Influenza b in children

  • January 1

Influenza, also known as the flu, is caused by a virus. The flu is very contagious and usually occurs in the months between October and May (also known as the flu season), with the highest incidence between December and March. Symptoms of the flu are universal and is common in adults and children.


Children with the flu usually have temperatures that are high, ranging from 102 to 104 degrees Celsius, and that finally from two to four days.


Flu symptoms can appear very suddenly. A child who feels fine in the morning can be very sick by the end of the day.


Headaches, muscle aches, chills, and stiff joints are common in children with the flu.

to cough

Dry coughs are usually present in children with the flu and are unlike the productive coughs that are more common in people with a cold.


The flu is associated with extreme fatigue, and can leave your child feeling weak and tired for up to three weeks.

  • June 21

There are different types of flu that children are prone to, but the three most common types of influenza A are B and C. Influenza B is very contagious and is accompanied by various symptoms that can make a child feel very sick. Influenza B usually starts very abruptly and can last for up to seven days. Children who are at the highest risk of serious complications from influenza B are those aged 6 months and 2 years. Children of this age should be carefully monitored for symptom worsening and other complications.


Symptoms of influenza B include nausea, muscle pain, sweating, loss of appetite, vomiting, chills, dizziness, headache and tiredness. These symptoms are usually experienced all at once and the whole body is put under stress, with the worst infected with the throat, nose and lungs. The most characteristic symptom of the flu is the presence of a high fever. Influenza B provokes fever in the 102-106 degree range.


Because influenza B is contagious, many children who catch it do so in a school setting. If a child is infected with influenza B, the actual symptoms will not appear until a week later. This often leaves an individual with no firm confirmation of where the flu was actually contracted. An infected child should make sure that they cover their mouth and nose when sneezing and coughing to reduce the risk of spreading the infection.

Reye’s syndrome

A risk, especially for children, that is recovered from influenza B, Reye syndrome. Reye’s syndrome is a deadly disease that affects every organ in the body, causing brain damage and severe mental and physical problems. Reye syndrome develops very few children, but can affect a child who has taken aspirin to relieve the symptoms. Former Secretary of Health and Human Services, Richard Schweiker, warned the public in 1982 that children and adolescents with flu symptoms should not take aspirin under any circumstances. The warning was issued by former Minister of Health and Social Services Dr. Reissued Otis R. Bowen in 1986.

Flu vaccinations

There are conflicting views about whether children get the flu shot. Children who are younger than 5 years old should not be vaccinated against the flu according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. But the Centers for Disease Control take a different view. They believe that children from the age of 6 months should receive a flu shot. Child vaccination is the decision of the parents and should be carefully considered.


A child who is diagnosed with influenza B does not necessarily have to be hospitalized; However, if the symptoms worsen or the disease develops a secondary infection, then hospitalization may be required to prevent pneumonia. Parents can for your child take care of them at home by giving them plenty of fluids, rest, and medications that can be used to relieve flu symptoms. In 2008, the Food and Drug Administration advised parents that children under the age of 2 should not be given over-the-counter medications. A child under 2 with flu symptoms should be treated by a doctor. Some brands that parents can give themselves to older children include Vicks, Robitussin, Sudafed and Tylenol.

  • December 6

There are ways to detect lymphoma in children, although a child needs to be tested to confirm the diagnosis. Be aware that there are apparently two types of lymphoma. Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma both have signs and symptoms that can be seen in children. In some cases, though not all symptoms are obvious.

Hodgkin’s lymphoma symptoms

Lymphoma symptoms in children usually occur as a Hodgkin supplement to the lymph nodes. These are the glands that are located in the neck, in the armpit, above the clavicle and in the groin. Some patients may feel tired, loss of appetite, itching or hives. Weight loss and fever can also occur. Since these symptoms are common with other diseases, you should speak to a doctor if the symptoms persist for more than two weeks or if they go away and come back with the frequency.

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma symptoms

With non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in children, the symptoms may include swelling of the glands in the neck, armpits, groin, or above the collarbone. The lymphoma could grow in the abdomen, causing constipation and abdominal pain. There may also be swelling in the chest that causes shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. Fever, weight loss and night sweats occur.

