Milk teeth caries in young children (photo) and their causes

What is important to know about tooth decay in young children

In young children, tooth decay is usually much faster than in adults, and the destruction often affects several teeth at the same time. In such situations, the prolonged inactivity of the child’s parents can lead to very serious consequences.

Don’t think that "that are just milk teeth and they will still fall out." The infectious carious process is not limited to hard tooth tissue, but goes quickly beyond the root with purulent fusion of the surrounding soft tissues. In such cases, the earliest removal of the deciduous tooth is the best option for the child’s health and normal life, which in itself often traumatizes the small child’s psyche and causes persistent anxiety in the dentist’s office.

The photo below shows examples of neglected tooth decay in children (including a periodontitis complication in the second example):

But the main result of such premature removal of milk teeth is various injuries to the bite, language, child’s appearance (face shape), the possible appearance of inferiority complexes in the team (if the baby has walked with rotten teeth for years or without them). We’ll go into more detail about what happens if we don’t treat the caries of the deciduous teeth in young children and the most dangerous complications, but everything will be fine .

According to statistics, 12% of babies under one year of age have tooth decay, and in 5 years dentists will have this disease in about 73% of children. If you think about these statistics, it turns out that while milk teeth break out on average for 4-6 months in a child’s life, it appears that they do "fresh" and healthy, but in 12 months almost every tenth child has tooth decay at every stage on the baby’s tooth. This data most clearly reflects the plight of babies in small villages and towns where there are no pediatric dentists or hygienists.

A carious cavity that forms in temporary teeth that have not yet become stronger is a source of infection with numerous pathogenic microflora. This focus directly or indirectly influences the protective functions of the child’s body. Problems not only arise in connection with pain in teeth damaged by caries due to various irritants (cold, sweet, acidic), but can also escalate to caries complications, which often question the survival of a milk tooth. At an early age, such complications often lead to serious conditions, including the need to save the child’s life if a purulent infection spreads to the soft tissues surrounding the tooth tissue (abscess, phlegmon, sepsis, cervical and other thromboses, meningitis, thrombophlebitis).

Take a look at a few photos that show the consequences of not having a child’s teeth properly cared for early on:

I would particularly like to point out that the infection in the caries cavity often brings complications with the slightest changes in the child’s immunity, for example with hypothermia, severe stress:

  • in the nose – persistent runny nose, antritis;
  • Ears – ear infection and earache;
  • Throat – sore throat;
  • and even on the gastrointestinal tract – indigestion.

Parents trying to ignore this problem is a crime against the health and life of a small person.

Why milk teeth die from bacteria?

Numerous studies have shown that the cause of decay of milk teeth is bacteria, which are usually transmitted from the mother to the baby. The most important "destroyer" of the teeth are Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sanguis. These microorganisms usually get into the child’s mouth when using ordinary cutlery, when parents lick spoons, nipples and even when kissing.

According to the results of studies conducted in 2008 in "Pediatric Dentistry" published, there is direct evidence that the mother is the primary source of Streptococcus mutans (mutant streptococci) that can inhabit children’s bodies. Other studies have shown that fathers are potential sources of infection.

Therefore, the cause of the decay of baby teeth during tooth decay is actually a bacterial infection that can spread from one person to another, which is especially important at the teething stage, since the baby’s teeth are particularly susceptible to very early age are the cariogenic effects of microorganisms.

But not everything is as sad as it may seem at first. The presence of cariogenic bacteria in the baby’s saliva is just a kind of puzzle element that does not in itself cause tooth decay. Indeed, the destruction is caused by a whole complex of factors: the presence of cariogenic microorganisms, oral hygiene, eating habits, their modes, frequency and duration, characteristics of the baby’s saliva (buffering capacity, presence of protective immunoglobulins, mineralizing properties), inheritance of the Babies.

As practice shows, the constant sucking of a suction bottle filled with juice, milk or other sugary liquids is particularly badly affected. Bacteria use sucrose and some other carbohydrates for nutrition and reproduction, while releasing organic acids that demineralize the tooth enamel. Early decay of the deciduous teeth forms in the enamel layer and gradually captures all of the enamel to form a small cavity – and then deeply – during the transition from carious destruction to dentin (while the teeth can start to be seriously injured).

According to the American doctor Jane Soxman, if the reproduction of the cariogenic bacteria is not actively restricted, they will soon colonize the entire oral cavity and will actively attack the teeth that are already there after their appearance.

The photo below shows the initial caries of milk teeth:

How to recognize tooth decay on the baby’s teeth in time

Most often, tooth decay first appears on the front milk teeth and manifests itself as spots of various shades (white, yellow, brown, black) or carious cavities (cavities) that are visible to the naked eye. Lesions can be located in the cervical (root) area of ​​the milk teeth, on one or two contact walls (interdental walls) and can also capture half or most of the tooth crown.

