Integrative creche cloverleaf – situlistr

Integrative creche Situlistrasse

care services

The crèche offers 42 childcare places in four groups for children from the age of 9 to the start of kindergarten.

There are only all-day places available for 5 days a week.

opening hours

Monday – Thursday: 7.30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Friday: 7.30 a.m. – 4 p.m.


Bears – squirrel
• Rule groups with 12 children each

Badgers – Foxes
• Integration groups with 9 children each
• per group 3 Children with special needs

"We are not all the same, but we are worth the same amount!"


For us, integration means seeing the children entrusted to us in their uniqueness and accepting them as they are. We therefore strive for an educational environment in which every child can experience the necessary support needed to develop their creative, intellectual, social and motor skills in a holistic way in the community. A varied but toddler-friendly daily routine and stimulating play material offer a rich field of experience and promise lots of fun and joy.


Children in the crèche age have basic needs for security, attachment and satisfaction of their physical needs. You need people who respond promptly, adequately and reliably to their emotional and physical needs. They are still at the beginning of their identity development, in their relationship experience and in building relationships. In this sensitive phase, the experience of constancy and recognizability, of reliable relationships and empathetic reactions is decisive for the future path of life. We therefore attach great importance to designing the familiarization phase individually and consciously for each child. This is done both in advance and during the familiarization with the parents discussed in detail, possibly modified and accordingly individually designed. It usually takes 2-6 weeks to get used to it.

Education and training partnership

Parents are the first caregivers and thus the "specialists" for their child – this is beyond question for us. she know it best and in different situations. In the interest of the child, it is therefore essential for us to build a good, functioning parenting and educational partnership between team and parents, which is based on mutual respect and trust.

It is important to us to be in constant dialogue and exchange with the parents to ensure that together we do the best for the children entrusted to us, that they feel comfortable in our crèche and that they develop according to their possibilities.


Meals together at a lovingly laid table and in a pleasant atmosphere are fun and convey table culture. The regular meals are an important part of our fixed daily structure. The children actively participate in the design of the meals. At table we value independence. The children learn to serve themselves, weigh their portion and develop an assessment of what and how much they want to eat. A basic human need is satisfied with food. A positive atmosphere contributes to holistic saturation.

The children receive balanced whole foods that support and promote their physical and mental development. Children are considered who should avoid certain foods for health or religious reasons. Meals are freshly prepared daily in our in-house kitchen. We obtain the ingredients from regional suppliers. Drinks such as water and unsweetened tea are freely available to children at all times.


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Christina Cherry
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