Confusing symptoms

Since symptoms are similar to influenza or mononucleosis and other diseases more common, a doctor could start with treatments or examinations for these diseases. Since both diseases are rare, may occur in three out of 100,000 people, it is recommended that tests for the disease could be reserved for if the symptoms appear longer than two weeks, appear to be more severe, occur in nature, or symptoms disappear come back very often.

Tests for lymphoma

Testing the swelling for lymphomas in children occurs as a biopsy. A surgeon would remove all or part of the tumor. Depending on where the lump is located, it can be removed with local anesthesia if located near the surface of the skin. If it is deep in the chest or in any other area, then general anesthesia would be used to have the child sleep before removing it. Depending on what type of lymphoma it appears to determine how the test is completed, but it is usually only reserved if other conditions for the symptoms are excluded.


The difference between Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s disease types of lymphoma is usually the itchy, dry skin that occurs with Hodgkin’s disease. The itchiness is usually more severe than a patch of dry skin. A patient may feel the need to relieve the symptom by scratching the surface of the skin, sometimes trying to break the skin to relieve the symptom.

  • May 23

Muscle pain is a common ailment experienced by children. Muscle pain can include only one muscle or multiple muscles, as well as tendons, ligaments, fascia, and other soft tissues. Some causes of muscle pain are obvious, such as trauma, and some need further investigation, such as Lyme disease and other diseases. Muscle pain in children should always be examined by a doctor to make sure that the child does not have a serious illness or condition and to ensure that the child recovers well.

Trauma and tension

Muscle pain in children can result from trauma. Children can strain or sprain muscle during play or by overusing their muscles. A child who is under a lot of stress and tension can also experience muscle pain. If this is the cause, the child should follow the doctor’s instructions and be sure to get plenty of rest. If a strain or sprain is the cause, the child should avoid using the affected muscles or muscles until the pain subsides.

Lyme disease

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection, also known as an inflammatory disease, transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected tick. This disease occurs in three stages. The first symptoms that appear during the first stage are muscle pain as well as fever, chills, headache and lethargy. Treatment for Lyme disease consists of giving antibiotics to eliminate the infection and anti-inflammatory drugs to help relieve muscle pain and joint stiffness.

Seasonal influenza

Seasonal influenza, also known as the flu, is an infectious virus that mainly affects the respiratory tract. This virus can sometimes develop into a serious illness that can lead to death. According to the Centers for Disease Control, about 5 to 20 percent of Americans get the flu every year. In addition to muscle pain, children with the flu may experience fever, stuffy or runny nose, headache, sore throat, extreme fatigue, dry cough, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Many children with the flu are able to recover their fever without medical intervention with rest, plenty of fluids, and children recovering acetaminophen. However, if these methods don’t work your doctor can prescribe an antiviral medication to treat this virus.


Trichinosis, also known as roundworm, is caused by the consumption of certain types of meat, such as pork, horse, bear, rat and fox, which are undercooked. This infection is often not seen in the United States, but if it does occur it can become serious if left untreated. This infection is caused by Trichinella cysts that are present in certain under meat, breaking up within the child’s intestine and developing into adult roundworms. In addition to muscle pain, children can experience fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea and cramps. There is no specific treatment for this infection, but medications like albendazole or mebendazole can be beneficial in treating any intestinal infection. The child can also be given pain relievers to relieve their muscle aches and cramps.


Polymyositis is an inflammatory disease caused by significant muscle pain and weakness. This skeletal muscle disease can affect people of all ages. When it concerns children it most often affects those between the ages of 5 and 15. The exact cause of this condition is unknown. In addition to muscle pain and weakness, other symptoms may include shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing, morning stiffness, fever, weight loss, loss of appetite (because of Difficulty swallowing), fatigue and joint pain.

  • August 21

You wake up at night to hear your child gasping for breath, and you think about the rapid breathing you noticed all day long. The thermometer registered 102 degrees for the second day in a row. Your child can affect viral pneumonia, a common childhood disease. Learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of this common condition so that you can take steps to help your child feel better.

