Kindergarten arche noah: foreword by the sponsor

Learn to fly from a safe nest!

Foreword by the institution

We focus on children! You are a gift, one "brilliant idea" God. As an ecclesiastical institution, we are there to accompany you in life. there provides belief is an added value for us. We would like to convey this to the children. Like Jesus, we put children in the middle. We invite you, from God and from Jesus Listen, and thus learn something about the added value of faith. Knowing well that hardly any child will get the taste of faith if it has never tasted it before.

In our two-group facility, we accompany and support children aged 1-6 years by gaining experience in a safe and secure environment, learning practical things, and practicing social behavior based on Christian values. In addition to the religious education offers, Christian celebrations in the church year, which also take place in collaboration with me as pastor and the congregation, your child receives holistic support in all six relevant fields of education and development (senses – body – language – thinking – feeling and compassion – Meaning, values ​​and religion) according to the orientation plan for education in the kindergartens in Baden – Württemberg.
Our work is based on the basics of "Orientation plan for education" and
"The profile" of the Protestant day care centers in Baden.

By accompanying our professionally competent and committed team led by director Nicole Knoch, your child will receive individual support. It learns to develop its skills, to develop its systems and to mature in its personality.
In this way, our facility supports you, dear parents and guardians, on your life– and path of faith with your child and, in addition to the loving and responsible support and upbringing by you, helps to give your child the best possible starting point for starting life.

The Kindergarten Arche Noah belongs to the Evangelical Christ Church Unter- and Obergrombach. Together with the Paul – Gerhardt Congregation (Südstadt) and the Luthergemeinde (Kernstadt) we form the Evangelical Church Congregation Bruchsal, which is the official sponsor of our four day care centers. The entire parish is led by the parish council and its committees.
As the pastor in charge and current chairperson of the parish council, you will find a contact person in me for all questions.

We look forward to hearing from you about the conception of the Arche Noah kindergarten presented here. Contact us and come over personally.


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Christina Cherry
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