Parental allowance in parental leave: entitlement and amount – employment law 2020

The love between two people is through one infant visible. With a birth, many couples fulfill one person’s great wish family. But especially in the first twelve months, the youngsters need it full attention. Therefore, mothers or fathers must apply for parental leave from the employer.

Short & short: parental allowance

Mothers and fathers who take care of the child after birth and have a maximum working time of 30 hours a week are entitled to parental benefit.

The parental allowance is based on the net monthly income of the last twelve months before the birth and is between 65 and 100 percent of the salary or 300 to a maximum of 1800 euros.

Parental allowance can be requested for up to 12 months. If the partner takes parental leave for two months, the financial benefit can be paid for 14 months. Single parents are entitled to a full 14 months parental allowance.

Use the parental allowance calculator!

Specific information on parental allowance:

Parental allowance plus

How do basic parental allowance and parental allowance plus differ from each other? You can find out more in this guide.

So that the young family lacks nothing financially, they pay Familienkasse monthly parental allowance to compensate for the missing income. You are full-time or part-time, you can apply for parental leave from the employer to take care of your baby. In this context, the family fund can Application for parental allowance be put.

You can also get parental allowance without parental leave apply? When do you get parental allowance? How high is it? Where is there one Parental benefits consulting? Which forms are necessary for parental allowance and what a change request for parental allowance, read the following guide.

What is parental allowance?

Parental allowance is one transfer power of the state for couples with offspring. The financial benefit should ensure that the livelihood of the young family is guaranteed. The parental allowance serves primarily as compensation payment.

The parental allowance is dependent on net income and for a limited time. Parents or guardians are entitled to parental benefit if they are not or not fully employed due to the care of a child or their employment interrupt for childcare.

The raising allowance which was regulated in the Federal Education Benefit Act from 1986 to 2006 was replaced by the parental allowance. The regulation is from Scandinavian model been taken over. In this context, one is for both the mother and the father fixed portion of the subscription period of the parental allowance reserved.

Another difference between parental leave and parental allowance is duration. Parental leave can up to three years be. These can either be within the first three years of the child’s life or in up to three sections up to the eighth birthday be taken from the child.

Parental allowance during parental leave, on the other hand, can start from day of birth the child for at least two and at most twelve months be requested by a parent. The couple are entitled to two months’ parental allowance if one parent agrees earned income because of childcare.

The parental allowance can be both one after the other, alternately or simultaneously related. Are you a single parent and receive parental allowance as Compensation for loss of earnings, you can take the full 14 months.

There is also the option of adding the monthly amounts due bisect and the payout period extend. In this case, you can add the parental allowance two years of parental leave for example, split it into 24 instead of 12 months.

What documents do you need for parental allowance??

You can get a parental allowance form either online or from the Parents benefit office Your responsible youth welfare office. In addition to the form for parental allowance, leaflets can also be handed out there.

If you have a form completion for the parental allowance form, you can ask the clerk for help at the parental allowance fund. There are also various points of contact, one Advice on parental allowance to offer. In addition to the youth welfare offices, for example Pro Family as a counseling center for parental allowance.

The youth welfare office can also tell you which documents you need for the Application for parental allowance need. In addition to the completed application form, the advice center requires a. the Birth certificate of the child as well as the identity card and proof of your income. You also have to submit how much Maternity benefit You receive. Proof of parental leave may also be required.

If you have already applied for parental benefit, they want Allocation of the months change, however, this is formally permissible once without stating reasons.

For this administrative act with parental allowance no amendment completed become. An informal letter to the is sufficient competent parental allowance office.

In particular hardship cases it is permissible to make another change. However, this is only one serious illness, severe disability or death of a parent or a child possible. Even if the parents’ economic existence is endangered, a second change can be possible. In the best case, contact the responsible youth welfare office.

How much is the parental allowance??

The parental allowance is means-tested and is between 65 and 100 percent of the net income of the last 12 months before the birth of the child. A minimum of 300 and a maximum of 1800 euros will be paid out. The table below shows how much Percent of net income You are entitled to:

monthly net income Share of parental allowance
0 to 1000 euros 67 percent – increase of 0.1 percentage points per two euros if the monthly net income falls below 1000 euros to a maximum of 100 percent. With no earned income, 300 euros will be paid, which will count towards social benefits.
1000 to 1200 euros 67 percent
from 1200 euros 67 percent – reduction of 0.1 percentage points per two euros if the monthly net income exceeds 1200 euros to a maximum of 65 percent.
from 2769.23 euros Maximum value of 1800 euros

If a parent reduces work by the hour after birth, the working time is allowed Do not exceed 30 hours a week. For part-time workers, the income from the part time jobs considered. In this case, the parent receives the difference from the average income before the child is born and the expected average income during the Parental benefit cover.

Basically it will Parental allowance for the months of life of the child and not paid for calendar months. For example, if the child was born on March 12th, one month of life will last until April 11th.

Does the family already have a child? younger than three years is, or two children who younger than six years parents are old siblings Bonus as a supplement to the parental allowance. This is 10 percent or at least 75 euros per month. at Multiple births a bonus of 300 euros is paid for the second and each additional child.

How you can influence the amount of parental benefit

The parental allowance depends on the net income of the last 12 months before birth of the child. In general, however, you have the option of Amount of parental allowance to influence something.

When changing the tax classes, however, make sure that you already have them at least seven months before the birth carry out. Otherwise, the change of tax class will Calculation of parental allowance not considered.

One time payments like Christmas or holiday bonus are not taken into account when calculating the parental allowance. For this reason, it can make sense if you use the salary bonuses Distribute to your monthly wages after consultation with your employer.

Basically, parental allowance and parental leave not at the same time be taken. However, you are only entitled to parental benefit if the Additional Income through one activity to a maximum 30 hours a week is based.

It also makes sense to add the extra two partner months to apply. One parent can apply for parental allowance for 12 months and the other can apply for two months. The partner months can either be separately or taken together become.

What do you get after parental allowance??

Many parents want their child longer than 14 months keep at home and enjoy the time with the offspring. Parental leave can therefore be up to three years. But what comes after the parental allowance, If you not for Return work want?

Do you have before Parents money terms Get Hartz 4 from the job center, you can apply for it again. Entitlement to ALG 1 you only have if you are available on the job market and your child becomes one Childminder or to the daycare bring. In addition, ALG 1 may not already be used for maximum subscription period of 12 months have been obtained.

Can you receive parental allowance and go to work on the side?

The Parental allowance Plus should strengthen the compatibility of work and family. Legal guardians who want to go back to work part-time while receiving parental allowance will become particularly rewarded. With parental allowance for fathers or mothers, they have the option of financial service to take longer.

You can twice as long Apply for parental allowance. The service in this case, however cut in half. In this way, one parental allowance month can become two parental allowance plus months.

The parents also opt for one partnership-based time management, they will receive a partnership bonus in the form of more four parental allowance plus months. This is the case if you continue to work for 25 to 30 hours a week. The same applies to single parents, provided they go part-time together. single parent are entitled to the full partnership bonus.

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