This photo shows the earliest signs of tooth decay in a child – the enamel has turned white due to demineralization:

When caries affects the fossa on the primary milk teeth, these areas become dark brown or even black. A further progression of the caries leads to the fact that the integrity of the enamel in the fissure is broken and a clearly visible cavity is formed with the naked eye, or, to put it more simply, a "hole" in a milk tooth.

So, the main signs of decay of milk teeth:

  1. Visuals The appearance of suspicious spots on the teeth (especially in a short time).
  2. Painful. Often a child with caries begins to complain of painful reactions from cold, sweet, hot, etc. Sometimes the teeth hurt a lot and sometimes they hardly bother.
  3. The appearance of the smell from the child’s mouth. Under the action of cariogenic microorganisms, the food particles in the oral cavity actually rot. At the same time, there is a specific smell that should push milk teeth when thinking about tooth decay.
  4. The variety of the manifestation. Due to the insignificant mineralization of the enamel of milk teeth, caries on several teeth begins to develop at almost the same intensity at the same time, which is the cause of multiple lesions. The accumulation of carbohydrate residues in the retention zones (food retention): near the gums, in the gaps between the teeth, in the pits (fissures) creates a favorable environment for the active feeding of bacteria, provoking the dissolution of enamel.

Is there a link between caries and breastfeeding??

The so-called bottle caries develops in children from zero to four years old and destroys the milk teeth after they break out over a certain period of time. Bottle caries most often develops on the front teeth in the cervical area with a partial or full circumference of the crown – in this case it is also referred to as caries.

Often you can also see white or black spots in the gum zone that extend to the boundaries of the gaps between the teeth. Sometimes the complete coverage of the crown of the deciduous tooth is circular caries – in such a situation, the entire coronal part can easily break off.

Pictures of milk teeth with circular caries:

Breastfeeding does not directly provoke caries in the bottle. According to experts, only frequent and longer night feeding without hygienic procedures after it can provoke and accelerate the formation of tooth decay on milk teeth.

It does not matter whether they are breastfed or from a bottle with milk or juice. The main cause of the formation of plaque on milk teeth and cariogenic activity of microbes is a frequent feeding of the child, especially during sleep, feeding with sweets between the main meals and a lack of hygienic measures after meals.

An attempt not to treat the primary caries caries can lead to severe multiple defects of the crowns, including chipping and breaking off. This is often accompanied by pain when eating or even spontaneous sharp pain. The loss of function of a large number of teeth results in an injury to the child’s bite, chewing, digestion and general well-being.

Therapeutic fluoride-containing preparations are used to treat milk caries (circle) caries, which can be used both in the clinic and at home if you follow the doctor’s instructions. Laser treatment of caries and ozone treatment at an early age does not apply. To prevent spoilage of milk teeth in children, dentists recommend cleaning the baby’s teeth after every meal, and toddler parents should follow the steps of treating and sterilizing nipples and bottles.

Pain milk teeth due to tooth decay?

Caries on milk teeth can occur both asymptomatically and with characteristic pain. As a rule, a tooth only hurts from the action of any irritants (as mentioned above, it can be hot or cold food, something salty, sweet or sour). A painful attack persists while an external factor continues to work.

Depending on the stage of the caries, pain reactions are differentiated if:

  • Superficial tooth decay – in this case children usually complain of pain from sweet and sour food;
  • With average caries – short-term pain from hot and cold dishes, sweet and sour;
  • With deep caries – this pain symptom is more often expressed by all listed stimuli, as well as by the meal itself (mechanical irritation).

Pain does not happen to initial caries milk teeth (in the phase of white spots), so it is easier to start treatment at this stage.

The possibilities of modern treatment

In modern pediatric dentistry, there are various methods of treating caries in children at a very young age, and in addition, treatment approaches are chosen that are characterized by high reliability, safety and the least traumatic effect on the child’s psyche.

Main ways of treating early caries of milk teeth – these are non-invasive or minimally invasive technologies:

  • Remineralization of enamel and dentin (restoration of the lost mineral structure);
  • deep fluoridation;
  • manual treatment of the caries cavity without the use of a drill;
  • delayed filling;

The latest development – ICON technology (Ikon) – is particularly popular in the treatment of decay teeth of milk teeth. Long treatment cycles with remineralizing agents and fluorine preparations are not necessary, since a visit is almost always sufficient to make a carious stain disappear from the tooth surface.

The importance of the procedure is that after cleaning the tooth enamel from plaque, a gel with a weak acid is applied to the carious stain, which removes the surface layer of the tooth enamel, and then a high-flow polymer material is cured by the light of the special lamp, at the same time polymer resin fills and hardens the pores of the enamel, creating a new, durable and reliable structure.

Treatment with ICON technology is similar to tooth filling, but without the participation in standard devices. This technology is actively used in orthodontic treatment after removal of braces and in the treatment of caries in the stage of spots on the vestibular (outer) and contact surfaces, ie between the teeth. ICON technology is suitable for the treatment of early caries in milk teeth in children from 3 years of age.

