Listen to a strong heartbeat in children

  • March 12

Muscle loss can be caused by a number of neuromuscular disorders. Muscular dystrophy and spinal muscular atrophy are two of the most common. These neuromuscular disorders can be divided into specific disorders that result in muscle loss as a result of somewhat different processes. Despite minor differences, they are all based on the weakening and wasting of muscle tissue. Muscle wasting is progressive in nature and the extent of degeneration is often unpredictable. Although many muscle wasting diseases are slow to set in, many are obvious and destructive to childhood individuals.

Neuromuscular disease

For muscle wasting to occur, there must be deviations in certain systems of the body. Neuromuscular diseases include a wide collection of diseases and they arise as a result of impairment of the central nervous system or the peripheral nervous system. These important systems in the body are the brain and spine and nerve crossings, peripheral nerves in the limbs and motor nerve cells in the spinal cord. These nerve cells are also known as motor and relay neurons.


Muscle loss diseases differ greatly in shape and severity. In children the strands of muscular dystrophy are likely to be seen are Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy and myotonic muscular dystrophy. Duchenne muscular dystrophy symptoms are usually seen between the ages of 2 and 6; Emery-tripod muscular dystrophy is evident after age 10 and myotonic muscular dystrophy can begin in the teenage years.


Muscle wasting in children is caused by recessive genes that defective parents pass on to their offspring or a gift as a result of an accidental mutation. The outcome of the faulty genes is different and the impairment caused by them dictate the severity of the muscle wasting and the way in which it occurs. In general, the defect in the genes causes muscle wasting by affecting or hindering the synthesis of proteins – directly or indirectly. In rare cases, the defective gene leads to degeneration of motor neurons in the spinal cord. Consequently, nerve impulses from the brain are unable to send down motor neurons to muscle cells, causing the muscles to deteriorate and drop. According to research done by the Columbia and Cornell University Hospital, this type of waste affects approximately four in 100,000 people.


Symptoms associated with muscle wasting vary with the disease. Children who suffer from muscle wasting diseases can often be born floppy and weak, causing feeding and breathing problems. If signs do not appear at birth, the symptoms can be recognized later. These symptoms in children include general weakness and increasing weakness in the muscles around the body. Breathing problems and heart failure are also associated with muscle wasting.


Depending on the cause of the muscle breakdown, the treatment will differ. For all forms of muscle atrophy, neuron damage is the main cause. As of 2010, there is no cure or method of treatment to combat it, so supportive treatment is used to manage the condition. These include physiotherapy, oxygen provided to breathe in time after childbirth and possibly surgery. Muscular dystrophy also has no cure, so physical therapy is used to enable children to maintain muscle strength and function. Ventilation and the use of a wheelchair are also methods that can be used depending on how advanced the disease is.

  • February 28

Manic depression, commonly called bipolar disorder, is an affective disorder that is characterized by emotional, mental, physical, and behavioral ups and downs. Manic depression in children is fairly common today, and children under 5 are even diagnosed with this disorder. Although the symptoms of manic depression can be severe, this mental disorder is treatable. Manic-depressive symptoms differ more often in children than in adults, making it important to learn more about the signs of manic depression in children.


Children with manic depression often experience manic episodes, the times of extreme high spirits or intense movement, combined with high energy. Children in a manic phase can speak excessively or loudly and need little sleep and food. These times of excitement can make bipolar children appear hyperactive, impulsive, inattentive and easily distracted. In severe cases, children can experience manic symptoms of psychosis, including delusions and hallucinations.


Manic depression in children also includes depressive episodes, periods of persistent or extreme sadness, or irritability combined with low energy levels. The signs of deepening in bipolar disorder are similar to those involved in major depression. These symptoms may include a marked decrease in appetite, concentration, and interest in usual activities. While some children sleep a lot during a depressive phase, others hardly sleep at all. Children could feel helpless, hopeless, and worthless.

Fast cycling

Unlike the majority of bipolar adults, children with manic depression tend to have moods that cycle very quickly and strongly. You can experience numerous episodes of depression and mania over the course of a day. This rapid cycling can cause the manic-depressed patient to be chronically irritable, and yet they are very calm and comfortable to be around when in periods between cycling. A child with manic depression could even experience mixed cycling, which occurs when the symptoms of both mania and depression occur simultaneously.


