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Learning support – school success for your child

Use our 10 tips and information about learning support to organize the learning time at home for you and your child meaningful and stress-free as possible. With the information from www.lernfoerderung.de and our checklists or learning materials, you can optimally support your child.

However, do not put pressure on your child if it does not perform well. Look for the cause and try to turn it off. Children want to learn and almost always there are reasons when they do not learn or refuse.

And so you go step by step to help your child.

10 tips for optimal learning support with your child

They accompany your child since the first day of school and follow his progress with interest and enthusiasm. Maybe you notice little irritations. Your child does not read fluently, makes many spelling mistakes and behaves conspicuously. Understandably, you are insecure if you find a learning problem with your child. What now?

1. Contact the teachers

Most teachers are grateful if parents approach them early. Before you search the internet for worksheets or desperately seek a learning support or tutoring, you should first make an appointment with the teacher of your child. After all, it is the task of the school to recognize beginning school problems and to initiate suitable support measures. School stress can make you sick.

It is not easy to have teacher talks, so you will find some help at www.lernfoerderung.de. Please leave that Teacher first his point of view to describe things. You only have insight into your child’s learning. The teacher sees it in the Compared to his classmates and may feel that the knowledge gap you have described is not so dramatic.

Maybe then you can relax at the beginning of the conversation. Then bring your specific request. Surely he can give you valuable tips for learning support, even if he does not consider additional training necessary.

2. Conveniently promote home learning

In a conversation with the teacher of your child, you have currently discussed existing problem areas.

What is the best way to fix it at home? Primary school children rarely understand when we adults talk about being good at school to ensure a prosperous future. she rather learn for the parents and / or the teacher. Learning support is therefore the concern of the parents.

Try, Do not associate your feelings with the performance of your child. This will discourage you and, in the worst case, make you feel less comfortable with it. If your child shows you depressed work, please do not respond with “Now I’m disappointed that you bring back only a three.”.

Rather, show your child that you are also accompany with failures and say something like, “I’m sorry for you that despite the practice, it did not work out so well. What else could we do in the future? “. .

3. Define the exercise time for learning support!

Only regular additional training will improve your child. That’s why it’s important to have one with him fixed exercise time arrange. It makes sense if you not right after the homework takes place.

First, give your child a break! Maybe it fits in well with his learning rhythm, if you sit down again in the evening? Be sure that you have a timeframe of about 30 min for first and second graders comply with and at 3rd and 4th graders 45-60 min do not exceed.

For all consistency in the schedule are natural exceptions for example, if your child has written a class paper and comes home tired or if he is still very tired after an illness.

4. Create a learning calendar!

Take an empty calendar and to distribute You, together with your child the necessary Exercises on the weekdays, z. For example, there are dictation exercises on Mondays, one-day exercises on Tuesday and Thursday, and 10 minutes of reading training every day. Also note the when classwork befit, if they are announced.

Wear the same School holidays and reduce the exercise load corresponding to these days. Hang this Learning calendar then clearly visible on the whiteboard or the fridge. This is how the home training gets clear Ernst character.

5. Establish the workstation!

Ask your child before the exercise, which materials it needs today. Only these should then lie on the desk. Thus, you prevent distractions and no time is lost when your child suddenly has to search for the ruler.

6. Discuss with your child, but in moderation!

While practicing, let it go as often as possible Her child explain, for example, how it came to the incorrect result of a text task. Even with dyslexia it is important to know the derivation of the spelling.

So you learn useful things about the mindset and sources of error of your child. Bid him no finished solutions but let yourself be interrupted again and again by your explanations. Discuss solutions, But reject wrong solutions clearly!

7. Use praise moderately!

Praise is conducive to a positive learning attitude of your child. However, as it has voluntarily decided to practice extra, it is not necessary to praise it for it each time. Otherwise it gets used to its constant confirmation and overestimates itself. If the praise then does not come, your child reacts unsettled and does not develop self-reliance.

By the end of the month, if your child looks at his brightly colored learning calendar, it will make him very proud of himself. Praise him explicitly for his cooperation Last month! At the beginning of the month you may also have agreed to a small reward (eg a swimming pool visit on Sunday afternoon or a sundae in the ice cream parlor next door) that your child is getting now?

8. Spice up practicing!

Of course it is important for the learning success to regularly perform the same exercises, for example for spelling rules that dyslexics need to learn. Nevertheless, there will be occasional drowsiness because your child’s daily form varies.

Vary then the exercises! That too Writing with crayons instead of with filler or on a big box instead of the normal exercise book will increase the motivation of your child! Or how about if you have the practice lesson once in the holiday outfit? Laughing over the tie or updo will certainly inspire learning.

Check the successes regularly! Talk to your child about possible changes at regular intervals (4-6 weeks). Did it get praise from the teacher or did you write better class papers? If nothing has changed, you should think about what might have been appropriate (eg too short units, too many different exercises) and change it accordingly.

9. Special situations require individual measures

Around the school and learning there are many special features that must be considered. Some children have a partial dysfunction such as dyslexia or dyscalculia and require special support.

Here, learning therapists are required who have a special education. Also ads & ADHD or autism and Asperger may burden a family. Support and sensitive educators are important to help the family. Test anxiety and giftedness, performance pressure and bullying, a weak self-esteem or hypersensitivity can quickly slow down a school career. You will find information on all these topics at www.lernfoerderung.de.

10. Let it finish comfortably

Do not go straight to everyday life after practicing, but take some time for a comfortable fifteen minutes with cocoa and biscuits, where they do not talk about school and learning. Thus, show your child Your appreciation and your interest on his person and not only on his achievements.


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