Learning deficiency in children – everything parents need to know

Learning deficiency in children – everything parents need to know

Every child has bad phases in school. If the problems persist in the long term, there is a need for action. Here you can find out what types and causes of learning disabilities exist.

Children with a learning disorder are not stupid! You only need other learning methods so that the school material finds its way to memory © photophonie \ fotolia.com

Your child practices and practices but still has problems writing a sentence without errors or solving math problems safely? Often these are only temporary problems, occasional tutoring can help with learning deficits.

These are mostly students just as intelligent as her classmates and mentally and physically healthy. Nevertheless, when it comes to writing, reading or arithmetic, they are far behind their classmates.

These learning weaknesses should be recognized and treated as early as possible, because: A good understanding of language is important for the social and professional development of our children and mathematical knowledge is elementary in order to be able to cope with everyday situations.

The most common learning difficulties in children are … Show

But there are also other triggers for learning difficulties in children. These are u. a. … Show

Learning deficiency in children


Learning disabilities can hereditary or a Side effect of diseases such as autism, Asperger syndrome or AD (H) S. Brain damage, such as a stroke or traumatic brain injury, can subsequently lead to a learning disorder in adulthood.

It is a subsequent learning disorder. B. in a so-called agrafie, in which those affected are no longer able to write words after an accident, even though they would have the knowledge and physical prerequisites.

Children have problems at school, but do not necessarily have a learning disorder. The social environment, pressure of expectations or fear of school can lead to learning blocks, which are considered to be learning difficulties in children. The difficulties in learning usually go away as soon as the cause has been found and eliminated.


If you suspect a learning disability in your child, it is best to look for it first Talk to the teacher. He can better assess the learning behavior of your offspring and advise you whether in his opinion it is really a learning disability or just a temporary phase.

You can determine the school and your pediatrician Child and adolescent therapists hand off. These experts then run appropriate tests to make a diagnosis.


Failures in learning damage self-confidence. That is why it is particularly important for children with learning difficulties To rebuild self-confidence. If the child believes in himself, it paves the best way to get better.

If social factors such as pressure to perform or family problems impair learning behavior and parents cannot eliminate them themselves, therapy tailored to the child helps to normalize learning behavior. The therapy is very slow and gentle. Patience is required here – not only by the child himself, but also by his parents.

If a student actually has a congenital learning disorder, he can possibly have one special school or in one inclusion class best to be caught.

There is no general recipe, there must be one for every child and their learning disabilities individual solutions being found.

Overview: the most common learning difficulties in children

Dyslexia – poor reading and spelling


Dyslexia or dyslexia is one Dyslexia. Children with this learning disorder have problems recognizing the words and assigning letters to their sounds. According to the Federal Association of Dyslexia, between three and eight percent of children and adults in Germany are dyslexic.


This learning weakness in children is usually recognized in the second year of school, when the students should already have some reading and writing skills. If a child reads unusually slow, swaps syllables, cannot read what has been read and makes an unusually large number of mistakes while writing, there may be dyslexia.


If a parent already has poor reading and spelling skills, this does not necessarily mean that the child inherits this learning disorder. In the meantime, there are many scientifically based therapeutic options for dyslexia, which help the affected children very well.

Detailed information and help for parents in our article: "I’m not stupid!" Help with dyslexia

Link tips – help for parents

An interesting video about dyslexia can be found here:

Dyscalculia – weakness in arithmetic


Dyscalculia or arithmasthenia is one dyscalculia, which affects around three to seven percent of people in Germany, according to the BVL. Children with this learning disability have problems learning arithmetic skills. They often see numbers only as symbols and cannot grasp the deeper meaning. They therefore lack the basis to be able to work on mathematical tasks.


Dyscalculia can be recognized in preschool. The learning disability of children manifests itself in the fact that they have difficulties with ratios such as “more” and “less”, with reading the clock or counting objects. In elementary school, children permanently need their fingers to do arithmetic, have problems writing and naming numbers, mix up arithmetic operations and take exceptionally long time to complete their tasks.