Occasionally, the symptoms of manic depression previously install in childhood. Young children with bipolar disorder typically show signs of erratic sleep patterns, separation anxiety, or extreme anger. Infants with this condition tend to throw intense tantrums. Children with manic depression often suffer from other conditions in addition to bipolar disorder, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiance (ODD), Tourette syndrome, and schizophrenia. Indeed, many children diagnosed with ADHD could suffer from manic depression, and the stimulants prescribed for ADHD can trigger a manic condition or thoughts of suicide.


Many children experience first manic depression symptoms after a traumatic event, especially the death of a loved one. Later bipolar episodes can also be triggered by stress or worsen when the child feels anxious. Female adolescents can experience their first episode of mania or depression with the onset of menstruation, and the manic-depressive symptoms can vary in severity depending on where they are in their monthly cycle.


Early treatment and intervention is really the only way that children with manic depression can achieve stability and normalcy in their lives. Treating manic depression in children almost always includes prescribed medication, usually a type of mood stabilizer like lithium, or antidepressants like Paxil or Zoloft. Psychotherapeutic treatments can be a bipolar child benefit and doctors often recommend therapy for the whole family. Support groups offer bipolar children a chance to speak to other sufferers and share coping techniques and success stories.

  • April 3

Pizza, bread, French fries, potato chips and sauce: gluten is found in a variety of our favorite foods. Containing some wheat, barley and rye – it can also be found in everyday items like vitamins and medicines. For some, gluten is extremely harmful and disrupts their bodies from eating. This condition is a chronic autoimmune disorder known as digestive celiac disease. Once primarily associated with young children and as rare, the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NDDIC) reports that celiac disease is now believed to be one of the most under and misdiagnosed conditions that can strike at any age.


According to the University of Chicago Celiac Center, approximately 3 million Americans suffer from celiac disease, but 97 percent of those diagnosed with celiac disease remain. The university says that an American child will see an average of eight pediatricians before making a correct diagnosis and that celiac disease also runs in families. If your child has a first-degree relative with the disease, the University of Chicago reports there is a one in 22 chance of developing your child’s celiac disease and one in 39 chance in people with second-degree disease (i.e. uncle, aunt, cousin).


While some with celiac disease may have no symptoms, those most common in children include digestive problems, such as gas, constipation, weight loss, and vomiting. Joint pain and inflammation are also common. Celiac disease tends to do this, "co-morbid" with issues other than good, such as type 1 diabetes, thyroid and liver disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. Misdiagnosis is also common in patients with celiac disease, like many patients and doctors attribute general health problems to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bowel infections, or chronic fatigue.


Gluten is the culprit, and the NDDIC explains why: ". When people with celiac disease eat foods that contain gluten, their immune systems respond by damaging the small intestine. In particular, tiny finger protrusions, called villi, are lost on the mucous membrane of the small intestine. Nutrients from food in the bloodstream are absorbed by these villi. " Young children often get a diagnosis soon after the introduction of solids to the diet, at the age of 6 months and 2 years.


Because the gluten in the food destroys the villi in the small intestine, nutrients from the food your child eats are kept absorbed in the bloodstream. This will eventually lead to malnutrition — no matter how much your child eats. If left untreated, celiac disease can lead to gastrointestinal cancer, infertility and osteoporosis. Children in particular are susceptible to tooth enamel defects as well as a short stature and / or a basic development "failure to thrive", after the University of Chicago.


Once celiac disease is suspected, doctors will do a blood test to determine the level of antibodies in the blood. A biopsy of the small intestine to determine damage to the villi will confirm the diagnosis. After confirmation, a gluten-free diet will be prescribed. This can prove difficult since the NDDIC explains. "Hidden sources of gluten contain additives such as modified food starch, preservatives and stabilizers with wheat. And because many corn and rice products are produced in factories that also produce wheat products, they can be contaminated with wheat gluten." If the right diet is followed, however, the NDDIC says children can expect to see results in about three to six months with bowel healing in a few weeks. For help with nutrition, parents can contact the nutritionist to learn how to read and identify gluten in their children’s products.

  • May 18

Children with hormonal imbalances have become a concern in recent years. To understand what a hormonal imbalance is, first understand what a hormone is, then consider how an imbalance occurs.

Definition of a hormone

A hormone is a chemical that is produced in one place in the body but works in another. Hormones activate cells in the body to maintain and regulate various functions in the body, including growth and development, metabolism and tissue function.


