Pregnant despite period: is that possible?

Laura Knechtel lives in Hamburg and has been working for NetMoms since 2016. She thinks that life with children is twice as fun and therefore enjoys every second to the fullest with her godchildren and nieces. A teacher has been lost to her – at least she always hears that from parents. If she doesn’t write with passion for moms and women, you can find her on her yoga mat or on Fehmarn at the windsurfing spot.

While we have our period, it is impossible to get pregnant. Is that correct? We have the answer for you here.

Pregnant despite the period – we actually know that this is not possible. Because our menstruation is a sure sign that there is no fertilized egg in our womb. Still, we hear about women who are said to have gotten pregnant despite having their days.

Pregnant despite your period – but possible?

If you have your days, it means that a previously ripened egg has not been fertilized and therefore could not nest in the uterus. As a result, the endometrium, which was previously thicker in order to offer the egg an optimal environment, has broken down again and is now rejected with the menstrual blood. So being pregnant and having your menstrual period are mutually exclusive.

This means: No, it is not possible to be pregnant despite your period.

Bleeding is not the same as bleeding

But how do other women’s experiences come about? This is because you can also have bleeding during the first few weeks of pregnancy, which can be confused with a menstrual period. Often accompanied by signs that you usually only notice shortly before your rule.

What bleeding is there??

  • Einnistungsblutung
    During implantation, the fertilized egg cell nests in the endometrium. The egg cell can cause tiny injuries in the endometrium and therefore slight bleeding. It lasts for a maximum of two days and is much weaker than the rule – maybe so weak that you don’t notice it at all. You will probably only notice a little reddish discharge in the panties. Even the fresher color different the implantation bleeding from the menstrual period, which is rather dark red to reddish brown. The best way to identify the implantation bleeding is by the time: while it is due on the 19th day of the cycle, the menstrual period does not come until a few days later – or does not occur in the event of pregnancy.
  • Bleeding in early pregnancy
    Bleeding between periods may occur during the first few weeks of pregnancy. The reason for this can be hormonal changes, but they are usually mild and harmless. The "treacherous": Such bleeding can also occur in a certain cycle. However, if the bleeding is particularly severe and associated with pain, it can also indicate miscarriage or premature detachment of the placenta. If you experience severe pain on one side of your uterus, you should rule out an ectopic pregnancy. Be sure to go to your gynecologist!
  • Bleeding despite pill
    If you are unknowingly pregnant and therefore continue to take the pill, hormonal bleeding can still occur during the pill break. But this is not your period either. It is normal for women who take the pill to mistake such hormonal bleeding for their period in their early pregnancy. Because taking the pill also makes the menstrual period usually weaker – and thus more similar to hormonal bleeding. You can read here how it can happen to be pregnant despite the pill.

Signs of a period or pregnancy?

The fact that pregnancy cannot be recognized so early is not only due to the bleeding that can occur during it. Because some symptoms that are actually the first signs of pregnancy are similar to those that you experience before the start of your period. This is simply because both while during pregnancy as well as shortly before the rule your hormone balance goes a little crazy.

You probably already know the following signs from your cycle:

  • nausea
  • mood swings
  • Pulling in the abdomen
  • Slightly stretching the breasts

So it may well be that you think you have your period, but in reality it is a sign of one pregnancy is. However, keep in mind that your menstrual period may also vary in duration, color and symptoms from cycle to cycle. However, if you discover other possible signs of pregnancy despite bleeding, it is time for an appointment with your gynecologist.


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