Our current project is entitled – god’s creation – free evangelical kindergarten oasis loerrach

All four groups of the Kita Oase have that Project "God’s Creation" supported; each with individual ideas, offers and rituals.

The crib children of the Penguin group were allowed to deepen the topic of creation in the morning circle:

The creation story was shown to the children in a picture book in the crib. In parallel, we have every day of creation as a “landscape” with towels, a water tub to feel; an earth pan with plants; the sun as a golden yellow cloth, the moon and the stars with Christmas light bulbs, then the world stocked with fish, birds and land animals (water toys and plastic animals were used).
In the end, God made the men

every child is allowed to look in the mirror walking around in the morning ice.

The crib children of the Erdmännchengruppe also got to know God’s creation in the morning circle. A Kamishibai with pictures was used here. In the week of Thanksgiving, the "caterpillar insatiable" visited and let the children experience some fruits that God made through their senses.
On Friday, before Thanksgiving, there was a breakfast from both crèche groups, with a variety of foods on the table.
In the end, God made man: meerkats can look forward to many perception games and sensory offers.

The individual days of creation were and are additionally supported with creative offers.

In kindergarten the project looked like this:

In the time when we had the theme of creation, Löwengruppe created many different creative things / pictures and sang songs on the subject.
It was made with the help of

the children cooked plum jam, folded stars, painted creation pictures, a movement story on the subject animals offered and painted to the music of Josef Hyden with a wax technique.

Together with the giraffe group, we made a large fruit salad and ate it afterwards for our Thanksgiving.

The festival was beautiful, especially the songs that were sung.

The project runs to St. Martin.

In the giraffes group let’s just go through the topic of creation.
Each day of creation is treated for a week and in different ways & Explored wise.
Accompanying the topic, the book "God creates the world" by Kees de Kort is read out.

In the first week, the topic of light & Darkness explored with all senses. The children were allowed to explore how to feel objects in the dark, taste food with their eyes closed & recognize, blindly master a movement course and recognize which child is speaking using the voice. Objects were projected onto the wall during a shadow play – the children then had to guess which object it was. The topic of fear in the dark was then discussed in the circle of chairs.

The second week was about heaven & Air. For this purpose, pictures with tubes were made in the studio & Color designed. Different games were offered, e.g. Fire, water storm, cotton balls, blowing breath etc. In the exercise room, the children had the opportunity to explore the topic with chiffon cloths and music. Accompanying this was the construction of a wind chime for the garden as a weekly project.

In the third week we have plants & Water got to know the different oceans. The weekly project consisted of an experiment in which white roses were placed in water mixed with food coloring. The changes were then observed over several days.

In the fourth week we have sun, moon & Stars embellished the giraffe group. For this purpose, different areas of the group were created with the moon & Ornate stars and a large sun.

In the fifth week we have the topic of fish & Birds. We have built a bird house in the workshop, which is now in the garden. Now we can watch and explore birds. In the studio, the children were able to live creatively on the subject of fish.


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Christina Cherry
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