Nasal herpes – if herpes affects the nose, zava

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Last modified: Feb 25, 2019

What is nasal herpes and what can you do about it?

Herpes is a viral disease caused by Herpes simplex virus is caused. The virus causes an infection in humans with blistering rashes and mucous membranes, which are highly contagious. If the disease occurs in the nose area, one speaks of nose herpes (Herpes Nasalis). There are a total of eight different types of herpes virus. In most cases, herpes simplex viruses type 1 (HSV1) and type 2 (HSV2) are responsible for herpes infections on the nose.

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How does nasal herpes develop??

Most people become infected with herpes viruses in childhood. The initial infection usually runs without symptoms and unnoticed by those affected. The transmission of the virus can by direct contact or through airborne droplets. The viruses penetrate the body through the skin or mucous membranes and spread along the nerve pathways to the nerve node and nest there inaccessible for the body’s immune system. Around 90 wear worldwide Percent of People have the herpes simplex virus in them.

Once the virus is in the body, he stays there for life and leads to an outbreak of the infection when activated. The herpes viruses can still be activated years and decades later. The causes of the outbreak of a herpes infection can be a weakened immune system, stress and psychological problems or UV radiation (sun on vacation, UV lamp). In women, the herpes virus can also be activated by hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy or the menstrual period. In many cases, however, the infection breaks out for no apparent reason.

Typical for an infection is the appearance of cold sores on the lip (cold sores), in the mouth, on the skin in the face (herpes facialis or buccalis) or as Herpes in the nasal region. As a result of the activated infection, characteristic cold sores form with reddish foci of infection and blister-like elevations. In rare cases, the herpes viruses can also infect the eyes.

What symptoms trigger nasal herpes?

With nasal herpes, inflamed areas and vesicles develop on the nose and nasal mucosa. The bubbles are visually disturbing, can strong pain and an uncomfortable one Spannungsgefühl cause. First symptoms of nasal herpes are a pronounced itching and a Burning and tingling of the affected areas.

The vesicles can easily ignite and burst. They contain watery to purulent fluid that contains many herpes viruses and is highly infectious. As a result, there is a risk that other skin areas on the face or body will be infected with herpes viruses through contact with the liquid. The infection can also go up your nose and make your symptoms worse.

After a few days, the bubbles burst. A crust forms and the blisters heal. By sniffing the nose or sneezing, these crusted wounds can tear open again and again, and the healing process can take considerably longer than with a herpes infection of the facial skin or lip. It can take up to three or more weeks for nasal herpes to heal.

What helps against nasal herpes?

If you have herpes in your nose, you should see your doctor and get an antiviral ointment. In addition, the active ingredient aciclovir is often used to treat nasal herpes prescription Tablets for use. A prescription for acyclovir tablets can be requested from Zava’s doctors. Other proven active ingredients are valaciclovir, penciclovir and ganciclovir. They prevent the viruses from multiplying and relieve the course of nasal herpes. In order to achieve the best possible treatment success, you should start taking the tablets as early as possible, i.e. at the first symptoms of the skin.

Can you prevent nasal herpes?

A good one is particularly important with a nasal herpes infection hand hygiene. After each application of the medication to the infection areas, the hands should be washed thoroughly. It is best to use a cotton swab to apply the creams and ointments. Contact lens wearers need to be extra careful, otherwise the viruses can get caught in the eye. One already exists from the appearance of nasal herpes symptoms risk of infection. Therefore, close physical contact (e.g. kissing or using the same drinking glass) with fellow human beings should be avoided during the infection and, especially in infants and young children, ensure that there is sufficient distance.

Since a weak immune system favors the onset of herpes infections, one is Strengthening the immune system useful as a preventive measure to extend the healthy intervals between outbreaks when repeated outbreaks occur.

When should a doctor be consulted??

A doctor should be consulted if the blisters in the nose have not healed after three to four weeks, if there is a strong feeling of illness or if a nasal herpes infection occurs several times within two months.

The vesicles spread out or come close to the eyes a doctor should be consulted immediately, otherwise serious complications may arise.


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