Positions, aok-federation

Positions of the AOK Federal Association

As representing the interests of the AOK-system in relation to the federal policy, the AOK-Bundesverband brings early positions of the health fund into the political decision-making process. These include statements by the AOK Federal Association in the context of legislative procedures and also statements on current topics in statutory health insurance (SHI).

Strengthening patient rights

Position Paper of the AOK Community of October 2019

Four and a half years after its adoption, the AOK community has evaluated experiences, taken stock and identified a significant need to catch up with the patients’ rights law. In a comprehensive position paper she formulates proposals for strengthening patient rights. Among other things, the AOK has confirmed a representative online survey of the YouGov institute. According to this, every fourth German citizen has already asked his doctor to inspect his treatment documents – and 15 percent of these patients were denied the desired insight, according to their own statements. More than four out of five German citizens (83 percent) argue in the survey that they have legal consequences for doctors if they refuse patients to view their treatment documents without cause.

The law was in late February 2013 has come into force. Thus, the previous case law was summarized in a new subchapter of the Civil Code (BGB), the treatment contract, concretized and at the same time complements and extends the patient rights in the Fifth Social Code (SGB V). New, additional rights for patients are not included in the law.

Strengthen patient rights
Summary of the position paper of the AOK community


Positions of the AOK on health policy after the 2017 general election

The AOK community expects politicians to make a clear commitment to the competition for the best care after the federal elections in September 2017. For this purpose, the eleven AOKs and the AOK Federal Association presented on Tuesday (4 July) a joint position paper with concrete requirements for the next legislative period. "The competition for the best care is won not with tripping steps, but with comprehensive and profound reforms", said the chairman of the board of the AOK-Bundesverband, Martin Litsch. Thus, the AOK advocates for the systematic further development of the financial equalization of health insurance funds and for more room for maneuver in the drafting of contracts. The already started quality offensive in the hospital remains one of the most important fields of action in health policy.

the AOK Federal Association for the 2017 Bundestag election for download.

The AOK Travel Blog: Positions of the AOK on Health Policy after the 2017 Bundestag Election

How will health policy continue after the 2017 general election? What challenges do parliament and government have to face in order to get through the next legislative period? What goals should they set for the well-being of the insured and the patients? Martin Litsch, CEO of the AOK Federal Association, outlines the logbook that the AOK community has written down in its position paper.

Further statements of the eleven AOK board members in the YouTube channel of the AOK-Bundesverband.

“If you want competition for the benefit of patients, you can not pay much attention to the self-interest of lobby groups.”


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