Not beating around the bush

Zdk logo (archive)

Logo of the Zdk (Archive) © Julia Steinbrecht (KNA)

Anna Grebe, candidate for membership in the Central Committee of German Catholics, calls for more honesty in the church. This also included rejections, such as the no from the Vatican to the blessing of same-sex couples.

"We can beat around the bush in the Catholic Church very well. This kind of linguistic self-censorship goes down badly with people and leads to a loss of trust – I also see this in politics," Anna Grebe told the portal katholisch.en (Sunday). Clear messages are needed.

Openness to different life models

This also included rejections, such as the no from the Vatican to the blessing of same-sex couples. "This is at least a clear announcement that we can work with by not finding it good," said the doctor of media studies, who could be added as an individual by the ZdK at the plenary assembly next weekend. "

The church must show a fundamental openness to different life models. Here I am not only aiming at sexual orientation or gender identity, but at different models of life," the member of the film commission of the German Bishops' Conference emphasized.

"Do not give up our church, despite the disastrous condition"

According to Gerbe, she and the other candidates Gudrun Lux, Anja Pfeffermann, Johanna Beck and Judith Klaiber wanted to set an example by going public. "We are committed to our church, we are committed to the church and we are not giving up on it, despite the disastrous state it is in," she explained. He says there are committed Catholics who won't put up with the current system any longer. "We want justice in this church," the 37-year-old said.

According to Grebe, the five candidates are "not a faction or a bloc". They simply wanted to make it clear that they were not individual voices, but many. There were more than 100 people running for 45 seats on the ZdK, Grebe explained. Among them, he said, are ministers and members of the Bundestag. "The ZdK must ask itself the question, around which it with these additionally selected personalities actually concerns. Are they people who are pro forma on a list to be adorned with, or are they true fellow workers for this church?", she said.

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Christina Cherry
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