Pulling – 7 things everyone should know about it

In recent years, the term "oil pulling" has experienced a real boom.

The principle is not new at all. Ayurvedic teaching has been using the effects of this healing and detoxifying treatment for thousands of years.

Yes, you heard that right. Oil pulling, like interval fasting, is not a new fashion, but in fact an ancient practice and method of self-cleaning and detoxification.

Everything you need to know about it can be found here in the article. Have lots of fun with it.

Updated on: 07/11/2019

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Traditionally, oil drawing in Ayurveda is part of the morning cleaning ritual.

Just as brushing teeth has become a matter of course in Western culture, scraping tongues and pulling oil is an elementary part of daily oral hygiene in Ayurvedic medicine.

But frankly: There is still some catching up to do when it comes to this topic.

Unfortunately, the scientific debate about the detoxifying effect of oil pulling is still in its infancy, which makes it all the more difficult to get useful information.

Therefore, I give you the 7 most important points about oil pulling:

1. What is oil pulling at all

Oil pulling is an ancient technique from traditional Ayurvedic medicine.

It has been known for millennia and gently allows you to flush waste products out of your body.

Oil pulling has also been shown to improve your oral health.

Before I explain to you in more detail how you can perform oil pulling effectively, let us take a closer look at where this cleaning technique actually comes from.

Ayurveda is a very old Indian healing and health teaching.

It has a lot of valuable practical knowledge that has been passed down and proven over generations.

However, alternative treatment methods are only sparsely recognized in western “conventional medicine” and, unfortunately, scientific studies on their effectiveness are still few and far between.

Therefore, Ayurveda generally counts as a pure wellness application.

Many Ayurvedic approaches such as massages and oil pouring have become known worldwide, whereas oil pulling (ganusha) is less popular.

It was only in the 1990s that knowledge of the health-preserving effects came to us in Europe – largely driven by the Russian doctor Dr. F. Karach.

2. Why oil pulling is suitable as an effective detox ritual (not only for fasting)

Toxins can be found everywhere, be they chemicals from textiles, industry or cleaning agents, pesticides in food or heavy metals.

Many of these toxins, which have accumulated in our body over time and through unhealthy nutrition and environmental influences, are fat-soluble and can therefore only be eliminated via the kidneys with difficulty.

The body stores these toxins in the adipose tissue.

This can be a problem, especially during weight loss and also during a therapeutic fasting cure, because …

… the dwindling adipose tissue releases these pollutants.

And while they were just “stored” in your adipose tissue, they can now do damage as they move around your body.

So you need a way to get them out of your body.

Now you’re probably wondering how exactly oil pulling should help or work?

What is the effect of oil pulling??

When pulling oil, the bacteria are pulled out of the oral cavity and gums.

Of course, this alone already has incredibly positive effects for the gums and dental health.

I’ll go into this in more detail later …

… because that’s not all.

Classically, the ritual of oil pulling consists of two components that have a mutually positive effect:

In the first step, rubbers are removed from the tongue using a scraper.

The light pressure not only removes the bacteria, toxins and slags on the tongue, the tongue scraper also acts like a massage roller.

And this is of course important, because the massage with the tongue scraper can be viewed in a very similar way to a foot reflex zone massage.

The individual regions of your tongue surface are connected to the entire body and the various organs.

By stimulating these acupressure points on the tongue, the flow of saliva and the associated internal organs are stimulated.

This mobilizes the toxins in the body and stimulates the organs for detoxification …

. The toxins mobilized in this way are transported through the mucous membranes to the oral cavity through the lymphatic fluid.

Finally, the oil binds the toxins by slowly "pulling" it through your mouth, including through the spaces between your teeth.

At the end, you spit out the oil and excrete the bound toxins – through your mouth.

Who would have thought that!

This relieves the whole body and the positive effects can be felt after a short time.

While there are scientific studies on the positive effects on oral health, there is no evidence of a detox effect.

Nevertheless, I swear by this ancient healing method.

Toxins are removed from the body the first time oil is drawn. Regular applications increasingly stimulate the organs.

Your immune system and your metabolism are relieved as a result.

As a daily detox support for your body, oil pulling can find its way into your daily morning routine.

The first question you should ask yourself when you have decided to include oil pulling in your morning routine.

Do you want to know how to lose weight with interval fasting to quickly fit back into your favorite clothes??

Then sign up for the free 7-day interval fasting challenge!

3. Which oil is particularly suitable for oil pulling

Which oil would you choose spontaneously?

Oils look different and all smell and taste very different. The smell and taste is not entirely unimportant for oil pulling.

The choice of oil therefore plays an important role.

But also the ingredients and what they can do in the mouth and your entire organism are important.

I have summarized the 4 most important representatives of oils for you here.

So you can see whether you have perhaps even intuitively decided on the right oil.

