Register your own website with google

In order for your website to be found on google, it is advisable to register it. Because only then do others get to know their side. When people enter the relevant keywords in the google search, their website appears in the search results. However, it also needs to be optimized for this.

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Submit your website to google: here’s how to do it

Basically websites are indexed automatically by google. So-called search robots (called spider or crawler) are responsible for that. However, due to the large number of pages on the internet, it is not always possible for you to actually appear in the search results. Because it depends on several factors, if they are found.

  • Your website will only be found by the search robot if it already contains links from other existing pages. The crawler recognizes these and indexes your website accordingly.
  • Maybe your page is already indexed. You can find this out by entering your URL in google search with "site:" enter. This looks for example like this: "site:support.Google.Com".
  • If you do not find any entries from you, then go to the google search console. Log in with your login data. If you don’t have a google account yet, register for a new one.
  • If you want to register your entire website, enter "domain" in the field enter your main url without https://. If you have only one specific page you want to index, choose "URL prefix. Enter the URL here.
  • In the following a window appears. Follow the instructions to confirm you as the domain owner.

Be found on google: what else can you do?

Google now knows the link to your website. However, this does not mean that this will also be found via the search. To be really successful with search engines, you must first and foremost adhere to the rules of search engine optimization (SEO).

  • In addition, it is useful to create an XML sitemap. These are different subsites. users will find faster the content that is relevant for them. The work of the search robot is also made easier.
  • If you also register with google my business, you will be found better locally. The advantage is that your company or organization is more visible, because the entry can be found in the upper right corner of the search results.

Video tip: CHIP academy – SEO for beginners

to make your website more visible, it is important to optimize it for search engines. If you actively set certain measures, google will also position you in the search results accordingly.

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Christina Cherry
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