Learning holistically

Learning holistically

Learning holistically

Tutoring or sustainable help?

What holistic learning means, is easiest to illustrate by its extreme contrast: Private tutoring. This is about the elimination of a single symptom = performance deficit with a single remedy = professional support. In contrast, holistic learning does not start with the symptom but with its roots. For each funding measure, it can only make sense to narrow the gap between potential and performance. Two questions are therefore at the heart of holistic learning:

  1. What prevents the optimal development of the potential?
  2. How can the obstacles be effectively eliminated??

First short answers to these questions can be found on the pages What is the problem with concentration? and what promotes concentration? It describes the most important factors that can promote or weaken a student’s ability to concentrate. On the other topic pages, I discuss the issues that decide in the morning in the classrooms and in the afternoons at home, whether on the subject of school – for the students themselves as for their parentsRelaxation or stress are predominant.

Regardless of the complex causes responsible for performance deficits, many parents prescribe tutoring to their children if they do not provide the desired academic performance, often increasing their stress levels. Only few people are aware of the risks and side effects. Tutoring is like pill swallowing: it weakens the symptoms and spares the weakness.

Although the grades improve through tutoring sometimes at short notice, but rarely the successes are sustainable. Similar to drugs and certain medications, over time an increasing dependency occurs with a concomitant loss of desired effects. Those who have already received tuition in the fifth and sixth grade usually keep them until the tenth grade, with more or less long interruptions, and not infrequently until they graduate from high school.

The chronic student tuitioner later has a harder time studying and working than others, because he is always looking for help: tutoring addiction. He is hardly suitable for leadership positions because he has never learned to think and work independently. Even if tuition alleviates symptoms in the short term, it hinders self-organization in the long term and thus the optimal development of the available potential. However, under two conditions, I still consider tutoring useful: if a student could not attend school for a long time because of illness or if he shows weaknesses in sections of a school subject, which are more due to a lack of understanding of the substance than lack of motivation or learning blocks.

II. Analysis – Objectives – Appropriations

According to my experience, only a few students are not up to the school requirements because they lack intelligence. So while overwork is more of an exception, the normal case is this: the student has a high, but at least sufficient, potential, but is unable to translate it into performance. I wrote this website for such students and their parents. From what you read here, you will hardly find anything in textbooks on the subject concentration and Learn Find. The knowledge results from more than 30 years of practical work, in which I ask myself individually for each student the following three questions:

  1. What is? This results in a task holistic analysis the current situation.
  2. What should be? This requires a for certain purpose.
  3. How can the goals be achieved?? For this must effective means be available or found and methods available, how the funds can be used in specific situations.

Here are some examples or basic considerations for the three questions:


On the page Concentration Between Myth and Reality you will find two basic patterns that are often responsible for a student’s ability to exploit his or her potential to a very limited extent. I call her there fear type and lust type. Before you do anything, alone or with professional support, I recommend that you first check which of the two types your daughter or son embodies, or to which your child tends. That’s one of the key points in the first question: What is?

The type of anxiety and the type of pleasure

The ordinary one response pattern one fear type in shortThe main feature is the doubt about one’s own abilities:

. Fear of failure > limited thinking > physical reaction: flattening of the breathing > lower supply of brain and body cells with oxygen > Fatigue and further reduction of thinking power > Frustration due to lack of success > increased effort > Breathing turns on emergency generator > Thinking blocks and physical exhaustion > growing discrepancy between effort and success > Dissatisfaction with their own performance > Doubts about your own performance > when tackling new tasks: fear of failure .

The ordinary one response pattern a pleasure type in short formMain feature is the uncontrolled pursuit of immediate pleasure:

. Suppression of unpleasant tasks and news > unfinished tasks accumulate > bad grades pile up > Appeals from the outside to more effort > Appeals are ignored > further drop in performance > Threat of coercive measures > Threats are ignored > Coercive measures of the parents > Improvement is praised but at best kept at short notice > chronically bad grades > occasional or regular parental appeals to the duty of conscience in connection with threats > when sharpening: temporarily minimalist Call of duty, after that again > Suppression of unpleasant tasks and news .

In practice, these two types rarely occur in pure form. This is related to the fact that a frustrated type of anxiety, which over time has lost motivation – its original strength – eventually shows symptoms similar to the type of pleasure. Externally, it may seem like he does not care. In reality, however, he suffers greatly from his failures.

Conversely, the classic type of pleasure can also turn into an anxiety type, namely, when its system of repression collapses and it loses its natural joie de vivre, without being able to compensate for this loss with increased performance and corresponding success. In these circumstances, fear of failure may occur which is hardly different externally from those of the anxiety type.

In order to be able to promote a student adequately and effectively, it is very important to recognize which of the two types he was originally assigned to and how far he has approached the opposite type over time.

Of course, many other points play a role in the analysis of a student’s current situation. In order to meet a student’s individual situation, I recommend a thorough medical history, in the form of two separate conversations with parents and students. After the experiences in my Cologne learning practice is clear afterwards, whether and in what form a systemic therapy makes sense.


The goal determination essentially results from the respective problem. The most frequently mentioned goals of parents and students are:

  1. Increase motivation
  2. Improvement of concentration
  3. Improvement of self-organization
  4. learning efficiency
  5. Better grades

But all these goals are only means in relation to a value without which all others – as well as the classical goals of adults: wealth, power, fame, success, etc. – are of no importance. In my opinion that is the enjoyment of life. With students who are full of zest for life, I have had the best experience in my practice. They have capital of inestimable value, and if they succeed in channeling the joie de vivre into channels that enable them to achieve academic and later professional success, then they need not worry about these students. For children with little zest for life, the topic should be given priority over the above subordinate goals; Primarily as an end in itself, but also because every increase in this area leads in the long run through an improvement in motivation and concentration to a sustainable improvement in performance.