Hormones are part of a complex network within the endocrine system. The endocrine system consists of glands that produce hormones – such as the pituitary and thyroid glands – and vital organs such as the pancreas, kidneys and liver.

Effects of hormone imbalance

A hormonal imbalance is just that "Manifestation of something with a gland", as described by Robert Lustig, MD, an endocrinologist at the University of California, San Francisco. A hormone imbalance (either too much or too little) can have serious effects on bodily functions. Unfortunately, children can be susceptible to hormonal imbalances due to a number of factors, including inheritance, and in some cases environmental substances.

Common symptoms in children

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance in children include anxiety, excessive weight gain, an inability to concentrate and focus, fatigue, mood swings, bad social habits, and hyperactivity. This condition can also be the cause of an actual condition called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Expert Insight

Children with a hormone imbalance can grow at a slower pace than other children their age. According to ", Boys and girls can get too much or too little thyroid hormone, cortisol, insulin, and other hormones." Growth hormone therapy can be used as a treatment to bring the balance back on the hormones. This is usually given as an injection, and children should be evaluated every three to six months to monitor their progress and possible side effects.

  • October 19

OCD is a condition that usually begins in adolescence or young adulthood and is seen in 1 in 200 children and adolescents. OCD causes great despair, its sick and disrupts normal life and work.


Children with OCD have recurring and persistent thoughts and concerns with preventing a dreaded situation, maintaining order, or other concerns. In order to banish or alleviate the concerns, they feel a constant urge to repeat certain behaviors or mental tasks.

root cause

OCD is a brain disorder, and tends to run in families, but can occur in children without a family.


Common obsessions in children include fear of dirt or germs, need for order or symmetry, fear of illness or harm, lucky numbers and intrusive sounds or words.


Compulsive rituals common in children include care, repetition, review, ordering objects, counting, hoarding, and cleaning.


Treatment for OCD often includes behavioral therapy to teach children to change their minds by changing their behavior. Some children need both therapy and medication to manage their OCD.

  • January 20

The spleen is in the body below the stomach. The spleen filters and stores blood and produces red blood cells. Despite the spleen function, corpses are able to function properly if the spleen needs to be removed due to an illness.


Children with spleen disorders have unexplained bruises, palpitations, pain in the back and abdomen, and unexplained bleeding from the nose.


Causes of spleen disorders in children include trauma injuries, viral infections and diseases.


To diagnose spleen diseases, a doctor will take a medical history and take a physical exam. You take an x-ray of the abdomen and perform an ultrasound.


A spleen disorder can be treated surgically. The operation, called splenectomy, is minimally invasive and only takes three hours at most.


Despite the fact that the body does not need the spleen to survive, the children who have their spleens removed are more susceptible to infection and need vaccinations and antibiotics to stay healthy.

  • June 19

Cat allergies are among the most common animal hair allergies. The problem isn’t cat fur, as most people think, but cat scales, saliva, and urine. The symptoms of cat allergies in children include sneezing, rash, and asthma.

nasal symptoms

Cat allergy symptoms include runny nose, painful nasal congestion, sneezing, and nasal drip, which can cause a sore throat or cough. Children with nasal allergy symptoms will often rub their noses up.

Eye symptoms

Other symptoms include itchy or red eyes and bags under the eyes.

skin symptoms

Cat allergies can cause allergic dermatitis, leading to an itchy rash or hives where the skin came in contact with the allergen, such as the hands when the allergic child pets a cat.

Respiratory symptoms

Almost a third of people with animal hair allergies also have asthma. This can cause chest pain, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. In children, asthma often causes problems with sleeping.

Not obvious causes

Children with cat allergies can show symptoms even if a cat is not present in the house. It can take more than six months to completely clean a house made of cat hair once the cat is gone. Cat hair can enter the house after contact with skin and clothing, even if a cat has never been at home.

  • May 25

If your child constantly complains of abdominal pain and describes it as one "burning" Feeling he could have a stomach ulcer. Stomach ulcers, known as gastric ulcers in the medical community, need quick treatment because when left alone they cause infections, internal bleeding and scar tissue.


Ulcers in children can be caused by infection with Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that destroys the mucous membrane, the lines of the stomach and small intestine, stress after serious injuries or illness, or extended use of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) to others to control medical conditions.


Children may experience stomach ulcers, the ulcers in the stomach, or duodenal ulcers, which are ulcers in the small intestine.


