Motor development in children between 0-5 years, i am a mother

From reflexes of the newborn to writing sentences. The motor Development in children between 0 and 5 years is a phase of evolution and lifelong learning, both for them and for their parents.

During this time supports a number of motor changes in the coordination between bones, muscles, tendons and nerves. So defines the unique motorical development – his ability to walk on two feet and the precision to pick things up – people.

Motor skills begin to develop at birth. Important organs are involved:

  • brain
  • spinal cord
  • Peripheral nerves
  • muscles
  • joints

The nervous system responsible for motor development matures in a predetermined order. As a result, the order is clear and predictable. Therefore, parents can monitor them and identify possible irregularities.

Motor development: first signs

The first sign of motor activity is the head. The newborn can turn it from side to side if it is with the face lies up. If it is face down, it can lift it up a bit.

Bit by bit the baby develops the mobility of the hands, the for the motorical development is important for children between 0 and 5 years.

There are several stages that the child goes through. On average, a baby is 50 cm tall and weighs 3.5 kg.

Children’s motor development includes key organs such as the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, muscles and joints.

Hand-eye coordination begins at the age of 2 months. The child sees an object and tries to grab it. With a little practice, he or she will be able to grasp it.

Smile and stick out his tongue

From three months to a year, there are three striking phases in a child’s motor development.

  • At three months the baby starts to smile and stick out its tongue. It can stay put with the help. First chatter begins. It opens his hands and holds an object with his fingers and in the palm of his hand.
  • At six months it begins to crawl and sits without help. A few months later, it can stand and take first steps. Even though it is still clumsy, it takes items with it.>Supported running

With a year it can go up stairs. The baby can build towers with blocks and push and pull a ball with his hands and feet. He can also lift objects with his thumb and forefinger.

It starts eating alone and sits on a small chair. Independence is increasing, but so are tantrums and jealousy.

At two years old if you go up and down stairs alone, jump with two feet, kick a ball or ride a tricycle. Social and cognitive development increases and it interacts more with other children.

The child can draw lines and leaf through books. It also feeds itself with a spoon and forms sentences, although they are sometimes incoherent.

On the run

Running fast or standing on one foot are skills that develop after three years. It can cut with scissors, put together a three-piece puzzle, slide down a slide and tiptoe.

With four years it can stand on one foot longer. It can also jump, climb and dance. It can lean on the floor with its hands and open a lock with a key. It can also express thoughts, perfect drawings and play board games.

5 years old: writing words

At five years old your child can go down stairs with one foot per step. It can paint triangles, numbers and simple words in upper and lower case. It can also tie knots and follow lines with scissors. The child can also write sentences.

In this age your child can change direction while walking and walk on a narrow board while keeping their balance. It can also jump backwards.

Lateral dominance

Your child starts, a preference for a hand, eye, and foot known as lateral dominance. If it can use both sides equally, it is an ambidextrous.

Children’s motor skills develop in several sequences between 0 and 5 years. Precision, endurance, speed, coordination and strength increase with growth.


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Christina Cherry
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