Nina s world

Creative, things from everyday life and whatever else I can think of

Wednesday March 3, 2010

I wanted to be seen here again. I did a little RAR: O (
I have a lot of moment around my ears. We (my son and I) drive on March 31st. for 4 weeks to the cure. It goes to the beautiful island of Sylt. We are very happy. Therefore there is still soooo much to prepare. My son has to go to the pediatrician beforehand and I still have to prepare so much here.
Since I drive the car my husband has to do without the car for 4 weeks and so everything has to be planned well.
So I still can’t get to sewing with me: O (And I bought such beautiful books with suggestions and wanted to show you something. I’m always so enthusiastic about your great things, but unfortunately that has to be done wait a little bit. Now I’m already thinking about what I can take with me to be creative Sylt.
Maybe I’ll get a book about knitting and take it with me. It’s a lock hole too Point on my 101 list: O)
And I would also like to read a book. Can one of you recommend one to me? I would be very happy about suggestions from you.

Otherwise I can say the following about my list:
Point 1 – I was there three times last week and I’ve been there twice this week. Think I’m good before: O)
Point 2 – the first 1.4 kilos are gone (I’m proud of me)
Item 35 – is difficult for me now and then, but I try very hard. I think it has already become a little less coffee: O)

Well, and I’m promised everything else.
Today we finally had a nice spring day and I really enjoyed it with my son outside (unfortunately without camera I forgot the peat head: O ()

So now I’m going to get a big glass of water "grins" and then I’ll read a little more on your blogs.
I wish you all a nice evening
See you soon

Monday, February 22, 2010

It’s done: O)

yes it took a little longer but now it’s finished my 101 in 1000 days list: O)
So I start today on February 22nd, 2010 and the end is on November 19th, 2012. Now I hope that I can really put everything into practice as I imagine: O)
Maybe you would like to make such a list, it is really fun. So press me the Thumb that I can do everything "hihi"

So you love now I wish you a nice start into the new week

PS: It was pretty nice here again tonight >

Friday February 19, 2010

The hope.

As is known, dies last: O) Therefore, we sincerely hope that spring will finally come. Today we finally had Plusgrade Jipppiiii So slowly everything is starting to thaw here.
No matter where you looked today, people have removed the thick layers of ice on your property.
With us, the snow mountains on the farm have already decreased a bit. Freu Freu
I hope it thawed with you today too.

Do you already know the project 101 things I want to do in 1000 days? I think it’s very interesting, I saw it HERE and HERE and HERE so I’ll see if I can do it.

Wish you a nice evening and a nice weekend

Thursday February 18, 2010


over to dear Britta. On February 27th Blog birthday and there you can win great things

Tuesday February 9, 2010

yet again.

Yes, it cuts all day today. Actually I had the hope that the snow that was still there was slowly melting away. But I was probably happy too early: O /
Only MINUS degrees can be read on the thermometer.
Here in our village parking is hardly possible by car. All parking spaces are 95% ice. It is always an adventure to go by car to go shopping.

How does it look with you? Do you still have so much ice and snow? I appreciate your answers

Have a nice day and just drive everyone carefully: O)


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