A basic requirement that the oil must bring

Virgin, cold-pressed, organic quality oil is always the best choice!

… Because the quality of the oil is more important than anything else:

The less an oil has been heated and filtered, the more beneficial ingredients it contains.

But the growing conditions of the raw materials also play an important role.

Oil mixtures from Asia that can be ordered especially online are not always subject to strict European guidelines.

This can result in increased concentrations of heavy metals and pesticides.

Of course there are also excellent products from Asia and the Internet.

Pay attention to well-known organic seals, so that you pull more toxins from your body than you supply them with oil.

Oil pulling with sesame oil – the Ayurvedic classic

Sesame oil is traditionally used to pull oil.

It mainly consists of polyunsaturated fatty acid (44 percent) and monounsaturated fatty acid (42 percent).

These fatty acids have a positive effect on many metabolic processes, they have an anti-inflammatory effect and support the immune system.

Above all, linoleic acid dominates here – an omega-6 fatty acid that has a positive effect on cholesterol levels.

Sesame oil is rich in various vitamins and minerals such as calcium, potassium, sodium and especially vitamin E..

Sesame and sesamolin are also contained in the sesame oil.

These phytochemicals are important to you because they have been shown to strengthen your immune system and have many other positive effects on your health.

Oil pulling with coconut oil – the new superfood and my favorite when pulling oil

Coconut oil is one of the new superfoods, is particularly tasty and therefore very suitable for oil drawing.

It mainly consists of medium-chain fatty acids: lauric myristine and caprylic acid – also called MCT.

The medium-chain fatty acids, which are very rare in plants, are characterized by their antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral effects.

Even herpes and measles viruses and candida fungi are attacked by the effective acids.

But as if that’s not enough, coconut oil also contains many other high-quality and health-promoting ingredients, such as numerous minerals and trace elements, all B vitamins and vitamin E..

In short, its broad antiseptic effect on viruses, bacteria, fungi and even herpes viruses is essential for healthy oral flora.

In addition, coconut oil has an anti-inflammatory effect.

But what is a really important point for me:

It tastes and smells great.

Especially for oil pulling in the early morning on an empty stomach, I can’t put anything in my mouth that has a stupid taste.

Attention: Coconut oil only becomes liquid at 23 degrees. Before that it is fixed.

You can still use 1 tablespoon anyway of the Put solid oil in your mouth, because after a few seconds it will liquefy in your mouth.

If you don’t like that, you can melt it on the heater or windowsill beforehand.

Oil pulling with sunflower oil – the cheap alternative

Dr. Karach, in his original Russian method, recommends using sunflower oil to pull oil.

The advantage: it is relatively cheap and also relatively neutral in taste..

When buying, however, you have to pay particular attention to good quality. Here you will unfortunately find inferior products very quickly.

Sunflower oil consists of single (30 percent) and poly (65 percent) unsaturated fatty acids.

Here, too, they largely consist of linoleic acid, which has an anti-inflammatory, cell-protective and positive effect on the cholesterol level.

But sunflower oil offers much more.

It contains a lot of vitamins B, E, and K and some minerals and trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

These many positive ingredients are particularly beneficial for the skin and mouth, because they reduce irritation.

Oil pulling with olive oil – Italy and India united

Olive oil has long been known as an alternative remedy for bad breath. It consists of poly (10 percent) and single (74 percent) unsaturated fatty acids.

Here too, linoleic acid with its positive properties is dominant.

Therefore, olive oil is also good for high cholesterol.

In addition, it has high proportions of minerals such as calcium, sodium and chlorine and a high vitamin E content.

5 percent of phytochemicals can also be found and are responsible for the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

This combines the effective ingredients of sesame and sunflower oil in olive oil.

Oil pulling with finished mixtures – essential oils complete the picture

There are also ready-made oil-drawing mixtures, which are characterized by a combination of different oils or the addition of essential oils.

For example

  • Lavender for lack of sleep and nervousness,
  • Fennel for respiratory diseases,
  • Peppermint for flu and headache and
  • Rosemary is used for low blood pressure.

This is a wonderful way to intervene in this form for special complaints.

However, when pulling oil while fasting, I recommend using essential oils when pulling oil sparingly.

The taste and sense of smell is much more pronounced, which could possibly cause you problems with oil pulling.

But as always, it is important to listen to your body and see whether it is good for you or not.

I’ve already had some participants who added rosemary essential oil, for example, to increase their circulation.

Generally when fasting, however, I would recommend a simple base oil such as coconut or sesame oil and add essential oil myself if necessary.

If you want to use these ready-made mixtures, make sure that you have high-quality organic products.

4. How long should you do the oil pulling so that it stays healthy?

The duration of the oil pull is very controversial …

I showed you both options here and wrote my personal opinion on them.

