Painless treatment at the dentist

Painless treatment at the dentist

Painless treatment

Painless treatment at the dentist
– what options are there for anxiety patients?

The days when the visit to the dentist were associated with severe pain are long gone. Nevertheless, going to the dentist is still associated with discomfort and fear for many patients. Fortunately, there is a multitude of treatment options in modern dentistry, through which a visit to the dentist can take place completely free of fear, stress and pain. The main options for pain-free treatment include:

  • laughing gas
  • Local anesthetic
  • Twilight sleep / analog sedation
  • general anesthetic
  • laser treatment

laughing gas

Nitrous oxide was a popular means of creating a relaxed and happy atmosphere back in the 1980s. Because of its anxiolytic and calming effect, it is particularly popular today for the dental treatment of anxiety patients. In addition to its calming effect, laughing gas also has an analgesic effect.

Before the treatment, the dentist mixes an amount of N individually tailored to the patient’s needs2O and oxygen. The patient can choose the amount of nitrous oxide himself in consultation with the attending doctor and determine the strength of the calming effect. The nitrous oxide / oxygen mixture is then fed to the patient through a nasal mask.

Local anesthesia / local anesthesia

Local anesthesia switches off the pain receptors in a specific area. By using special anesthetic ointments or sprays, the dentist can even prevent the pain of the needle. Local anesthesia has no harmful effects on the organism and is therefore used particularly frequently in dental treatment. For small interventions such as fillings or crowns, it is usually the first choice to achieve freedom from pain. Local anesthesia is also often used when implanting or removing a tooth.

Twilight sleep / analog sedation

Despite local anesthesia, many anxiety patients feel very uncomfortable and suffer from fear. In such cases, twilight sleep or analog sedation has proven to be a very helpful measure. In addition to local anesthesia, the patient receives sedatives and pain relievers that allow him to relax internally. The patient remains conscious throughout the treatment. In order to ensure the highest possible level of safety, its circuit is monitored all the time. The dose of painkillers and sedatives can also be increased at any time through the intravenous access. With its reliable and at the same time gentle effect, twilight sleep has proven to be a particularly helpful method of pain-free treatment for anxiety patients.

general anesthetic

General anesthesia enables completely painless treatment. It eliminates all reflexes. On the day of treatment, the patient must appear sober and must not have taken any food or drink beforehand. General anesthesia is directed to the central nervous system, which leads to complete loss of consciousness. During the entire period of the dental intervention, the patient is monitored by a professional anesthetist, who can intervene immediately if complications arise.

Dental laser

The use of dental lasers has been established in modern dentistry for some time. His areas of application include, for example:

  • Caries removal
  • Sterilization of root canals during root treatment
  • Disinfection of wounds
  • Dental surgery treatments

The treatment with the dental laser is very painless compared to conventional drilling and therefore particularly well suited for anxiety patients. Drilling with the laser is usually only perceived by patients as a “tingling sensation”.

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