If ICON technology is used to treat initial caries, when there is no cavity, what if the destruction of the deciduous tooth has already exceeded the limits of the tooth enamel and has reached the dentin? In the event that a child has an increased fear of conventional treatment methods due to the preparation of a carious cavity with a drill, use the ART method (atraumatic restorative treatment).

The photo below shows some of the tools used in the ART caries treatment technique – they replace the drill:

The meaning of the technique is simple: special sets of manual excavators and some other tools are used to clean the softened and infected tissue with the carious cavity, after which it is treated with weak antiseptic solutions and sealed with glass ionomer cements – materials that make up the tooth tissue can permanently saturate with fluorides.

Despite the significant disadvantage of the technique, which is that pigmented (dark) untreated dentin often remains on the floor and walls of the cavity, it is still possible to stop the progress of tooth decay, fill in the defect and restore the tooth to normal to chew. and also to eliminate painful symptoms of external irritants. And if this technology is not always suitable for permanent teeth, then treating carious foci of temporary teeth is sometimes the best option so as not to harm the baby’s psyche.

Where to put the treatment??

In caries of milk teeth or their complications, unprepared parents always have a problem: where should their teeth be treated? Often lead "Adults" Dentists have a mixed reception, which means that they also treat children.

Dentistry, however, differs significantly from that "adults", so you should choose a specially equipped dental clinic for children. The choice between public and private institutions is based on the financial component. It should be noted that savings for the child’s health will often be noticeable in the future.

Of course, not all public institutions with free admission receive poor treatment, but the often uneven distribution of young patients among several pediatricians who are treated in a large hospital or clinic leads to different paradoxes. Professional doctors willing to help a high quality child are forced to serve between 15 and 25-30 or even more children a day, but not very conscientiously, and untrained doctors often have a lot of free time, but nobody wants them bring a child.

You must understand that in these and other cases, you will not receive quality and warranty support. In addition, use in the conventional "free" Institutions most often use outdated methods and approaches to treat tooth decay, "old" Devices and not the most modern materials.

A large flow of patients precludes an individual approach, which cannot be said about private clinics and centers, where an individual prevention and treatment plan is not created for one day (as is usually the case in state institutions), but for the next few years. The task of the clinic in this case is a mutually beneficial cooperation with the parents in order to preserve the child’s milk teeth before their physiological change, taking into account the age and psychological status of the baby. In this case, experienced pediatric dentists create the form of interaction in the form of a game.

From the dentist’s observations

One of the most effective methods in modern private dental clinics to generate a child’s interest in treatment are colored fillings that are placed on milk teeth when treating tooth decay. Popular color fillings from the German company Twinky Star allow the child to choose the color of the future fillings themselves. The set contains 7 colors: blue, orange, pink, yellow, green, etc. As a rule, the child’s strongest motivation is to boast of a new, beautiful filling in front of his peers.

When the child is afraid of doctors

Sometimes there is little persuasion, motivation with colored fillings or buying a new toy to take a child to the dentist. For many children, the fear of white fur is an almost insurmountable obstacle to maintaining milky and later permanent teeth. In such cases, one often has to resort to the most, perhaps the most risky method of treatment – this is the use of anesthesia when the child has been immersed in sleep for a while.

No matter how clinics and individual doctors present anesthesia as a safe treatment, the facts of possible complications during and after anesthesia are still there, and the percentage of failures (albeit small), there are parents who warn the newspaper about it sign possible negative consequences. Use of general anesthesia.

Of particular importance in this context are drugs that have a sedative effect (suppression of consciousness) that allow manipulation when the patient is conscious but does not experience fear. Such drugs (tranquilizers) are almost all available on prescription.

For example, in modern pediatric dentistry, the practical non-prescription drug Tenoten for children, which is made in tablets for absorption, is used.The application of the pill 20 minutes before the visit to the dentist can significantly reduce the child’s fear, eliminate anxiety, the pain threshold increase, improve mood.

From all of this, it is important to understand that only mutually beneficial collaboration and full collaboration between parents and a pediatric dentist will help create a really comfortable environment for the prevention and treatment of a young child. This, in turn, will offer a real perspective of preserving milk teeth to their natural shift, and in order to preserve future permanent teeth, it will create the necessary positive attitude of the child to any dental treatment.

Create all the conditions for this and your children will always have healthy teeth!

How prevention saves baby teeth

For effective prevention of milk caries An integrated approach is paramount. At the same time, a distinction is made between systemic and local methods for preventing carious processes.

For a better understanding: Systemic measures are the use of special products or medication inside. Local methods of caries prevention include, above all, the application of various active mineralizing enamel components to the teeth.