Ulcers cause nausea, vomiting, chest pain, loss of appetite, burning between the chest and navel, blood in the stool or vomiting, frequent belching or hiccups and weight loss. Parents should know that these signs may be conditions other than ulcers, so they always give a reason to call the child’s doctor.


Diagnostic techniques used to diagnose pediatric ulcers include performing an upper gastrointestinal series, an upper endoscopy, and a pH probe. If these tests show an ulcer, the doctor will test for Helicobacter pylori to determine the best treatment.


Children who have ulcers from a bacterial infection treated with antibiotics and an acid suppressor. Most ulcers caused by stress and NSAIDs can be treated with acid pusher, but severe ulcers may require surgical repair.

Home care

Children should avoid taking NSAIDs like ibuprofen or aspirin and caffeine because it increases gastric acidity. Other foods are fine if they don’t appear to further upset the child’s tummy.

  • June 25

A child’s balance system depends on the body’s muscles, joints, eyes and inner ear. All of this conveying information to the brain about the body and its movement and location in space. If one of these elements, especially the inner ear, is in sync, there may be problems that can result in vestibular drowsiness, dizziness, balance problems, and other symptoms. Children who have balance disorders can be perceived as lazy, inattentive, or seeking attention. They often have difficulties doing routine tasks, as well as reading and arithmetic. The symptoms of atrial disorders in children are listed below, but it should be noted that these symptoms can be caused by other disorders. A child who is showing any or all of the following symptoms should be checked by a pediatrician.

Dizziness / vertigo

Children with vestibular problems can feel a swirling or spinning sensation in their heads. This gives the illusion that the world around them, or the child itself (or themselves), is on the move. Children often describe the feeling as floating, as reckless or feeling like they are going to rock. They may feel like they are being pulled in a certain direction or feeling weighted down.

Balance / spatial orientation

The word "vestibular" refers to the inner ear and balance, and children can have balance problems if they have a balance problem. You can stumble, have trouble walking straight lines and even cornering. They appear clumsy and uncoordinated. Children are usually affected to look down and tilt their heads to one side. They experience difficulties in obtaining and maintaining straight posture and tend to hold onto something when they stand; they often keep their head (s) seated. Joint and muscle pain can result from their difficulties in balancing.


Difficulty in getting on and tracking objects with the eyes is among vestibular children. Words seem to bounce, float or jump off their pages or appear duplicated or blurry. Visibly occupied places such as shopping centers, crowds and traffic can make these children feel unwell. They can be sensitive to light, flickering lights, and glare, and fluorescent lights tend to make their vision problems worse. Problems with depth perception and walking in the dark are also symptomatic, and some of these children may even experience night blindness.


Ringing or buzzing in the ears of vestibular children together can result in distorted hearing and hearing loss with fluctuating hearing. They show sensitivity to loud environments and loud rattling and noisy environments can contribute to increased imbalance and dizziness.

Psychological / cognitive

Children who have vestibular problems will often need to be distracted easily, have problems alert and find it difficult to concentrate. They can have short-term memory gaps and can be forgetful. These children can have difficulty understanding, have instructions and guidelines, and often seem confused. They often have a loss of self-esteem, self-confidence and self-confidence. You may feel anxious and nervous; some go up to develop depression.

Other symptoms

Vestibular problems can manifest nausea and vomiting. Discomfort from feeling like motion sickness, earache and fullness in the ears and headache are often cited. Children can speak indistinctly, and some are particularly sensitive to changes in wind, temperature, and air pressure.

  • January 3

Vestibular diseases in children are rare, but rather a set of conditions that affect the systems of the brain and inner ear that control coordination and balance.


Symptoms of balance problems in children include delayed development, vision-related problems, hearing loss, ringing in the ears, abnormal movements, falling, irregular movement of the eyes (usually horizontal), seizures and dizziness.


Causes of vestibular disease in children include trauma, chronic otitis media, various infections and viruses, medications that are toxic to the ears, cancer, and diabetes.


Treatment includes diagnosing the underlying cause and resolving it. Supportive measures will also be used to prevent additional injuries or trauma, since most children who suffer from vestibular disease will be uncoordinated.


Some children simply outgrow their conditions, especially if they are diagnosed with paroxysmal vertigo with childhood, although some progress to other forms of the condition.

physical therapy

Physical therapy with specific balance building exercises is included in treatment programs to teach children to overcome balance and coordination problems. These exercises help re-map the brain and neurological systems themselves. Some aspects of the disease completely return with this type of therapy.

