Route planner.deyour free route planner

Use our free route planner to conveniently plan your routes. No matter if it is a short distance or the journey to a vacation destination. no registration or prior login is required to use the route planner. So you can start right away.
just enter the start and destination address as well as any number of intermediate destinations and press the "calculate route" button – and you have your travel route.

When entering the starting point and destination, as well as any intermediate destinations, make sure that you also enter a street name in addition to the location in order to obtain a route that is as exact as possible.
A suggestion of addresses is not made in the input mask, therefore write out the places and street names if possible.

after entering the route, you will receive not only a graphical representation of the route on the map, but also a description of the turns and driving instructions.
Just click on a line in the list here. Afterwards, exactly this section will be displayed on the map, so that you can take a close look at all relevant sections of the route.


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advantages and features of a route planner

Route planners make traveling much easier. No matter what destination travelers are aiming for and what stopovers are planned: our route planner provides reliable information about the desired route.
Many travelers want to get to their destination relaxed and uncomplicated through road traffic. The use of maps is often unwieldy and complicated due to their size. in addition, not every vehicle is equipped with a navigation system. Route planners have long since proven themselves as an alternative to a navigation system or a map. For these route planners the internet offers numerous options.

options for specific users

route planners are helpful to find a certain route on a special route. route planners allow you to search for the shortest, most economical, fastest or most attractive route. Most of the route planners are available for car trips. But in addition there are also various options to find the right cycling route. Some of these tools are also good for hikers.

Route planners offer different functions

Many route planners can not only suggest a route from the starting point to the destination. Optionally, it is also possible to display any intermediate stops or possible detours through the information material. options are often available between the fastest and shortest routes. To some extent, internet users are also free to choose the most scenic route.
good offers present the routes in the form of texts and graphics. Besides, the indications should be easy to understand and precise to avoid errors in any form. As additional information, some route planners also include fast-food restaurants, sightseeing attractions and gas stations.

clear presentations

choosing a suitable route planner is often a matter of taste. Nowadays, it is common that most route systems appear particularly clear. But those who travel frequently often get used to a certain offer. In order to use the route planner efficiently, it is absolutely essential that all data is entered correctly.
The calculation of the routes is mostly accurate. Route planners are now even able to point out traffic jams or road works. In this way, the route is further optimized with the help of faster alternatives.

tips for using the route planner

Even though there are different types of route planners, the devices are similar in their application. On the one hand, it is possible to plan a route from one place to another. Alternatively, the tools offer planning for circular routes – these offers are primarily of interest to hikers or cyclists. In this situation, there is also no reason not to specify a desired duration for the excursion. To begin with, users enter their starting point and the desired destination. Route planners for hikers or cyclists also offer the possibility of making suggestions for a specific region. At the same time there is the possibility to enter any intermediate stops.

When creating the route, users can choose between car drivers, cyclists, pedestrians and public transport users.

Route planners offer helpful information for the road

Users enter an address, a city or a specific location as a destination. Many devices also offer the option of displaying restaurants or hotels in a particular region. The route planners may even provide information on which establishments still have rooms available at a particular time.
This means that nothing stands in the way of route planning with just a few clicks.

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Christina Cherry
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