I often receive e-mails from parents telling me their concerns about their children‘s academic achievement. Some report that family life is seriously affected by school problems. When the subject of school is negatively occupied, there is usually a lack of serenity within the family in order to consistently pursue positive goals. The daily quarrel about inadequately or inadequately trained homework, inadequate preparation for class work, schoolwork, etc. annoys parents and students alike, and it can quickly create a climate in which factual statements are interpreted as allegations.

It is understandable that parents are worried about such a situation, but many do not know what to do with worries and negative criticism:

"Those who are worried are giving their worries power."
Andreas Tenzer in: Sigrid Engelbrecht, Let go, what worries you, Munich: Gräfe und Unzer Verlag, 2013, p. 110

If anxious looks are the rule, they signal the student: I’m a hopeless case. That is not very motivating. The better alternative is clear, achievable objectives that can lead out of the crisis in small steps. But as long as the emotions boil over on the subject of school, this way is blocked and a fundamental improvement of the situation without professional help is hardly possible.


In my practice, I have developed a variety of individual measures that are suitable to achieve the above goals. A specific selection is individually tailored to the individual student. The twenty most important promotional measures I have on the page What promotes concentration? summarized.

At the center of the study there is the holistic connection between motivation and concentration and the consequences that result for a systemic listing and processing of deficits in these areas. A student who, for example, le >
Most of the means I use, both analytic and therapeutic, have to do with looking at student inner worlds, and more so with the pupil’s observation of the student himself. The core is what thought processes, feelings and body inventions are the everyday experiences of a child or adolescent trigger and how these processes construct their real life, both in and out of school.

Frequently, parents report that they feel like Sisyphus, if they want to move their child, which tends strongly to the type of pleasure, by means of insights and value appeals to a certain behavior. The lust type is but with values ​​to move as little as a stubborn donkey, since in the second-round competition of internal impulses these values ​​usually throw only a few grams in the one pan, while strong pleasure impulses can bring it to several kilos in the other pan. In the next section, you will learn more about this impulse game and how, for example, the pleasure type can outsmart yourself for your own benefit.

III. Do not let problems arise – or the art of awareness

T he observation of thoughts, body sensations and feelings is an excellent method to awareness which, in turn, is an important prerequisite for self-organization.
By stabilizing the inner balance, these exercises also have a positive effect on the joy of life and the ability to concentrate.

What can liberate the type of fear from its fear, the type of pleasure from its repression? The former must be aware of his anxiety, that is, he should be able to observe his anxiety in the form of thoughts, physical sensations, and emotional feelings, recognize the connections between them, and learn how to minimize the fatal effects of his fears. The same applies to the type of pleasure in relation to its repression.

Appeals, penalties, tuition, training camps, etc. – all these measures scratch mostly on the surface and leave the roots of the evil untouched. In my experience, there is no better way to solve problems in a sustainable way than to look at what is going on in mental, physical and emotional terms, what you make out of it at the level of action and what consequences it has for you at the level of external events.

Anyone who can always look at what he thinks, feels and physically feels, will register self-damaging behavior more quickly over time and can not continue to do so in the long run: not because others want it, but because he wants it himself , And that is the greatest possible guarantee that sustainable thinking and attitude changes will take place without which sustainable behavioral changes can hardly be achieved. When students learn to scan themselves, this is the most dangerous enemy of fear and repression, who can only unfold their power freely in the darkness of “not being perceived.”.

If a child is not motivated in terms of school affairs, you can assume that there is no empty space inside that could be used to develop learning initiatives. And if parents then want to fill the non-existent space with various own and / or external teaching activities, it is not surprising that the measures spill over like a full pitcher, which one tries to fill. This frustrates both parents and students alike – Latin frustra = in vain.

Awareness is the awareness of wholeness in action, that is, the potential perception of everything that works here and now. No human being is able to perceive the holistic connection of all processes to one hundred percent. For this, he would have to be able to grasp countless influencing factors that determine the quality of a single moment at the same time.

However, it does make a significant difference to students if, at some point in time, they can become aware of almost all or almost none of these agents, for example, when they are affected by learning or exam blocks. On this website, you will find a three-digit number of influencing factors, which are incorporated in particular in student-typical everyday situations in particular. The most important ones are listed and explained on the subpages linked under point I “What disturbs the concentration?” And “What does the concentration promote?”.

If you as a parent get involved in understanding concrete situations that have to do with your child and their specific learning in an ever deeper way, you will also be able to help the child to better and better scan and get to know each other. In the beginning you would have to spend a lot of energy because you have to discover and process new relationships with each new experience. Over time, you will use less and less energy and gain more and more energy. You will find that the greatest energy gain comes from being able to tap into new sources of energy over and over again and again and again to locate and seal new energy leaks. This is especially true in situations where you communicate with others.

"Communication essentially consists of energy extraction and energy donation."
Andreas Tenzer in: Sabine Marquardt, Communications as Hardskill, Norderstedt, BoD 2016, E. 1

I would be delighted if some of my advice on this site could help you avoid energy loss, especially in your child’s home-based learning. Ultimately, the energy factor plays the crucial role in all mental and physical processes:
Physical energy plus motivation energy plus concentration energy = learning power plus learning pleasure plus learning success

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