Symptoms and causes

Pneumonia is a common lung infection that causes the lungs to fill with pus and fluid. This can cause breathing problems, fever, fatigue and a persistent cough. Chest pain and abdominal pain may also indicate pneumonia. Most cases of pneumonia are viral, caused by the influenza virus or adenovirus, according to Nemours, a children’s health advocacy group. Children with RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) can also develop pneumonia. The disease can be caused by bacteria, but this is less common.

Medical diagnosis

Children who have signs of viral pneumonia must be seen by their doctor for a full physical exam. Any child who needs serious breathing problems or chest pain needs to be seen immediately. This also applies if the child’s fingers or lips turn blue. The doctor will do a chest x-ray to confirm the presence of pneumonia infection. Blood tests can be used to determine whether the child is receiving sufficient oxygen and to check for the presence of an infection.


Treatment for viral pneumonia varies depending on the child’s symptoms. Sometimes your child’s doctor may not rule out the possibility of bacterial pneumonia, especially if your child is very sick. In these cases, even if the pneumonia could be viral, the doctor will likely use antibiotics. If the doctor is certain that pneumonia is not bacterial, treatment will focus on making the child as comfortable as possible while the body fights the infection. This includes over-the-counter medications for fever and pain, plenty of rest and plenty of fluids. The Boston Children’s Hospital recommends the use of a cool mist humidifier to help children breathe while they are resting.


While most cases can be treated with rest and fluids at home, sometimes viral pneumonia in children requires hospitalization. The condition often causes a high fever associated with a lack of appetite that a child can dehydrate. If severe enough, dehydration requires intravenous fluids. Some children need extra oxygen while their bodies are fighting the infection. In young children and babies, the child’s hospital staff must suck their nose and mouth to remove thick mucus secretions and help the child breathe. Respiratory treatments can also be prescribed for the sick child.

Prevention / solution

Mayo Clinic recommends routine vaccinations as a way to prevent pneumonia, as the infection often comes after another common illness. The pneumococcal conjugate vaccine helps prevent some forms of pneumonia, and is recommended for all babies and all preschoolers who are at higher risk for the disease. For others, proper hand washing reduces pneumonia risk. Children need a lot to get or rest and eat a balanced diet to stay healthy. Protect children from lung damage that makes them prone to pneumonia by keeping them away from second-hand smoke.

  • September 9

Mono can affect any age group, but is most common in children. In fact, about 95 percent of Americans were infected with the mono virus before it reached adulthood. According to the Boston Children’s Hospital, when mono children are affected the symptoms are very mild – so mild the indications are either overlooked or diagnosed as other diseases.

What is mono?

Mono stands for "mononucleosis," a disease caused by either the cytomegalovirus (CMV) or Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Both microorganisms belong to the family of viruses known as "herpes". The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns that there is no cure for mono, only treatments for the symptoms. Once someone is infected with the Epstein-Barr virus, the germ takes a lifelong stay in the cells of the person’s body.

How is mono spread?

Mono is highly contagious and transmitted through human saliva. The Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene explains that the mono-viruses are easily spread when toys are in contact with an infected child, mouth and then played with another child. If children put their fingers in their mouths after touching a contaminated item, they can easily transmit the disease to themselves. For this reason, it is important to make sure that toys and other items play with children disinfected regularly.

Mono symptoms

According to the University of Minnesota Amplatz Children’s Hospital, mono symptoms in children are similar to the symptoms that are found in strep throat and influenza. Children who acquire mono will often experience a very low fever, as opposed to the higher fever that is often seen in adults. Children can also experience fatigue and loss of appetite, but these symptoms are usually quite minor. Headaches, sore throats, swollen lymph nodes, and swelling of the spleen can also resolve factors, all of which usually take two to four weeks.

How is a child diagnosed with mono??

In order for a child to be diagnosed correctly, the attending physician must perform a physical exam that will determine if the child’s symptoms are referred to as mononucleosis. Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of New York-Presbyterian says a blood test is done before a diagnosis of mono can be confirmed. A blood test for mononucleosis consists of an antibody test and white blood cells. In mono, an increased white blood cell count is most commonly seen, along with a positive antibody test, also known as "mono spot test."