  • September 4

Lymphomas are cancers that begin in the lymphatic system. The lymph nodes or glands are the most common lymphoid tissue known. There are other lymphoid tissues in our body. These include the spleen, thymus, tonsils, polyps, bone marrow, and the lymphatic vessels. Many cancers eventually find their way into the lymphoid tissues, but actually lymphomas begin in the lymphatic system.

Hodgkin’s lymphoma

Hodgkin’s lymphoma, also called Hodgkin’s disease, is defined by the Reed-Sternberg cells found in the lymph nodes or other lymphoid tissues. Hodgkin’s lymphoma can affect children and adults of all ages. However, it most commonly affects people between the ages of 15 and 40. There is no known cause for Hodgkin’s disease between. There are a few Hints, which indicate that certain infections can play a role in the development of Hodgkin’s disease.

Symptoms of Hodgkin’s disease

The most common sign of Hodgkin’s lymphoma is swelling in the lymph nodes that can last for a few weeks. The swelling usually begins in the lymph nodes in the neck, and moves to the lymph nodes in the armpits and groin. Children with Hodgkin’s lymphoma may also experience symptoms that include high fever, cough, shortness of breath, severe itching, night sweats, and weight loss.

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is where the cells of the lymphatic system begin to reproduce abnormally. The abnormal cells spread throughout the body. There are three general types of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma that can be found in children. These types are lymphoblastic non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Burkitt’s or non-Burkitt’s lymphoma, and large cell or diffuse histiocytic non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Symptoms of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma often progresses very quickly. Symptoms can vary depending on the location where the abnormal mass or tumor is located. Symptoms of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma can include breathing problems, abdominal pain, swelling of the lymph nodes, fever, sore throat, bone and joint pain, night sweats, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, itching and infection.


Lymphomas are classified into four different levels. The stages are used to show and be the extent of cancer through the Size, the position to be determined, and when the cancer spreads. The letters A and B are used to classify the symptoms exhibited. If the child has no symptoms, the lymphoma is classified as A. If the child has weight loss, fever and night sweats, then the lymphoma will be classified as B.

lymphoma treatment

How to treat a child with lymphoma depends on a number of factors. These factors include the child’s age, health, medical history, stage of cancer and expected course of cancer. There are several treatment options available. They can be done alone or in combination with other treatments. Treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, bone marrow transplantation, blood work monitoring, lumbar puncture, antibiotics, long-term follow-up, and bone marrow exams.

  • February 22

Magnesium is a vital nutrient that is needed in the body to produce and transport energy, regulate blood pressure, produce protein, and contract and relax muscles. Magnesium is also important for healthy immune function. According to the American Diabetes Association, magnesium deficiency has also been linked to increased insulin resistance in children. And the US National Library of Medicine recognizes that "Magnesium deficiency is more common in children with ADHD than in healthy children."

Recommended daily magnesium intake

The recommended daily dose of magnesium for children 1-3 years old is 80 milligrams (mg); 130 mg for children four to eight years old; 240 mg for children ninth and thirteenth years old; and for adolescents ages 14 to 18, 360 mg for women and 410 mg for boys.


Early magnesium deficiency symptoms in children can include insomnia, irritability, apathy, loss of appetite, memory problems, learning difficulties, fatigue, muscle weakness, hyperactivity and confusion. More severe symptoms of a magnesium deficiency include rapid heartbeat, muscle twitching, hallucinations, drowsiness, and delirium.


The best way to prevent magnesium deficiency in children is to feed them a balanced diet that contains abundant dark green leafy greens like spinach, as these types of vegetables provide the best sources of magnesium. Other foods that are high in magnesium include whole grains, pumpkin seeds, potatoes with the skin, nuts, beans, legumes, soy, avocados, dried apricots, bananas, oatmeal, and herbs like basil, dill, and sage.


A doctor can check the blood levels of magnesium in a child to determine if they are suffering from magnesium deficiency. If the child is deficient in this mineral, the doctor may recommend increasing their daily intake of magnesium-rich foods or supplementing their diet with supplements. If magnesium levels are very low, a magnesium drop can be administered by the doctor to return magnesium levels to normal.


Although magnesium supplements are readily available commercially, too much of this mineral can be toxic, and in extremely high doses, it can be fatal to children. Never give a child magnesium supplements without consulting a pediatrician.

