Lymph node swelling in the child


Lymph nodes are one important part of the human immune system.

Swelling in children and adults often indicates one current infection and in many cases does not require treatment.

In rare cases, however, it can be a Indicates a more serious illness requiring treatment be so that a doctor must be consulted.

Typical lymph node stations are in the Area of ​​the neck and the armpits and in the field of strip.

Causes of lymph node swelling in the child

The most common cause of lymph node swelling in children – but also in adults – is one infection.

There are many different types of infections that can be mild or severe. Swollen lymph nodes often occur, for example, when through a small injury Bacteria in the body have arrived. This can already happen with a scratch as it can occur while playing. The lymph node swelling then usually occurs in the Proximity of the area where the scratch is. If this is on the arm, for example, there may be a swelling of one or more lymph nodes come in the armpit area.

Lymph nodes that are swollen as a result of an infection can usually be removed move well against the surrounding tissue, are rather soft and painful to pressure.

Also at more serious infections such as measles or rubella, lymph nodes often swell.

The most common in these two diseases are Lymph nodes in the neck and neck area affected, the swelling usually occurs on both sides. The swelling is then accompanied by symptoms on the skin, typically reddish rash.

This is a common disease in adolescence Pfeiffer’s glandular fever (mononucleosis). This is a viral infection with the Ebstein-Barr virus. It often manifests itself through symptoms a flu-like infection resemble, come to lymphadenopathy, that can appear on the whole body, i.e. under the arms, in the groin and on the neck. The disease is usually only treated symptomatically, this means that the complaints are treated, but a general therapy is not necessary, the cure comes automatically.

Numerous other infections can trigger lymph node swelling in children, including the so-called Cat scratch disease, which is caused by an infection with Bartonella henselae arises. Are triggers scratch injuries by cats. Symptoms are mostly important Lymph node swelling on the neck and under the arms. Therapy does not always have to take place, the disease usually proceeds without major complications.

Also the so-called Kawasaki disease can with one lymphadenopathy accompanied. Accompanying usually occurs high fever on, the disease must be treated with medication. In addition to infections, however, malignant diseases, too cancers lead to lymph node swelling in childhood. This includes, for example Group of leukaemias (white blood cancer) and lymphomas.

Lymph node swelling, which tends to increase and persist over a longer period, as well as hard, painless lymph node swellings that are caked with the surrounding tissue can be an indication of the presence of cancer.

Lymph node swelling test

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Diagnosis of lymph node swelling in the child

Often a doctor’s visit is due to a child’s lymph node swelling unnecessary.

If the swelling goes away on its own after a few days and the child has no other symptoms, it is usually one harmless infection. To step Associated symptoms such as a rash or fever, the child’s general condition deteriorates or the lymph node swelling increases and is hard and rough, so a doctor should be consulted promptly.

Among other things, he will ask about it how long the swelling already exists, whether there were infections in the area and whether Associated symptoms consist. Then the physical examination, where the doctor assesses both the lymph nodes and the rest of the body.

Possibly one Ultrasound examination of the abdomen are used. Also one Blood may be necessary. Here, for example, signs of inflammation appear. Also one leukemia can often be recognized in the blood picture. In rather rare cases it is necessary to use the enlarged lymph nodes remove to have them examined.

Accompanying symptoms of lymph node swelling in the child

Which symptoms appear in children accompanying lymph node swelling depends heavily on the triggering cause from.

Is one mild infection often there are no other symptoms. Is it an infectious disease like rubella or measles, there is an accompanying one rash, which usually starts at one point and then spreads over the body and disappears after a few days.

A fever can also occur here General condition of the child can reduced his. At the Pfeifferer’s glandular fever In addition to swelling of the lymph nodes, flu-like symptoms, fatigue, increased fatigue and possibly also an enlargement of the liver and / or spleen often occur.

However, the child usually does not notice this, it can be noticed during an ultrasound examination of the stomach. At the Kawasaki disease there is swelling of the cervical lymph nodes, usually accompanied by high fever, reddening of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet and possibly a rash. The tongue is usually very red and shiny, the lips are red, dry and cracked.

Is a leukemia The cause of the swelling of the lymph nodes can be noticed by the child being tired and listless, quickly bruised and often suffering from infections of the upper respiratory tract. The lymph nodes are usually swollen, hard to move and not painful.