Mono treatment in children

In the book "Current diagnostics and therapy in family medicine", Author Jeannette E. Süd-Paul states that administering steroids to children who have been diagnosed with the mono virus speeds up the recovery process. But the use of steroids is reserved for the rare cases, such as those that involve anemia and other blood disorders. In most cases, the symptoms of mono are treated with over-the-counter fever and pain medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

  • September 14

Children experience harmless stomach pain that feels like cramps from time to time. However, if a child has a fever along with cramps, it is more serious than just a simple stomach ache.


Children with fever and stomach cramps may experience abdominal pain, vomiting, headache, and weakness.


The causes of fever and cramps in children are influenza, appendicitis and urinary tract infections.


To identify the cause of fever and cramps in a child, the doctor will take a medical history and a physical exam. The doctor will take blood, take a urine analysis, and order a CT scan of the abdomen.


Treatments for fever and cramps in children vary widely based on the cause of the condition. Some treatments include fluids, rest, and medication.


Fever and cramps in a child can be indicators of a life-threatening illness. It is important to see a doctor immediately when the fever reaches 100.4 degrees.

  • June 24

As parents, many things your child will care about and even scare, one of the most troubling of those who vomit. The several reasons a child can range from mild to severe vomiting. Knowing the reasons behind your child’s illness will help you determine whether you should treat them yourself or should make a trip to your pediatrician.

Feeding problems

Babies often develop cramps and vomiting due to overfeeding or swallowing too much air during feeding. In rarer cases, the child will get physically ill due to a lactose intolerance or milk allergy.

Stomach Virus

One of the most common causes of vomiting in children is the common flu (influenza) or rotavirus disease (often called "stomach flu"). Children experience a number of other symptoms such as fever, chills, sore throat and cough, and the virus usually goes away on its own after a few days of rest.

pyloric stenosis

In infants, this condition causes the pylorus muscles to enlarge, preventing food from leaving the stomach. This condition causes excessive and well-behaved vomiting and an immediate visit to the doctor as surgery is inevitable.

Viral gastroenteritis

Along with nausea and vomiting, the child will suffer from watery stools if affected with this illness. Germs, viruses and parasites can cause gastrointestinal infections that are highly infectious. Although most go away on their own after a few days, some infections can become very dangerous.

Infection in body

Vomiting is not just a symptom of stomach issues; Children can also feel sick when suffering from urinary tract infections, pneumonia and strep throat.


A child can also get sick because of ingestion or inhalation of a poison. Everything from household cleaners and plants, medicines and chemicals can cause a violent reaction. Children must be taken to hospital immediately because their small size and limited body weight make them particularly prone to complications.


Vomiting and dehydration go hand in hand. The excess water loss caused by vomiting will often cause dizziness, fever, fatigue, nausea, and often, more vomiting. It is absolutely crucial to immediately quench your thirst with food and liquids or bring the child to the clinic for professional care in severe cases. Dehydration is a very serious condition, but one that can be prevented by keeping your child hydrated from any illness, during hot and humid weather, and being physically active.

  • August 14

Many cooks have sweet oil in their home to improve recipes, and some even use it as a skin softener. Sweet oil is commonly called olive oil. Many mothers have found that sweet oil has a surprising use — as a way to relieve the symptoms of earache in children.

Ear pain is common

Ear pain is a common complaint in children. According to, before their first birthday most children had at least one ear infection. Most of them are caused when fluid does not drain properly into the middle ear of the Eustachian tubes. The tubes in children are smaller, and this can cause children to have more ears than adults. If the fluid does not drain, it could cause an infection in the ear.

What experts say

While the medical community is not explicit, "sweet oil" is a cure for earache childhood, they recommend olive oil that is similar. WebMD lists sweet oil as a drug but no details. The website prompts readers to consult a pharmacy. Some experts say that non-sweet oil can temporarily reduce the pain of ear pain. However, it is recommended that the parents take their child to the doctor to ensure that there is no infection.

How to apply

Sweet oil can be bought with a dropper, so it’s easy to put the oil in your child’s ears. Only a few drops in each ear may be necessary in reducing the pain. It is recommended that the oil be warm and most effective. If the sweet oil does not come with a dropper, you can buy it in the pharmacy. The biggest problem for parents is that children can still use the drops long enough.

