Put on ears in children

What still looks cute and cute in toddlerhood can develop into a real problem, especially in schoolchildren: protruding ears in children. Medical is spoken of protruding ears or sail ears, if the The ear cups are at an angle of more than 30 degrees to the head or the distance between the edge of the ear cup and the head is more than two centimeters. Many parents start early thoughts about whether this anatomical situation can later cause problems and when the best time for an operation has come.

Put on ears through an operation


Surgery to put on the ears is usually paid for by health insurance companies in childhood. Of course, in the actual sense it is not a clinical picture, but an anatomical condition that has no effect on hearing. However, through subsequent bullying and teasing, this mood of nature can become a pathological problem for the psyche, so surgery is often advisable.

When to put ears on children

The best conditions for an operation are at the age of five to six years given. The ear cartilage no longer grows, but is still soft enough to change its shape through an operation.

The procedure usually consists of a mixture of suturing and incision techniques, in which the ear cartilage is thinned out and softened. Then silk threads are pulled through the ear cartilage and knotted so that the pinna is pulled towards the head. Children’s ears are almost always used on an outpatient basis so that the child can go home on the same day. Fortunately, pain relievers are rarely necessary. A headband should be worn for the first few days after surgery.

Alternative methods

Many parents are initially put off by proper surgery because everyone The intervention naturally involves a burden and there is always the risk of anesthesia. Although general anesthesia is not actually necessary to put on the ears during an operation, children under local anesthesia are simply too restless to avoid deep sleep. Alternative methods are initially welcome with parents and are eagerly tried out

  • Put on ears manually
    An attempt is made to put on children’s ears by wearing a hat or headband all the time in infancy. This initially brings an optical improvement, but will not really improve with the coming years of life.
  • Apply through artificial wounds behind the ear
    In the GDR, ears were created by creating a wound on the back of the ear cups, which was then sewn firmly to the head. At first glance, this method worked well, but later glasses wearers had the problem that the temples could no longer be held by their ears.

In fact, unfortunately, there is still no way to put on the ears permanently without cosmetic intervention.

A healthy self-confidence

Regardless of whether surgery is planned in the future or whether the parents advocate that the child learns to accept how it was born. Every child should be made aware that it is beautiful, no matter what hair color, nose shape or size it was born with.

It should learn that man is not what he is through his optics, but that any mood of nature that is perceived as a flaw is unimportant if man shines with his character and essence.

Even if an operation is pending, parents should help their child in advance. Because, from the first teasing to the operation, it can take some time, which can be painfully long for teased children. Emotional support is very important during this time. Show your child that it is as beautiful as it is and that surgery should only continue to contribute to their well-being. Education in kindergarten or school can also help to make it clear to teasing children that protruding ears are not bad or pathological, but a simple feature, such as the color of hair or eyes.


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Christina Cherry
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