But I want to encourage you to follow your own feeling.

If after two minutes you feel the urge to stop pulling the oil, do so.

Another day, the 10 minutes of oil pulling may not matter at all. Rely on your feeling and intuition.

Why should you oil pull (actually) 20 minutes a day?

The ritual begins in the morning, still sober and before brushing your teeth.

Some say that it takes about 15 to 20 minutes to stimulate salivation, kill bacteria, and get rid of slag from the body.

So your body needs this time to get the toxins into your mouth.

It also takes some time for the oil to bind to the toxins.

Others, on the other hand, say that 3 to 5 minutes is perfectly sufficient.

I personally represent and recommend, especially for Beginners and also when fasting, allow a time of 3 minutes to a maximum of 5 minutes.

Why 3 to 5 minutes are enough

On the one hand, this time can be optimally integrated into the morning routine …

… I get up, put 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in my mouth, go to the toilet and look for my things for the day out of the closet. Schwupps … 3 minutes are up. :-)

… without having to run out of time or plan extra time for it.

When I’m ailing, I usually take a second lap in the shower. But I also make an intuitive decision…

… your body gives you the right impulses. Have trust.

On the other hand, it is reported that the effects of prolonged oil pulling can change…

… This means that the toxins in the oil are reabsorbed through the oral mucosa and can get back into the body.

Personally, this thesis makes perfect sense, in addition to the temporal aspect.

So I prefer to do 1 or 2 laps more than 20 minutes to complete. Not least because my morning routine would be doomed with 20 minutes scheduled.

You can imagine that 20 minutes of talking to 2 small children is simply not feasible. ;-)

5. The instructions for oil pulling – explained step by step

I have already described how the ritual itself works. Now you should also learn how to do oil pulling step by step.

The first oil pull looks a little strange.

Putting a tablespoon of pure oil in your mouth, not swallowing it and actively moving it around in your mouth seems strange at first and ignorant viewers will be amazed at the strange sight.

However, this strange feeling quickly disappears and gives way to the awareness that you have done something good for yourself.

After just a few days, time flies and oil pulling becomes an integral part of your morning routine.

Step # 1 Your preparation – little is needed

Oil pulling is a very simple process that requires little utensils. Finding the right oil will probably take the longest time.

  • an oil of your choice,
  • a tablespoon,
  • a tissue,
  • a tongue scraper and
  • a toothbrush.

Step # 2 How to start properly

Before oil pulling, the tongue is wiped off with a tongue scraper – alternatively you can also use a spoon.

Start as far as possible in the throat and apply a little pressure to the tip of the tongue.

You will find whitish deposits on the scraper.

Remove them under the tap or with a handkerchief and repeat the procedure several times.

Then you start the actual oil pulling.

Put a tablespoon of the oil of your choice in your mouth and stir for 3 to 5 minutes.

You should press it several times between the interdental spaces.

Step # 3 What you need to consider after oil pulling

After pulling the oil, you should spit out the now white and viscous substance. A pocket or facial tissue is particularly suitable.

However, do not dispose of this in the toilet, because here too the oil can lead to deposits.

After oil pulling, you can rinse your mouth with clear water and brush your teeth.

Toothpaste is now basically no longer necessary after oil extraction. The mechanical abrasion alone loosens any residues.

You will feel how smooth your teeth will become after the first few applications and you will soon see a change in appearance.

6. Why you can’t use oil pulling just for fasting

A large number of positive mechanisms have always been associated with oil pulling.

According to the Ayurvedic view, you can get better with some ailments with oil pulling.

For example:

  • Autoimmune diseases such as neurodermatitis or psoriasis,
  • systemic diseases such as hormonal disorders, rheumatism, gout and diabetes,
  • Lung diseases such as bronchitis,
  • but also a wide variety of ailments related to the heart, kidney, skin, liver, blood and gastrointestinal tract.

Why oil pulling strengthens the immune system

Indian health education uses oil pulling, among other things, to strengthen the immune system and thus to increase the body’s defenses against, for example, flu infections.

The thought behind it:

Oil pulling removes bacteria from the mouth and throat and can thus reduce the number of germs.

The second effect on the immune system affects autoimmune diseases. Oil pulling is said to harmonize the immune system and prevent its overreaction.

However, only the influence on gums, toothache, periodontitis, tooth decay, bad breath and the like is scientifically proven.

White teeth, tooth decay prevention and less bad breath due to oil pulling: what’s really on??

The mouth is the gateway for our body.

Food and attackers in the form of viruses and bacteria colonize him and cause mischief.

The result is bad breath caused by bacteria, tooth decay and not seldom inflammation of the gums (periodontitis).

Oil pulling has long been used as a traditional Ayurvedic therapy for strengthening teeth, gums and jaws and effectively prevents tooth loss, bad breath and gum infections.