It is controversial whether dyscalculia is really a congenital learning disorder or is only due to poor instruction. Cause or not – if children have a weakness in arithmetic, they can usually only get a grip on it with targeted support in and outside of school.

Link tips – help for parents

Overview: frequent triggers for learning difficulties in children

Dyspraxia – coordination and developmental disorder


Dyspraxia is one Developmental and coordination disorder, where certain neurons in the brain that are related to coordination are not properly networked. A distinction is made between motor dyspraxia, in which those affected are unable to perform actions correctly, and idealotor dyspraxia, in which actions in the head cannot be properly planned.


Children with dyspraxia often appear at first glance clumsy and often injured themselves. Dyspraxia often leads to poor learning in children, either because students find it difficult to write or plan what to write. Everyday life itself is difficult for them to master.


Dyspraxia has so far been neglected in Germany. The affected children are usually dismissed as clumsy. If parents suspect that their child has this coordination disorder, the pediatrician is the right contact. He can help to set up an appropriate treatment plan.

Experts how Speech therapists or occupational therapists, help the child to control his motor skills and teach him new learning strategies. Solutions for the student can also be found at school, e.g. For example, by getting the same censorship as his classmates for less solved tasks or by evaluating his willingness to perform better in sports than the performance itself.

Link tips – help for parents:

AD (H) S – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


ADHD is short for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The "H" stands for "hyperactivity". ADS is not always associated with hyperactivity. Children with this disorder are inattentive and impulsive. AD (H) S is not a learning disorder in the traditional sense. It influences all areas of life – hence also significantly the school performance.

According to ADHD Germany, it is currently assumed that 5 percent of children and adolescents suffer from AD (H) S. Boys are affected more often.


Children who suffer from ADHD are usually easily distracted and tend to daydream. They also lack stamina. One often speaks of Hyperactivity syndrome, because affected children are very restless.


AD (H) S is often with drugs treated to curb the symptoms. Therapy that helps those affected to recognize their own strengths is the best way to live with the disorder. Loud Dr. Astrid Neuy-Bartmann from ADHD Deutschland e. V. have made many artists, inventors and lateral thinkers AD (H) S and their disturbance a strength.

It is currently believed that AD (H) S is a congenital regulatory disorder of the neurotransmitters in the frontal brain. Doctors, such as brain researcher Dr. Gerald Hüther, however, perform AD (H) S lack of socialization experiences back in today’s society. In this case, AD (H) S is not a disease and drug treatment is not necessary. The children only lack opportunities to realize their potential.

Link tips – help for parents:

Here you will find contacts in your area: Regional ADHD networks

This fascination of the knowledge broadcast of the Bavarian radio deals with the controversial topic AD (H) S:



One speaks of a giftedness when a person has one Intelligence quotients of over 130 Has. According to the Karg specialist portal for high talent, this applies to just two percent of people worldwide. Have gifted children Above-average skills and interests. And yet a talented person is often classified as a learning disability. Because: highly gifted students often feel underwhelmed and are not enthusiastic about teaching. This affects their performance.


Children with a high level of talent have a large vocabulary for their age, understand relationships unusually quickly and have extraordinary powers of observation. Highly gifted students often get bored in class, do not follow classes and sometimes prefer to play the class clown. It happens that the highly gifted are bullied as nerds and know-it-alls. They are usually ahead of their age and interested in things that go beyond their age.


A gift is no disease and does not need to be cured either. In order for the children to develop well and lead a happy life, they need special support. This could be skipping a grade or participating in a special afternoon course to promote interests and skills. You can find professional regional advisory services on the Karg specialist portal for high talent. At the DGHK counseling centers, parents are on hand to help volunteers to find the best possible solution for their child.

More about signs, tests and proper funding in the ELTERN! Magazine: Recognize and promote giftedness in children

Link tips – help for parents:

If you want to learn more about talent, we recommend another video from Xenius:

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