Kindergartens in catholic sponsorship, kindergarten

With regard to the sponsorship, there are big differences in the kindergarten area. Many daycare centers are run by local authorities, while other kindergartens are run by the church. These include, among other things, Catholic-sponsored kindergartens, which are important components of the Catholic parish in many places.

If you are looking for the right kindergarten place for your child and want to use the corresponding legal right, you will always end up with one or the other Catholic kindergarten. If the sponsor of a daycare center is the Catholic Church, this sometimes raises some questions. Parents who are looking for the right care for their offspring and who are also considering a kindergarten run by a Catholic sponsor should therefore inform themselves well in advance and get a precise picture of Catholic kindergartens.

Characteristics of Catholic kindergartens

This is due to the fact that all educators are Catholic and receive certain guidelines from the provider. Religious education plays a not inconsiderable role in kindergartens in Catholic sponsorship, so that God, Jesus and Bible stories are discussed again and again. A value-oriented education and upbringing is the goal of every Catholic kindergarten that takes the Christian image of man as a role model takes.

The Catholic sponsorship of such kindergartens also has the practical consequence that the funding of the kindergarten is largely the responsibility of the Catholic Church. As a result, parents only have to pay a small kindergarten fee that is commensurate with their income. In return, there is usually a support key that is satisfactory for all parties.

Everyday life in a Catholic kindergarten

The religious imprint of Catholic kindergartens cannot be dismissed out of hand and is in the nature of things. Holidays such as Easter and Christmas are considered here from a religious perspective, so that children are introduced to the Christian image of man and the Catholic Church from an early age. However, this does not mean that a Catholic kindergarten is all about Bible stories.

Catholic-run daycare centers take children’s religious upbringing very seriously, but of course they also rely on general pedagogy. Religious education is therefore only one aspect of the overall concept. However, the Catholic Church always provides suitable templates for stories or handicrafts. Parents who register their child in a Catholic kindergarten should be aware of this.

Catholic kindergarten – for whom it is suitable?

It is obvious that a Catholic kindergarten offers itself for children baptized as Catholic. But even families that are not Catholic are by no means categorically rejected by the kindergartens in Catholic sponsorship. The kindergartens are basically open for children different religions and cultures. However, the basic principles of Catholic faith are always the subject of everyday kindergarten life. The parents should at least be able to live with the fact that their children are repeatedly confronted with the Catholic faith in such a kindergarten. If you categorically reject this, you should perhaps refrain from a Catholic kindergarten and look around for other kindergartens instead.

Although many kindergartens in Catholic sponsorship display cultural and religious openness, in some institutions the child’s Catholic baptism is a prerequisite for admission. In such cases, a Catholic kindergarten is of course only for him offspring suitable for Catholic families.

Whether and which specific admission criteria exist in the Catholic kindergarten should always be asked at the respective daycare center. Parents should therefore seek the interview if necessary and thus inform themselves thoroughly beforehand. On this occasion, they can get a first impression anyway and can say whether or not Catholic Kindergarten is an option.


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Christina Cherry
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