What should be understood by each parent in system activities:

  1. Limiting carbohydrates and increasing consumption of "tough" Food (fruits, vegetables). You can find the sentence in many sources: "eliminate sweets from the child’s diet." Le />
  2. Systemic use of fluoride. In general, fluoride, as one of the most important components of the enamel mineral lattice, should be enriched with water – this is the maximum way it is absorbed in the body. Unfortunately, in many regions of Russia there is a serious lack of fluoride in drinking water, without which the teeth of the baby can be affected by caries very quickly. Based on the data on the fluorine content in the water supply system, a basis for systemic prevention is formed, combined with the introduction of fluorinated milk, salt into the food, and the ordering of fluoride-containing tablets, rinsing solutions, tooth gels in the clinic or for home use, such as fluoride is toxic in unskilled hands and can harm a child’s health and even life, it is necessary to see a doctor before such serious fluoride prophylaxis.

What you need to know about local preventive measures to protect baby teeth from childhood caries:

  • High quality cleaning by the baby’s parents the surface of the milk and permanent teeth with a toothbrush and paste. Such hygiene should be started after the appearance of the first baby tooth, for which special wipes are suitable, for example spiffies with special impregnation for better cleaning of plaque. You can even use simple gauze dampened with warm boiling water. It is important to understand that this treatment should be given exactly after the child has eaten. It is enough to clean the surface of the teeth 2-3 times a day to significantly reduce the risk of tooth decay on the milk teeth.

Teaching a child with a toothbrush should be in the form of a game for 1.5-2 years. It is impossible to force a child by force, as this creates a persistent negative attitude towards hygiene. Parents of babies should remember that using an example of proper and effective brushing can easily motivate your child to acquire the same manual skills.

First, a paste that does not contain fluoride is used with a toothbrush, and every year it should contain the desired fluoride concentration that is recommended for this age. Orientation in the present has become fairly simple: the recommended age of its use is written on almost every paste for children.

  • Professional and at home (under the supervision of the attending physician) use deep fluoridation. Most often it is enamel or dentin sealing liquid. The alternating use of preparations for deep fluoridation enables the enamel of milk teeth to be strengthened and a barrier against the action of acids from microorganisms from plaque to be created in a short time. The use of topical fluoride-containing drugs has a selective effect on the tooth tissue, bypassing the processes of prolonged absorption of fluoride from water or food. Especially since the correctly carried out method of deep fluoridation completely eliminates the likelihood of toxic effects of fluoride on the body.

As already mentioned, only an integrated approach with a competent combination of systemic and local prophylaxis strengthens the enamel of milk and permanent teeth and protects the child from tooth decay for a long time.

Useful video: why it is important to treat milk teeth?

How to properly care for the oral cavity in young children

Baby teeth with caries in children need to be healed. Some parents are approaching

According to statistics, almost every third child in most regions of Russia has teeth that begin to decay immediately after the outbreak .

It is well known that poor oral hygiene and a lack of calcium, phosphorus and fluorine are among the main factors in the development of tooth decay .

Baby 1 year 10 months. Upper incisors partially destroyed. What to do and where to go The problem is that nobody in our region is committed to doing anything with such a small child.

We have the same problem, my daughter in 1.4 months. Front teeth started to crumble. Literally two weeks flew 3 teeth! Nobody wanted to treat anything either. In the city dental clinic for free silver. Now my daughter is 1.10 months old. and I see the teeth continue to break down. I found a private clinic in Kiev where such small children are treated.

My child’s teeth are broken too, the top two. Went to the doctor, they just said to clean. Cleaned. Now almost all of the upper teeth look gnawed. Doctors don’t do anything. It is a pity that they move out. We are just starting to speak almost normally (2 years old, teeth started to deteriorate at 1.6 years).

Zahn’s daughter began to deteriorate rapidly at the age of 1.5. The doctor recommended 2 solutions: either treatment and removal under general anesthesia, or sitting and waiting for new ones to grow. Now my daughter is 4 years old. All lower ones are in the seals, the upper ones are partially sealed and removed. Black teeth – very ugly. Treat your children in time.

What anesthesia?

Stop sucking nipples, bottles, breasts over time – it’s 12 months, don’t eat or drink sweetly, and start taking care of your baby’s teeth! For us pediatric dentists, early tooth decay is like a sore throat! Take care of your children, dear parents, and we are pediatric dentists, we will always show you, but we are not magicians and there are no caries from pills and caries ("holes").

Breastfeeding cannot provoke tooth decay – this is a myth and very harmful! But the sweet teas from a bottle at night – that’s it. Well, in general, the later the sweetness becomes part of the child’s diet, the better for him. And of course, hygiene training and check-ups at the dentist should be the norm.

Today we were at the dentist’s reception, a child of 1 year, a raid on all front teeth. The doctor said it was from breastfeeding at night. We don’t give anything sweet, we brush our teeth 2 times. And still spoil.

It is anything but a myth. My child doesn’t take bottles and nipples, and especially no sweet tea for the night. We are only on GW and night feeding. Here you are!

Yes, we are guilty, no doubt. But then the question: We came to a pediatric dentist when we were almost 2 years old, bottle caries, 4 teeth are damaged, we are "doctor" said that in this age in no way heal. "Brush your teeth and water at night instead of milk." As far as I can tell – if there is tooth decay, brushing your teeth is definitely not treated. The pain has come, the child can not sleep. What should I do? Where to run Which doctors? And what can I say at the meeting with the woman who misled us ?!

