Prevent and treat tooth decay properly, dak health

Prevent caries optimally and treat properly

The disease, also called tooth decay, destroys the valuable tooth substance. However, this most widespread infectious disease can be avoided with a healthy diet and proper dental care. If problems do arise, the dentist will help.

What are the symptoms of tooth decay??

Caries usually begins in areas that are difficult to reach with the toothbrush – such as the interdental spaces. Initially, only the enamel is affected. At this early stage, there are usually no symptoms. Over time, there is a so-called demineralization of the tooth surface, recognizable by a chalky-white point that gradually turns brownish.

The sensation of pain is individually different. The first noticeable signs of tooth decay are increased sensitivity to heat and cold or even a pull when eating foods containing sugar. But also light up Strength Pain is possible in the course of the disease. At the latest now you should go to dental treatment. Because if left untreated, caries penetrates deeper into the tooth and damages the tooth nerve. Then usually only a root canal helps.

root canal treatment

Causes: How does caries develop?

Billions of bacteria live in the oral cavity. Many of these tiny creatures are very useful because they prevent harmful bacteria from settling on the teeth.

The problematic types of bacteria include streptococcal mutans and lactobacilli. In combination with a sugar-rich diet, these cause tooth decay. The transmission of the germs usually takes place in infancy through the parents or siblings via saliva contact. The bacteria break down sugar, producing acid as a waste product that dissolves the tooth enamel. Tooth decay occurs without countermeasures such as a low-sugar diet and proper dental care.

Therapy: How is caries treated??

For early caries can by Thorough removal of the bacteria and a low-sugar, mineral-rich diet still heal the affected area by increasingly reinstalling minerals from the saliva in the tooth enamel. If the caries has already penetrated deeper, the carious substance must be removed with the drill.

The tooth is then filled with a filling. The filling edges must be as close as possible to the tooth so that the bacteria cannot penetrate again. If the caries has already reached the tooth nerve – i.e. the middle of the tooth – a root canal treatment must be carried out. Otherwise, the bacteria continue to spread, first in the jaw area, later also in more distant body regions.

What is the best way to prevent tooth decay??

Caries does not have to be. Anyone who thoroughly cleans the teeth all around twice a day – i.e. also cares for the interdental spaces with dental floss and interdental brushes – is well protected. Go You also regularly go to the dentist for dental care.

A low-sugar but high-nutrient diet not only promotes your physical health, but also protects your teeth. Chewing-intensive food, such as carrots, ensure that the teeth are self-cleaning and stimulate saliva.


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Christina Cherry
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