a lot: Your body needs more fluid due to the warming. You should therefore drink as much water or tea as possible to compensate for the loss of fluid at an elevated temperature. It is an advantage if you get at least the recommended drinking amount of 1.3 to 1.5 liters per day for adults. 3
  • Recreation: It is very stressful for your body to heat up. And the warm condition itself puts a strain on the organism. Therefore, you should allow yourself a lot of rest in the event of an elevated temperature. The best way is to make yourself comfortable in your bed or on the sofa. Protect yourself as long as you can.
  • Ginger: You can get the roots in almost every supermarket. The crop contains substances that stimulate perspiration, among other things. As your body cools down due to the evaporation of cold sweat on your skin, ginger is a proven home remedy at an elevated temperature. A little chopped ginger – about a teaspoon to a tablespoon full, depending on the desired spiciness – can be poured wonderfully with boiling water in a cup and then drunk as warm tea. You will also find many cooking recipes on the Internet that provide ginger as one of the required ingredients.

However, please note that the effects of home remedies have not been scientifically proven. That means they can, but do not have to help. You should therefore go to the doctor if your symptoms do not subside or worsen.

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