Hello Marina! You should contact a pediatric dentist in a private clinic: it is better to choose a private pediatric dentistry with a maximum of positive feedback without paying attention to the expensive price – high quality treatment is expensive. It is clear that the dentist with a certain psychological status of the child will sometimes not be able to do the job completely, although it is best to act in that direction instead of letting go of the situation and waiting for that the flow joins the screaming – purulent inflammation in the area of ​​the sick teeth.

If the child has the ability to treat the teeth, they are treated using practically the same methods as in adult dentistry: there are a number of materials that fill (restore) the tooth properly after treating teeth from caries, so that Child not only does not suffer, but was not an outcast in kindergarten – the object of ridicule (due to rotten teeth or a toothless mouth).

If the child does not allow the first wonderful dentist or second professional to treat the teeth, the choice is small: either remove the teeth, but it can be a psychological trauma to life and the fear of white fur, or sedation and / or anesthesia. There are many pediatric dental clinics that practice sedation (anesthesia) in the treatment of aggressive or non-touching children, this is effective but also expensive. It is clear that anesthesia – these are certain risks and possible side effects, superficial sedation – this is closer to the safe version of the child’s full treatment, while he is relaxed and indifferent for a short time.

As for the woman who misled you, of course I don’t know all the nuances of this dentist’s work in this facility. Maybe she has burnout syndrome and she won’t be offended by a child for such a small salary "bitten" and she has no time to convince small patients with such a stream (to play with a child to the doctor). There is a possibility that she has no experience with such small children.

I don’t know exactly what prevents this woman from getting rid of carious lesions in young patients in time, but I give up the copycat option for the dentist – it could be useful:

"If you are not professionally prepared to work with children between the ages of 1.5 and 3, is it better than giving empty and harmful advice to parents, better completing refresher courses or completely changing the field of activity? In private clinics, tooth decay and pulpitis can be treated at such a young age. "

Dear doctor! We like to go to "private pediatric dentistry", but there simply aren’t any in our city. But torturing children in our state knows how well. First the queue for four hours, then the doctors shout and scare him, but it’s just a kid and it hurts and scary!

Very good article! I learned a lot of new things. Thanks) Watch out and be careful.

My son is 1.7. The top 4 teeth are crumbling steel. We went to the doctor, the doctor said: always clean. Now I’m going to try to find a pediatric dentist.

The teeth started to break down quickly from the age of 2, from the same age that we brush in the morning and evening. We went to the pediatric dentist, healed and covered with silver, but the teeth continued to collapse and even turned black ((What should I do?!).

Hi there! It’s not about cleaning, it’s about the variety of sweets that come into your mouth. According to statistics, the most destroyed teeth in children are pushed between meals and then sweets (especially sweets, toffee, chocolate). I myself, as the parent of the baby, faced the fact that I shoved hand to strangers from the street, pushing sweets (from the seller to the grandparents from the entrance). In addition, these strangers tried to convince the dentist that the child would become stupid without chocolates (such sweet snacks): "After all, a child needs chocolate for his mind and development".

Fortunately, relatives and friends were aware that it was impossible to lure with candy for up to 2.5-3 years, and later it is undesirable, but a bit bearable. I will not explain why. Questions from my clients: "My son already has several teeth that have decayed from tooth decay, but he cannot treat how you treat your son’s teeth?", I say that by 4 he has no teeth with tooth decay, I have not been treated in the chair.

Oral hygiene was of course beside "handshaking" a little different than many parents imagine: the first teeth started to break out in a year (this is a slight delay), the child brushed them after a minute of training, then the game started: like a bumble bee flying and buzzing in the mouth, an angry one brush "shyrk-shyrk", brushing the tooth with the parent inside and out, especially the front group of upper teeth (most often subject to tooth decay).

We still clean the child after his 1-2 minute "game" further. And the best effect is achieved if the cleaning follows after breakfast and not before. Since milk teeth almost always have gaps between their teeth, flossing is not necessary, just controlled oral hygiene and the lack of sweet supplements: plugging a child’s hysteria with candy is bad practice, at least for healthy teeth.

By the way, brushing your teeth starts with the first broken tooth. We were lucky that it all started with a brush, but someone who has teeth for 4-5 months has to choose napalechniki or a banal toilet of the oral cavity and teeth with a gauze napkin. I don’t think there is a prohibitive philosophy.
"Ignorance of the law is not an excuse." Now a missed problem creates new ones. Of course, silvering teeth is a malicious practice. Many dentists will now agree with me: this is either a very one "temporary measure" or is generally ineffective. It is clear that it is easier for the child to anoint the teeth than to treat them with the ICON system (from 2 years), to fill the teeth with the classic method of glass measuring cement after preparation, etc. When choosing only a qualified pediatric dentist can request the methods. I don’t think it is necessary to go back to the doctor who suggested a non-modern and controversial silvering method. Good luck finding a professional and health for you and your baby!

