It was a mother – nursery rhyme, babyduda »circle games

by BabyDudaPublished October 5, 2017Updated July 30, 2018

song lyrics

music & Text: Traditional folk song

1. It was a mother who had four children,
spring, summer, autumn and winter.

2. Spring brings flowers, summer brings clover,
autumn brings grapes, winter brings snow.

3. And how they swing in the annual row,
so we dance and sing happily in it.

Instructions circle and singing game.

The nursery rhyme It was a mother can be beautifully danced as a circular game. To do this, the children hold hands in a circle and walk in one direction together. Except for four children, the four seasons. These four are in the middle of the circle, holding hands there and dancing in the opposite direction.
At the end of the song in the third stanza, the four-season children can then determine four children who may play the seasons on the next run. The song can be repeated until all the children have played the seasons in the middle of the circle.

There is a variation in which the four seasons children do not dance in the first verse. But they hold hands. When their names – spring, summer, autumn, and winter – are sung, they curl up.
In the second stanza too, only two curtseyes are made: the spring child makes a curtsy for "spring" and "flowers", the summer child for "summer" and "clover", the autumn child for "autumn" and "grapes" and the winter child with "winter" and "snow".
Only in the third stanza do they dance in the opposite direction.

Already shared 5 times since June 2018!

This is me: full-time employee. Full time self employed. Full time mother. Sounds mathematically unsolvable, but is actually real in practice. In the short time of a fast-paced world, some look for distraction. In the job I find part of this distraction in my blogs. I would be happy to provide some of this, provided that others share these interests.

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It’s nice that you can find all the songs that I like with my mother
I printed it out for me straight away and I’ll see which one my son likes best: D


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