Playroom – set up and plan children’s room – in 3d

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Let your creativity run wild and discover fantastic worlds is something that children can do very well in a playroom. Through skilful planning, it can also be ensured that different age groups can use this space together. It is also not necessary to have a large budget for this project or to need professional help.

The advantages of a game room

Most children certainly have a children’s room that is generally sufficient for self-employment or playing together. However, the circumstances are often stressful – not only for the parents, but also for the children. Because in order to be able to do schoolwork or be able to spend a restful night, there has to be a certain basic order, which, however, is very difficult to produce, especially with more complex games. Especially with Lego, Playmobil or Barbie dolls, the children develop their own worlds that allow you to let your creativity run free. If these laboriously constructed play paradises have to be dismantled in the evening, this can lead to frustration and unnecessary conflicts. Especially when several children are involved in such a game, it may have to stand still for a few days so that they can continue to build together.

But also for older children, a playroom, apart from the children’s room, can be very helpful to create structure. If media become interesting, access to them can be easily controlled and parents can still use the living room themselves when playing games with the console. This will spatially clarify where the different things of the day are to be done and children can use this structure as a guide. In addition, it is appreciative for children and adolescents if their freedom and creativity are valued and a space is provided for this in their own home.

Structure the room

Planning should take into account how and by whom the room is used. Because every child, even though it is a common playroom, should have an individual area that is designed according to specific preferences and needs. It should also be taken into account which age groups use the playroom together. Even at the same age, every child should be given a place to live out.

In order to structure a room, it is not absolutely necessary to make a lot of effort or to invest large sums. The easiest way is to first create a spatial separation. Shelves can be used for this. It is particularly pleasant if they are only of medium height so that the room does not lose their freedom of movement. A plus point is that the shelves also offer storage space for the child’s personal toys and are therefore always easily accessible. However, there should also be enough space for games and a table for board games. Because the children should also be able to use the playroom with friends to relieve the living room.

Visually illustrate the play areas

One possibility is to work with wall paints. This makes it easy to separate the different areas in the room. However, this option carries the risk that the favorite color changes constantly as you get older and that renovation work must therefore also be carried out more frequently. To prevent this, it makes sense to work with wall decals. This allows the room to be painted in a friendly and neutral color and each child can individually embellish their area. These decorations are quickly applied and can be removed without leaving any residue. Change is therefore only a small effort, both financially and visually.

Especially for children who have very different preferences or tastes, the common one part of the room are kept very neutral. This will dispute and resentment are prevented and it becomes even clearer how the areas are to be used and where the responsibility lies. Because every child is responsible for the order in his area while the common space must be cleaned up together.

Kill two birds with one stone

Tiles or wooden floors are visually more appealing but can also be severely affected by the permanent wear. Carpet, on the other hand, is only conditionally suitable for many toys and is about that also difficult to keep clean. Because of this, play mats are ideal as a floor covering. These can also be purchased in a neutral look, for example in a wood look, and are simply put together. This protects the floor and the children do not sit on the cold floor while playing. These mats can be vacuumed as well as wiped, and individual parts can be replaced if necessary. Thanks to the wide range of designs with the same fit, the children can also express their individual preferences here and yet only one floor needs to be put together.

The helpful properties of sheet film should not be underestimated either. This can be applied to the walls in the common area and works like a wall tattoo. The children can use chalk to write down scores, paint or just live together. The sheet of film can then be completely cleaned again with a damp cloth. In addition, the common rules for the playroom can be laid out very clearly on this wall covering. With colorful chalks, which can be purchased very cheaply, these rules can also be designed very child-friendly. Media times for all banners can also be written down there. To cover about 10 square meters of wall with blackboard film, about 20 euros must be taken into account. It is also possible to design a complete wall with this film.

Make power sources accessible and secure

In addition to the media, more and more toys need access to electricity. This is particularly difficult for small children. Therefore, the sockets in the wall should be covered, for example by shelves, and additionally equipped with child safety devices. In order to give children access to electricity, multiple sockets with on and off switches should be used. These are less dangerous and it can be made clear that the children are only allowed to operate the switch but cannot connect any devices.

When children become adolescents

When the time comes when a playroom is no longer absolutely necessary, the room should still be available to the youngsters. However, this can then be designed as a second living room, where evenings and afternoons are spent with friends. This has the advantage that parents still have more control than when the teenagers spend time outside and both sides can insist on the privacy that is so important during this time.


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Christina Cherry
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