There are now several scientific studies showing that regular oil pulling binds or kills caries bacteria (Streptococcus mutans) and bad breath-causing bacteria.

The anti-inflammatory properties of the oils used also reduce periodontitis. Oil pulling is said to counter bleeding gums, a dry mouth and chapped lips.

It could be shown that oil pulling with sesame oil is just as effective as a mouthwash with chlorhexidine …

After just a few days, symptoms such as gum infections and plaques in the subjects decreased significantly after they had oiled each morning before brushing their teeth.

Personally, I can only confirm this experience …

. and a friend of mine got his bleeding gums under control with the help of oil pulling.

Do you want to know how to lose weight with interval fasting to quickly fit back into your favorite clothes??

Then sign up for the free 7-day interval fasting challenge!

7. My experiences with oil pulling – The 10 most important questions at a glance

Oil pulling is a wonderful and easy way to detoxify and it can be easily inserted into the morning routine.

Oil pulling is also part of my morning routine in my fasting courses.

So far, most of the participants have continued this morning routine and are absolutely satisfied with it.

However, there are always questions about oil pulling. I have summarized the most important ones for you here.

Maybe I can counteract some doubts beforehand.

# 1 Can you eat and drink something before oil pulling??

Oil pulling should be the first thing you do in the morning. Before the first glass of water.

Since your body uses the nightly rest to detoxify, the toxins and bacteria of the night are still in the mouth.

If you want to do the oil pulling one more time a day, make sure you do it before eating.

# 2 Why does the oil turn white and viscous??

The movement in the mouth strikes air into the oil. This increases the surface area and more slag can be absorbed.

The composition of air, proteins, slags, bacteria and toxins creates the viscous, white substance.

# 3 Can you swallow the oil??

No, definitely not. The oil contains all the harmful substances that you want to remove from your body.

Therefore never swallow the oil.

# 4 Are there any known side effects to oil pulling??

If your body is heavily contaminated with toxins, you may experience slight “poisoning symptoms” such as headache, nausea, or dizziness shortly after oil pulling.

However, these symptoms should decrease from day to day, the only long-term side effect of oil pulling is to maintain your health. ;-)

# 5 You are a smoker – you can oil pull?

Yes, in any case.

By smoking you supply your body with many toxins that lead to significant health consequences in the long term.

But do not see oil pulling as compensation. It can help you, but smoking is still very unhealthy.

# 6 You have amalgam as a tooth filling – there is an interaction between oil pulling and amalgam?

Acidic and hot foods can extract the mercury from the amalgam fillings.

Warning: chewing gum is also attributed to this effect.

When pulling oil there is a possibility that more heavy metals are secreted, since the oils used have the property of binding these and other toxins.

However, this effect is described from a period of more than 10 minutes.

For safety reasons and regardless of oil pulling, it is certainly an advantage to replace old amalgam fillings.

Above all, one can rule out that there are still poison sources in the body.

# 7 May your child oil pull?

This hangs especially how sensible it is.

It is important not to swallow the oil after use.

The sixth year of life is a guideline. For a child, half the amount of oil is also sufficient.

# 8 You can also oil pull several times a day?

Yes. With some diseases such as gum problems, it is even advised to repeat the procedure in the morning and evening.

But basically you can pull oil before every meal.

# 9 Can you brush your teeth after oil pulling?

Oil pulling should not be seen as a replacement for brushing teeth.

You should clean your mouth with a toothbrush and fresh water after pulling oil so that all the accumulated toxins are excreted.

You could even do without toothpaste if necessary.

# 10 Why you shouldn’t throw the oil into the drain?

In the narrow pouring tube, the grease can settle on the edges and gradually lead to unpleasant smells and a blocked drain.

This is a well-known phenomenon, especially from the kitchen, when the greasy rinse water flows down the drain.

In the bathroom, the fat also binds to hair and can lead to an indissoluble lump.

Better use a pocket or facial tissue for disposal.


Oil pulling is a simple, thankful and wonderful way to help your body with your daily detox.

But not enough of a good thing. At the same time, you harmonize your oral flora and easily prevent tooth decay.

What could be better, cheaper and easier?

You do not need to buy special or expensive aids and you do not need to plan any extra time to effectively support your body in its work and to do something for your dental health as a precaution.

Just if you think briefly about how often you consume sugar (caries generator No. 1). Often even subconsciously. :-(

In short: As a preventive measure, it can simply be incorporated into your morning routine.

When fasting, the question should not even arise whether oil pulling makes sense.

It is best to use the fasting cure here, too, to have oil pulling into your morning routine.

So you can again create a new routine and do a lot of positive things for your health with little effort.

Now it is your turn…

What are your experiences with oil pulling??


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Christina Cherry
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