The occurrence of painful lymph nodes during viral or bacterial inflammation is common in the child Part of the immune response of the body and not dangerous.

If a child has severe pain, parents can use acetaminophen or nurofen juice Pain relief and anti-inflammatory give.
The dose must be adjusted to the child’s weight.

As part of the Healing of the infection should also be the most painful Swelling of the lymph nodes decrease.
In the event of a bacterial infection, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics, depending on the clinical findings.

Lymph node swelling test

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When should I go to the doctor?

Since there are more harmless infections involving the lymph nodes in children, especially in kindergarten, one should brief swelling this in itself no Symptom, which is why Consulted a doctor becomes.

Is a infection however exceptionally strong and the General condition of the child bad, so is one A visit to the pediatrician is appropriate.

In addition, at slowly and steadily growing, non-painful lymph nodes ruled out cancer become.
An indication of a malignant event is, if the lymph node cannot be moved.

Lymph node swelling in the child with fever

Childhood lymph node swelling associated with fever is usually triggered by an infection. It can local infection be, for example, inflammation of a lymph node or a systemic infection that affects the whole body. Examples include diseases such as Measles, rubella or that Kawasaki disease.

Therapy and treatment of lymph node swelling in the child

The treatment of lymph node swelling largely depends on the symptoms and the triggering cause.

If the child is not impaired except for the swelling, it is usually necessary no therapeutic measures respectively.

If there is an accompanying fever, for example Wadenwickel alleviate the symptoms somewhat. For this purpose, towels or washcloths are dipped in lukewarm water and then wrapped wet around the lower leg. This should lower the fever somewhat.

If there is a fever, the treating pediatrician should also be consulted. This can antipyretic drugs prescribe, for example paracetamol in tablet or suppository form. The doctor then decides whether further therapeutic measures are necessary.

With infectious diseases such as measles, rubella or Pfeiffer’s glandular fever help with the presence of fever antipyretic such as physical rest and a adequate hydration.

Otherwise the following applies: The lymph node swelling should be observed. Does it increase or is it hard, unmovable and painless lymph node swelling, so a doctor should be consulted.

The cause of the lymph node swelling is one leukemia, a specialist in childhood cancer (children’s oncologist) must be consulted, who then decides on further therapy.

Duration of lymph node swelling in the child

The duration of lymph node swelling depends heavily on the triggering cause. At a Swelling due to infection this subsides after the infection has ended.

Until it is completely gone, it can several weeks take. With a lymph node swelling that occurred in the course of a minor injury (scratch), the swelling can after 1-2 days be clearly in decline again.

Lymph node swelling in the context of leukemia or lymphoma usually consists of one longer period away, the duration is also largely dependent on the therapy.

Lymph node swelling test

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Lymph node swelling in the armpit

There are in the armpit and under the pectoral muscle numerous lymph nodes, the for axillary filter system belong to the lymph in the human body.

If pathological processes occur in these regions, the lymph notes swell reactively in the armpit.
That’s for Example of Case at

  • one Borrelia infection in tick bites,
  • Whistling glandular fever,
  • cytomegalovirus,
  • measlesor
  • the HIV.

It can also cause swelling of the armpit lymph nodes

  • animal bites,
  • injury,
  • tumors,
  • Lupus erythematosus,
  • tuberculosisor
  • Rheumatoid diseases his.

Lymph node swelling on the neck

The lymph nodes on the neck are one of the three Main lymph accumulation.

You can, for example, with infections like one Bronchitis, tonsillitis or even with one simple cold swelling.

You can feel them in the area of ​​the lateral neck, neck, below the lower jaw and above the collarbone. Even with infections like measles or rubella there is a swelling of the cervical lymph nodes. The swelling in the context of an infection usually disappears quickly after it has subsided.

But even with cancer such as leukemia (white blood cancer), the cervical lymph nodes can swell, the swelling is then often chronic and therefore persists over a long period of time.

Lymph node swelling on the neck

Like the lymph nodes on the side of the neck, the lymph nodes in the neck can also help Respiratory infections or infectious diseases like that Pfeifferer’s glandular fever or one Rubella infection be swollen. Even with one cancer the lymph nodes in the neck area may swell.

Unilateral lymphatic swelling

Unilateral lymph node swelling often occurs in one local infection on.

