Preschool education in the dandelion – kindergarten dandelion

Preschool education only last year despite PISA – Why?

What does that actually mean term "Pre-school education"? The nursery school teachers understand this to mean the holistic support of a child from the start of kindergarten to the start of school.

The child’s development can be divided into five areas: social-emotional, cognitive, motor and language skills as well as sensory perceptions. These areas must all be well and sufficiently developed to enable the child to start school well.

If one only started to support the development of these skills in the last year, this would be far too late and any deficits could no longer be recognized and compensated for in time.

Therefore, the main goal of preschool last year is to arouse the anticipation of school and reduce anxiety among children. They should also gain security outside of home and kindergarten.

As previously described, there are five areas of development that for the School ability are crucial. We now want to explain these areas and give some examples of how we promote them:

I. Social-emotional competence

This area includes:

  • good self-confidence;
  • the children should be emotionally firm,
  • be confident and confident in new situations;
  • they should be able to express their displeasure;
  • they should be able to verbally express and resolve conflicts;
  • there should be good tolerance to frustration

The child is encouraged by play circles to perform something in front of other children. This promotes self-confidence and self-confidence.

Furthermore, through praise, appreciation and recognition, e.g. confirmed and promoted in the construction corner during construction, in the creative area, in the outdoor area etc..

Self-confidence is also strengthened by regularly testing your own limits (climbing, running, balancing).

Conflict resolution is very important in kindergarten. In a group (later class) there are different characters, which naturally leads to quarrels. The children should only be able to solve their conflicts with our help and then later alone.

II. Language skills

Another important area is linguistic-cognitive ability. There are five sub-areas in the language:

1. How does the child speak?

Syllable education; missing initials; Stutter; longer sentences in a row; Emphasis; speech melody.

Is supported in the kindergarten by noise boxes, games with directional sounds etc.

2. What does the child speak?

Training the vocabulary of language: Can it name the limbs and things from its environment?

Grammar: past tenses available? Plural; set positions.

If points are missing here, learning to write becomes difficult afterwards.

3. Can the child have a conversation?

– Direction of view: the child looks at the other person speaking?

– Can it respond to a conversation?

– Can take it back?

– Can listen to it?

4. Does the child understand language?

– Can it break words down into syllables (important for writing; gossip encourages this)

– Is there a mathematical understanding? (Counting-)

– Comparative exercises (which is longer: the word "train" or the word "snowman"?)

– write your own name

– Presence of a typeface

III. Cognitive abilities

In addition to the previous points, other areas are also included here, such as expanding knowledge through "learning through personal experience". As an example from everyday life, it should be mentioned here that the children learn how a plant grows. After placing the seed in the soil, the children observe how the plant grows slowly, that it has to be watered, etc.

Concentration and perseverance are equally important. The children should be able to concentrate on one thing, not be distracted. Concentrating on things that are fun is relatively easy. But children also have to learn to do things they don’t like to do. To promote concentration and endurance, we play board games and make design offers.

Development of the senses: seeing, hearing, touching, self-awareness, orientation in space

– Recognize colors, shapes, sizes

– Detect and locate noises

– when doing gymnastics: hearing verbal instructions and implementing them correctly

– distinguish similar sounding words

– sing simple melodies

– to be able to clap simple rhythms

– Recognize “blind” forms

– recognize soft, hard (tactile games)

– Distinguish hot / lukewarm / cold temperatures

– locate where it hurts

– be able to assess your own strength

Orientation in space:

– Find rooms again (important for classrooms in school)

– can distinguish left, right, top, bottom.

Letters and numbers: include them as much as possible in everyday life

The big problem is that Sensory overload:

Too much noise, TV, radio, workshops

The parents too are often overwrought ð is transferred to the children.

Education for independence is a very important one parents order!

In advance we would like to point out again how important sufficient exercise is for a child.

– The child can only develop a feeling for his body through his own body experience

– The child learns to orientate itself in the room

– It should be able to build up body tension (important for running, running, sitting, balancing, painting, etc.). This is important for school because the children have to keep their concentration there, sit in a chair for a long time, wear their satchels and master the way to school.

– The child must have good dexterity. We practice this e.g. through design offers (cutting, painting), building and constructing in the corner.

In the kindergarten, this area is also supported by forest days, vehicles (balance bike, tricycle, etc.), balancing, exercise options, etc..

In conclusion, it is important to have a stable personality at school. The children need to be empowered and confident to build on. If one of the above Areas is weak, this affects all other areas.

What does our preschool look like now??

We divide the preschool into units. These units consist of four to five meetings. The topics are individually tailored and designed for the children each year.

Here is a thematic overview of the preschool units:

1. Group formation and nature experiences in the forest

The new group of preschool children should be found through various games. The children can also experience many exciting experiments and games.

The children get to know each other and their bodies. They are strengthened by learning to set their own limits, saying “no”, recognizing and naming feelings.

The children get to know the profession of "firefighter". Everything revolves around this topic: fireman, fire station, fire engine. The topic ends with a visit to the fire department.

The kids load Their parents to a "coffee afternoon" in kindergarten and are responsible for the entertainment of their parents. They will prepare the afternoon in advance. It is baked, tinkered and much more.

5. Creative design

The children gain a lot of experience in the field of "art and culture". They get to know artists and their works of art in museums. After that, they can experiment and design themselves.

The children study a small play:

This promotes social and emotional competence such as cohesion, mutual learning, mutual success, promotion of self-confidence, promotion of cognitive and language competence.

5. Deepening of nature and forest experiences in spring

In this unit, the forest and nature experience from autumn is taken up

and deepened. This is followed by an introduction to the topic of spring.

6. Visit to the beekeeper

Children get to know the world of bees. At the "village beekeeper" you can beat and consume honey yourself.

7 .. Preparation for the final trip

The children are motivated. Possibly. Fears are reduced.

Each child makes his school bag with mother, father, grandma or grandpa.

Awaken anticipation for school

9th final ride (e.g. on a pony ranch, in a nature park or on a farm)

The children and educators meet on a Friday, then drive together to the respective destination and spend a nice day there. The next day there is a breakfast together, to which the parents also come. Then we celebrate goodbye together. Each child receives a farewell folder.


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Christina Cherry
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