See: Toothpaste, how expensive also depends. Some toothpastes make your teeth very weak – as if they were porcelain and gradually fall out into particles.

Dear Svyatoslav Gennadievich. Please tell me! Baby 1 year 3 months. The first tooth came out in 3 months. The second at 4. Yellow spots appeared almost immediately on the teeth. Of course, candy at this age cannot be discussed, nor does he suck a pacifier or bottle, just a breast, lures from a spoon that has previously been boiled with water. She asked the pediatrician what caused the spots, she said it was okay. In the year we were at the dentist (mixed reception leads), at that time there were already deepening of the teeth. She also said she wasn’t scary. Now I have noticed that the indentation on a tooth has become larger and covers the tooth, so to speak. I got on the internet, found this article and understood I have to do something! But what? The child is small and will not treat. Please tell me a way out! Is it all so creepy or can you withstand the permanent teeth with constant hygiene? Thanks in advance!

Hi there! I think the weak mineralization of the teeth, which is characteristic of your child, has made it possible to create a situation for the development of cervical caries on these teeth even with minor factors (breast milk + night feeding). If there was no night feeding, caries could develop as a result of the day. The problem is that caries at the color level smoothly transition into the surface or medium caries that need to be filled. That is the ideal.

I think it’s too early to judge whether the child will heal or not. It is necessary to contact a normal clinic, where there are specialists – pediatric dentists. They often find an approach to the child even in the most difficult cases.

I am (since I rarely work with children) and this age may surprise you, and pediatric dentist therapists who take 10 or more children from 0 to 17 years a day are unlikely. Without examining a child’s teeth and checking the caries (depth of damage), it is impossible to draw up a treatment plan and even less to say whether the teeth will be treated permanently without treatment. In general, the last question is very philosophical, and a pediatric dentist is unlikely to answer it, since everything depends on the speed of the caries, which is not accessible to simple arithmetic. Thank you for your concern.

In Central Asia, up to the age of 7, I didn’t know what toothpaste was, I didn’t know who the dentist was. After 7 years, I first tried toothpaste – in terms of taste, but very rarely. At the age of 19 she visited the dentist for the first time!

Agree with a colleague. I was very happy that Ikon was finally noticed (it was too painful for me, by my colleagues) "to get my opinion on the benefits of this drug") .This is an excellent material for the treatment of tooth decay in the area of ​​tooth enamel. And not just in children. And by the way, from my own practice, I find that I managed to save them a 16-year-old girl who had fluorosis from crowns. It was an experiment. And we both liked the result. Individual case. I am a young doctor. But fact is fact.

But what I actually wanted to say – yes, there is a lot of talk about treatment, prevention, hygiene and nutrition. But they don’t say in a word that we can protect our baby’s teeth even during pregnancy. The temporary enamel teeth are laid in the first trimester, permanent – lately. At this time, mothers-to-be can ensure the most favorable conditions for this process, by following a certain diet (eating completely) and observing their own health (not doing deeds, risking health). There are special medications for preventing bookmarks of weak enamel in the baby. Although I’m a little more careful with supplements, but if you live in conditions where good nutrition is hard to get, for example, water has a low fluoride content, you shouldn’t handle such things, of course, under the supervision of a gynecologist and his Dentists (by the way, there are fluorinated products) because an excess of fluoride is also not a good thing. But it is better to try to eat well, walk in the sun and not be sick. Yes, the main thing – don’t get sick. Especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the main organs are laid and the baby’s immune system is formed (weak immunity – weak saliva – caries).

I hope this information is at least for someone "contemporary" his.

As for feeding infants and young children. Caries can cause any product with sugar. Even breast milk. Another question is that breast milk also contains antimicrobial substances and is drunk when the breast is ingested properly (and mothers usually don’t have problems with the appearance of teeth on this question), so they almost do not penetrate teeth (an exception may be Feed a half-awake baby when he falls asleep on the nipple "slips". Hence caries and means "bottle", and not "Sisechny" or in general "milk". Because basically our enemy is a bottle. But hygiene and cleanliness of the female breast is very necessary. Just rinse with water without soap after each feed, I know a fairly large percentage of women don’t, mistakenly because milk has antimicrobial properties, "heals" she also nipple and disinfected it. It is not so! Milk is a protein organic product that is quickly colonized by microbes. Antimicrobial properties are not enough. It is not an antiseptic!

With the introduction of nutritional supplements, the risk of tooth decay in a baby increases dramatically. This is due to the fact that the supply of sugar is increasing dramatically. Juices, sweet teas are particularly dangerous. I strongly recommend diluting the juices with half water (believe me the baby will be delicious!), But it is better to give up completely by the age of two or three. Replace them with fruit puree. And it doesn’t matter if you clean the baby’s teeth thoroughly after each feeding, if you have those little teeth at all – teach the boys to drink pure water! I ate – they gave me some water. Better out of the cup – at the same time rinsing the teeth and mastering them quickly "job". I woke up at night – offer some water first. I asked to drink – some water! At 2-3 years when the baby’s water "loves" and if you become more aware that you have to rinse your mouth after a meal, you can also give juices.