A local infection occurs, for example, when the child is injured (a scratch is enough). Then this injury allows bacteria to enter the body through the skin. You will then be in the nearest lymph node station so to speak controlled and the lymph nodes try to close them fight. This leads to swelling of the affected lymph nodes.

However, there is one systemic infection So before an infection that affects the whole body, the lymph nodes are often both sides swollen. Examples of such infections are respiratory infections, colds, flu, measles, rubella and Pfeiffer’s glandular fever.

Generalized lymph node swelling in children

Generalized lymph node swelling means swelling of lymph nodes all lymph node stations, in particular in the area of ​​both groin, both armpits and on both sides of the neck.

Such a generalized swelling can have different causes, it is rather rare. One possible cause is the existence of a HIV disease. But also with the rather harmless one Pfeifferer’s glandular fever generalized lymph node swelling may occur.

Lymph node swelling in the groin

In children there are lymph node swellings in the area of ​​the neck most frequently. But also in the strip lymph nodes may swell. This can be caused by, for example small injury his. After this has subsided, the swelling usually shows a decrease. If the swelling persists or increases for a long time, a doctor should be consulted.

Lymph node swelling after an insect bite

After an insect bite, it can be as reactive immune response swelling of the lymph nodes in the body.

Is someone allergic against a certain form of insect bites, it can lead to an allergic reaction reddening and Swelling at the injection site come.
This leads to the capillaries becoming more permeable and more Liquid gets into the tissue.
However, this usually results in a lymphatic congestion, which in turn causes the lymph nodes to react and swell.

In some cases, too Pathogens through a stab in the bloodstream, which also causes a reaction.

Lymph node swelling after a cold

The most common form the lymph node swelling follows harmless bacterial or viral colds on.

As part of the infection, the Pathogen transported to the nearest lymph node stations, which are an essential part of immune defense against the disease. The lymph nodes may swell in response to pathogen contact and cause pain. In case of colds of the upper respiratory tract especially cervical lymph nodes affected. Rarely can also lymph nodes on the neck, behind the ears, around the collarbone or in the armpit be swollen. After the cold, the swelling subsides.

You might also be interested in this topic: cold with the baby

Lymph node swelling after vaccination

Vaccinations are an achievement of modern medicine that have managed to significantly fewer children develop, die or suffer from infectious diseases.
Despite strict admission requirements, it can be in rare cases to Vaccine Reactions or complications come.

Depending on the vaccine, parts of the pathogen are placed in the child’s organism to prevent this Activate the child’s immune system and to train.
A immune response of the body is he wishes and part of vaccination immunization.

  • So with one local response a reddening the puncture site with Swelling of the regional lymph nodes develop.
    This is reported in around 1 in 100 cases and requires no further therapy.
  • It can also become 1-4 weeks after vaccination vaccinial come.
    That means the The disease caused by the pathogens in the vaccination has undergone in a weakened formt will.

Slight flu symptoms, elevated temperature, rashes and swelling of lymph nodes are observed here.

All of this shows functioning response of the body to invading pathogens.

To find out more about this topic, read our next article at:

Lymph node swelling as an indication of a tumor

In rare cases, swelling of the lymph nodes can also indicate a tumor in a child.
Inflammation as a cause of swelling of the lymph nodes are indeed much more often, but malignant events must always be considered as a differential diagnosis.

  • At a painless, steadily increasing enlargement of lymph nodes there may be a tumor.
  • Bad mobility of the lymph node in relation to its surrounding tissue can also be an indication of malignancy.
  • It is also worth mentioning that in tumorous events the node rather rock hard or rubbery palpable are.

Unspecific symptoms, The indications of cancer are also:

  • loss in weight,
  • increased susceptibility to infection,
  • bone pain,
  • strong sweating at night,
  • Increase of bruises and
  • a general Decrease in general well-being.

However, all of these descriptions for a tumor also apply to the condition of one tuberculosis infection to.

One of the cancers in children that is accompanied by lymph node swelling in 60% of cases is acute leukemia.
In order to carry out further diagnostic steps here, the treating doctor first becomes one blood collection arrange with blood smear.
A Bone marrow is then essential, however, in order to be able to make a definitive diagnosis.

Lymph node swelling test

You suffer from swollen lymph nodes? Do you have any other symptoms?
Answer to this 19 short questions and learn more about potential causes and treatment options.
Click here for the Lymph node swelling test


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