Prostheses – your dental team

Group practice
Dr. Peter P. Grzonka
Dr. Dirk Reißmann

Dreherstr. 3
40625 Dusseldorf

Tel. 0211-28 25 24
Fax: 0211-28 60 41

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insurance with all its conditions, deductions and sub-points, let alone to get an overview and find out the best way for yourself, is almost impossible.
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In general, we dentists distinguish two different types of prostheses; Full dentures (14s or 28s according to the number of teeth set up) when there are no teeth left or so-called brace prostheses or model cast dentures if there are still teeth for the support and support of the prosthesis.

Total dentures for lower and / or upper jaw

Such prostheses represent the simplest way, natural appearance and lip fullness, but also speaking and v.a. Restore your diet and chewing activity when your own teeth are gone.

They can be optimized with facial arch, implants or the …

Lineup after Gutowski

Basically, the jaw bone has the task to wear teeth. If all teeth are lost in the extreme case, there are very extensive changes to the bone. This does not happen on all sections evenly or in time, but to varying degrees at different places. You can follow the chronological sequence of bone removal on the lower jaw in the illustration opposite; the main reason is the lack of physiological stress due to missing teeth and the unphysiogical loading due to mismatched, rocking or wobbling dentures.

In order to shape this bony situation and the resulting changes in tendons, ligaments and muscle attachments as precisely as possible, Prof. A. Gutowski has developed a specific technique for designing the prosthesis base and the setting up of artificial teeth in such a way that a hold of the teeth is achieved Prosthesis is created, which represents the individual optimum and achievable.

These special and time-consuming measures increase the costs and thus the own contribution that patients have to pay.

Model casting or staple prostheses

Fig.1: Model casting (model of laboratory Erdmann)

As a simple and quickly produced dentures, it serves to replace missing teeth, if still own teeth are present.
Also for temporary replacement, to wait for the bone healing after the extraction of own teeth or the healing of implants.
The metal / plastic construction is supported by brackets (see Fig. 2 and 3) on the remaining teeth.

Fig.2: Model casting on dental model

Fig.3: Model cast brackets

This also results in his disadvantage:

  • Aesthetic impairments due to the visible brackets,
  • Downforce through these brackets on the natural teeth (= pillar) and
  • unfavorable retention and force distribution of the masticatory pressure on the remaining natural teeth

advantages: the cheap price and the amount of the percentage support by your health insurance (this dentures is a so-called “standard care”) are the undeniable benefits of this supply.

Similar to full dentures (see above), model cast prostheses must be checked regularly (minimum once a year) and, if necessary, relined to compensate for unequal bone loss.

Care: please click internal link “care of dentures”

The aesthetic disadvantages can be limited by using a “Dental D” prosthesis (see Fig. 4 + 5); here the metal clips are replaced by plastic clips (can only be done under certain conditions).

Fig. 4: Model cast bracket made of Dental D

Fig.5: Dental Model Casting Clip D

The chewing pressure distribution can be improved by using a facebow.

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