Start teaching your child to brush their teeth as early as possible. As a rule, after one and a half years, children have a pronounced desire to repeat themselves after adults. Set an example. Brush your teeth – take the baby with you, let him nibble the brush. The main thing is to develop a habit! Then teach and movements.

If you have tooth stains, brush your teeth a little. The minimum is to think about what could cause tooth decay. Snacks or juices. Or something else. And get rid of them. And don’t wait until 6-7 years when the teeth start to change. Not all teeth change after 6 years, there are teeth that change by 12.

Health for you!

Son year and two months. The upper enamel started to crumble while the tooth was whole, as if the bark had come off the tree, and the color of the inner tooth was light yellow. The doctor at the clinic said that when I was pregnant, I didn’t get any minerals, vitamins, or anything else (even though I was drinking vitamins, iron, B6 magnesium). I am very worried about the condition of my bone teeth. Please advise, you have to move out or wait? Thanks in advance.

Hi there! According to the description, it is similar to the so-called bottle caries; without a great need, it is not worth removing milk teeth, since it is important how correct and timely teeth break out. But just waiting, doing nothing doesn’t make sense: you have to make an accurate diagnosis and identify the causes of the rapid destruction of the teeth and then, if possible, eliminate these causes.

Try to contact your child’s other pediatric dentist. Not all dentists are ready to help at such a young age as this has a number of difficulties, but it is worth trying because not only the health of future permanent teeth depends on it, but also the health of the baby as a whole. I hope that you will find a competent pediatric dentist who, despite early childhood, does not turn you away in qualified help.

Dear parents, we can simplify trips to the doctor and not hurt the child. This is to clean the teeth with the appearance of the first (morning after eating and evening as well). Before the age of 9, parents should brush their teeth. The child trains only trains in this age group! Remove from fruit juices and sweets. The child, I think cutlery should be separated from adults, every 1, 2, 3, 4 years go to the doctor for a routine check-up. I wish your children don’t get sick.

Svyatoslav Gennadievich, hello. Please tell me my son is two years old and ten months old. On the lower tooth, after the incisors, I noticed a small spot on the canine teeth, similar to the beginning caries. What can be done Teeth clean with pleasure. The rest of the teeth are fine. And another question: how often you give calcium gluconate to a child?

Hi there! I think it is necessary to contact a pediatric dentist and stain with a special dye to understand: it is caries, pigmentation or just a plaque accumulated at this point that is not removed when brushing your teeth. If it is tooth decay, it needs to be treated. The doctor chooses the tactic depending on the baby’s behavior and the possibilities of dentistry.

In terms of the need and frequency of calcium gluconate intake by the child, I cannot tell you in my absence. It is important to examine the teeth: the appearance and condition of the enamel in order to have any idea whether this medication can be useful and how it is generally justified, often by a pediatrician together with a pediatric dentist "managed". Therefore I recommend a personal visit to the doctor with the baby.

Now my son is 3 years old. Milk caries started in the year, they went to the doctor – they said there was nothing we could do, they were milk. As a result, the top 4 teeth collapsed, and now there is a knot on the gums above one tooth and blood is extracted from the rest of the tooth like pus. We were in dentistry recently, a doctor in the hospital, tomorrow we will go again. Tell me what to do? Remove residues?

Hi there! It is necessary to find out the extent of the problem: how these teeth are destroyed. Maybe some of them can still be saved. Those who are in the purulent phase (exacerbation of chronic periodontitis) must be removed. Removal and treatment at this age is often done under general anesthesia. There is also superficial sedation as an alternative to anesthesia. These options are only selected by a specialist (pediatric dentist, it is better to set up a child’s profile) who have the presence of contraindications and carry out a diagnosis, external and in the oral cavity. So your first step is to find a professional pediatric dentist.

With purulent teeth (or teeth) it is better not to pull, as this is often a direct danger not only for dental health (for future permanent teeth), but even for the life of the baby.

Hello, we have the first tooth in a month and in 6 months we had almost all teeth. And they immediately started rubbing the gums. We went to the doctors, they told us they couldn’t help since we were little. I don’t know what to do. We are now 1.9, our front teeth have almost all been erased, and so far only rear holes have appeared on the back. Please tell me what can I do?

Hi there! I am sure that the so called bottle caries make a significant contribution to the "efface" who has performed anterior teeth: This is a common problem today, especially with temporarily erupting teeth. Try to do as much as you can to improve the oral hygiene of the child’s mouth so that later the teeth will not collapse as quickly.

To clarify the situation and determine which teeth can and must be restored and whether the remains of the destroyed teeth urgently need to be removed, you need to contact the children’s dentistry (preferably at a high level, as your case is not easy) Even the youngest patients can be helped, for example with sedation or anesthesia. It may be necessary to consult several doctors (surgeon, therapist, orthopedist, orthodontist). And most importantly – do not hesitate to reschedule your doctor because the consequences of the delay can be very serious.