  • January 27

Staph infections are becoming more common, especially in children. Staph infections come in many different forms and they can be difficult to treat. A staph infection will not go away on its own – unless it is food poisoning. If you think your child has a staph infection, see your pediatrician for a correct diagnosis. Your doctor must be involved in the treatment of staph infection.


Staph bacteria are all around us. Staph infections can range from mild skin infections to toxic shock syndrome, which is severe. Some common skin infections caused by staph bacteria are impetigo, cellulite and boils. It can even cause a blocked tear duct in a newborn. Another common form of a staph infection in children is staph food poisoning, the most common form of food poisoning.

How it spreads

Staph bacteria are common, so it’s easy to spread an infection from person to person. Staph bacteria live on almost everyone, including children. It can also live on things like towels or pillow cases. It can even be distributed to the next person who touches it. Staph bacteria survive in the dryer, extreme temperatures and high salt dried.


Symptoms of staph infection in children can vary widely. A skin infection is likely to cause pus wherever it is. Boils as pockets of pus that appear to form in a hair follicle or sebaceous gland. They are most often found in the armpits, groin or buttocks. Impetigo symptoms are large blisters that ooze fluid and develop a gold crust. They usually appear around the nose or mouth. The symptoms of food poisoning come on suddenly. Look for severe nausea, vomiting and diarrhea without a fever.


Treatment for a staph infection depends on the type and the Place of infection. Most need some kind of antibiotic. Different types of antibiotics will be administered depending on where the infection is. These include creams, eye drops or oral antibiotics. Antibiotics need to be managed carefully because many staph bacteria are resistant to antibiotics. If your child has food poisoning because of staph, antibiotics will not be diagnosed. Unfortunately, food poisoning has its course.


Make sure you wash your hands for at least 15 to 30 seconds. Use a disposable towel to dry your hands and turn off the tap. You can also use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 62 percent alcohol. Keep all wounds covered with a dry, sterile bandage until they are completely healed. Make sure that children do not share any personal items, including towels and clothing. Food poisoning caused by staph can be prevented by cooking food at the right temperatures and not allowing food to sit for more than two to four hours.

  • March 24

Seizures are common in children, with many children eventually growing from childhood seizures. However, a seizure is a sign that your child’s neurological system is in need, even if it is only for a moment. Childhood seizures must be monitored and managed to avoid further complications to your child’s health. To do this, you need to prevent seizures when you can and do not monitor seizures that do not occur to prevent further damage.


• Get a professional diagnosis of your child’s seizure condition. Childhood seizures can actually be a symptom of another health condition, such as brain trauma. Treating the underlying state of health can cure your child’s seizures. When the doctor runs diagnostic tests, he will rule out these health conditions.

• Discuss prescription seizure medications with your doctor. Seizure medications can help curb seizures, but they also come with many side effects. Because of this, children will not often be taken on seizure medication when it is necessary. If your child’s doctor prescribes medication for your child’s seizures, be sure to discuss any side effects with him before management. If in doubt, follow the doctor and manufacturer’s instructions at all times. Do not miss cans or manage too much as this can cause a seizure episode.

• Alert any adult who takes care of your child’s seizure condition. This includes your child’s school, your babysitter and relatives. They all need to know what triggers the seizures, what your child’s seizures look like, and what to do in the event of one. You should also know about all the medications she is on as she takes it and how much to give her. Many parents often forget to discuss the seizure condition with the child himself or his siblings. With age-appropriate terminology and descriptions, be sure to explain what is a seizure and why your child has it. Assure her that you can do everything possible to prevent seizures and will do everything possible to help her with a seizure. The idea is to explain as much as you can, so that you are not afraid.

• Avoiding seizures triggers if at all possible. Some children are sensitive to flashing lights, while others have seizures after hearing certain sounds. Not every case of childhood seizures has certain stimuli, but if your child does, it’s wise to avoid them.

• Keep your child from doing more harm to themselves while having a seizure episode. Move him to a lying position and remove any objects that can hurt him, such as his glasses or toys. Do not put any objects in your mouth during the seizure episode. Don’t leave the child alone. Stay with your child until he is fully conscious again. Do not take any food, liquid or medication by mouth immediately after the seizure episode. If his doctor has approved certain pain or anxiety medications after a seizure, administer it rectally.

Tips and warnings


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