Other uses

While medical experts warn against using sweet oil as the only cure for ear pain, there are other uses for the product, especially when it comes to solving common children’s conditions. Cradle cap where the head a baby’s becoming dry and flaky can be relieved by sweet oil. Sweet oil can also help get rid of lice. Olive oil is also recommended in a healthy diet as it is the most "quality" Type of fats contains. The Mayo Clinic recommends that sweet oil be opened within six months to a year as it will lose some of its health benefits over time.

  • June 23

Behavioral disorders in children can relate to attention deficit disorder, adjustment problems, and emotional problems. Children with behavioral problems often have out-of-the-ordinary reactions to situations, such as tantrums that last longer than 30 seconds, aggression towards others and depression, among other symptoms. As a parent, you can have about the effects medication can have on your child. There are alternative treatments that you try to manage your child’s behavior problems.

behavior therapy

Behavioral therapy works by making adjustments to your child’s daily routine to change behavior patterns. According to child health, some strategies to help your child follow a schedule that is effective discipline and with a reward system. Create a schedule that provides structure and consistency for your child. Effective discipline refers to revocation privileges from your child, rather than negative reactions, such as spanking. A reward system can help your child achieve goals when they learn to change their behavior.

parent training

If you focus on the bad things of your child, your child will also want to focus on this negativity. According to the Mayo Clinic, negative attention can harm your self-esteem and self-confidence. It can be active coaching from a therapist to break out of the vicious cycle of just telling your child what they did wrong. Learning how to praise your child even for the simplest tasks can help her learn how to deal with her frustrations. Engaging in enthusiastic praise such as a hug or a pat on the back can help your child’s behavior.


Psychotherapy is the treatment of behavioral or emotional problems through counseling, or in conversation. You can attend your child’s counseling sessions or let them attend meetings on their own. Therapy with a trained professional can help your child deal with her emotions effectively.

Stay calm

Sometimes you can act when your child gets out of control. A natural reaction is screaming, trying to regain control. However, your child is more likely to lose control if you shout at them. IIF if you speak in a calm tone, your child can also calm down and throw a tantrum.

  • May 24

Traditional medicine is not the only option for children with behavioral problems; Nowadays, there are a variety of nutritional supplements, such as omega-3 fatty acids, iron, or vitamin B6, that, under the supervision of a doctor, can help improve a child’s behavior.

Omega-3 fatty acids

According to the article "Omega-3 fatty acids", published by the University of Maryland Medical Center, omega-3 fatty acids required for human health; these are crucial, acids that the human body doesn’t produce. They are highly concentrated in the human brain and are important for good brain and memory performance as well as behavioral function. According to the article, children who have not had enough omega-3 fatty acids during the prenatal period are at risk of suffering, vision and nervous problems. A clinical study of 100 children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) showed that people with lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids had more learning and behavior problems, such as tantrums. Fish (salmon sardines or tuna) and nut oils are the main source of omega-3 fatty acids. There are supplements (fish oil capsules) for children available commercially. There is no set dose for children.


The item "ADD / ADHD and behavioral problems: nutritional causes, prevention and therapies" Published by Acu-Cell Disorders claims that there is an association between iron deficiency and low levels of dopamine, which is a chemical in the brain involved in controlling movement. In a scientific study by Dr. Eric Konofal led 84% of children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) had unusually low levels of iron compared to 18% of children without ADHD. The articles published by Kidshealth of Nemours "Iron and your child,", explains that infants need 11 milligrams of iron a day, children 1 to 12 years old need 10 milligrams a day, adolescent boys need 11 milligrams and adolescent girls need 15 milligrams a day. Red meat, green leafy vegetables, fish and cereals are good sources of iron. Iron pills are sold in stores, but it is always important to see a doctor before using these pills to help children.

Vitamin B6 and magnesium

The articles published by the Autism Research Institute "Vitamin B6 and magnesium,", explains that vitamin B6 and magnesium help reduce behavioral problems in children with autism. Eleven scientific studies on autistic children documented a decrease in behavioral disorders, behavioral improvement and normalization of brain function through the intake of vitamin B6 and magnesium. Irritability and restlessness related to magnesium deficiency. Parents of autistic children have also observed that their children become more attentive and learn better with B6 and magnesium supplements. There is a flavored B6 / magnesium formula available. The effective dose is 8 mg per pound for vitamin B6 and 3 milligrams per pound for magnesium.


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