Thanks for the article! I have learned a lot of useful information, especially about the prevention and hygiene of milk teeth. And I agree with the comment above, it’s better to monitor them from the very first child’s tooth so that no serious problems arise later.

Svyatoslav Gennadiewitsch! Good day! My daughter is 1.5 years old, caries of milk from four front upper teeth. In private dentistry, the doctor offered to drill a few teeth, about anesthesia, of course there was no talk. And silvering, according to many, does not give the desired result. Explain what is a more effective treatment method? Is it worth filling your teeth at such an early age, does it really hurt the baby? Many thanks in advance for your reply!

Hello Tatiana! The silvering method is really not an effective treatment method; it can rather be described as a variant to the problem "revise" and transform it into a chronic process, often with negative consequences for milk teeth.

Often at this age not only anesthesia is used, but also superficial sedation, which carries fewer risks and enables the pediatric dentist to do his job well. As a result, the child does not hinder the doctor from working and the doctor treats properly.

On the one hand, what the doctor suggests, as I understand it, without anesthesia and without sedation, "drill your teeth", around the baby is normal, but usually not many children in this age group sit quietly, are not afraid and follow the doctor’s instructions, that is, do not interfere. There are doctors who not only provide high quality caries treatment, but also entertain the child so skillfully that he then asks his parents to return to this office. You can interest your child in different ways – from cartoons and small gifts to color fillings and delicious polishing pastes. But the risk of a child not going to such a nice doctor is big enough, and the possible consequences are the fear of a white coat because of pain during treatment.

However, it is important for you to act quickly enough until your teeth collapse and the tooth decay has not progressed to complications, with the risk of losing teeth or even breaking permanent teeth.

Good day. Son is 4 years old. At 2.5 the front tooth was knocked out, after which all teeth of the upper jaw began to collapse. Only hemp from the upper teeth was left! Doctors shrugging from the start, without the exact reasons for the destruction and what to do next, assure them that this will not affect permanent teeth. Is it like this?

Hi there! The fact is that it is not just a broken tooth, but rapid caries (usually in the cervical area), the so-called "bottle tooth decay". That he is the main cause of tooth decay in your baby. Processes that occur with damaged teeth can affect permanent teeth, and the degree of severity depends on the infectious component. If a purulent-necrotic process develops in the canal, the infection quickly penetrates deep into the bone and the germ of a permanent tooth often suffers. In some cases, the primordium can be up to its "absorption" be badly damaged.

I think your attending physicians cannot help a child for a number of reasons, so to put it mildly, they make strange statements. I am sure you need to find pediatric dentists who are able to adequately assess the situation to start treatment or broken teeth ("hemp") to remove urgently to avoid the development of purulent infections.

Caries is the most obvious sign of vitamin K2 deficiency. It is K2 not to be confused with K1.

Good day. We will soon be one year old, recently noticed that brown spots appeared on the canines, and today I saw that spots appeared on the front teeth and that holes appeared to be starting. Is it really impossible to do something? I am very worried, tomorrow I have to go to the doctor.

Hi there! Fortunately, many things can be done. The methods for preventing and treating caries at this age are different: from the outdated method of silvering the teeth to their modern restoration using icon technology. In any case, it is important to contact a pediatric dentist in time to plan treatment, so don’t worry and treat dental caries as soon as possible so that the child’s health and the onset of permanent teeth are not affected. Health for your baby!

Good evening! Baby 1.7. 4 front teeth are destroyed. There is a white flower on the chewing sixes. As I understand it – this is the initial phase of tooth decay. In a private clinic, they recommended filling all upper teeth, including those with a white patina. Of course, I don’t want to deal with anesthesia. You wrote about sedation at this age. Somewhere they wrote that it has been valid for 3 years. It is terrible to imagine that even when he cries, cries and shrugs, he fills the teeth of such a baby. Great stress for a child. Question: Is sedation used at an age like ours? And is it really necessary to seal tooth decay in the white spot phase?

And another question. Is it possible to delay or stop tooth decay for some time? Up to the age at which it is possible to agree to the child and treat tooth decay even under nitrous oxide? I read about the silvering of the affected tooth areas. It will help stop the destruction?

Hello pink. Caries in the white spot phase can be observed provided that good hygiene is observed (care must be taken that there is no worsening of the situation). If a child has already broken some teeth (there are carious cavities), these need to be treated as they are chronic inflammatory foci that affect the child’s general health and lead to further tooth decay. At an early age, high quality treatment can only be performed under anesthesia – sedation, unfortunately, will not work. Consultation with the anesthetist is required.

It is not necessary to delay the solution to the problem with teeth damaged by caries, since the carious process will continue to spread and can lead to complications to interrupt this process is very problematic. Silvering of the affected areas of the tooth is used up to a certain stage of destruction, but a number of specialists consider the procedure to be ineffective. So I don’t recommend relying on silver alone.

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