Socialnet reviews: rolf krenzer: parental evening in kindergarten

Rolf Krenzer: Parents’ evening in kindergarten. Suggestions and suggestions for kindergarten teachers; [Kindergarten, preschool]. Auer Verlag 2010. 76 pages. ISBN 978-3-403-04469-7. 14.90 EUR.
Research at DNB KVK GVK


He is queued several times a year in the day care centers: parents’ evening. It is excellently suited to initiate and consolidate the upbringing and educational partnership between day care centers and parents. In addition, a parents’ evening is the method of first choice if all parents are relevant Information about Organization and pedagogy of the institution should be taught. Not to forget, parents get to know each other in parents’ evening and a sense of belonging develops between the parents.

However, if three to six parents’ evenings are offered in the various facilities each year, most nursery school teachers experience a queasy feeling when such an event is just around the corner. Because many are unsure and sometimes also at a loss how a parents’ evening can be set up and carried out in such a way that the parents internalize the information provided and are at the same time enthusiastic. The present book by Rolf Krenzer provides a usable structure for this and does not save with many practical suggestions.

Structure and content

The publication “The parents’ evening in kindergarten. Suggestions and Suggestions for Kindergarten Teachers ”is a practical guide that clearly and logically deals with the questions that need to be asked to prepare and hold a parent’s evening. The structure along its sections is quickly told:

  • Parents ‘evening as a bridge between parents’ home and kindergarten.
  • "The outer frame".
  • "Occasions and opportunities for parents’ evenings".
  • "No shortage of topics".
  • "Outlook".

The first section bases the parents’ evening on fundamental considerations: “The more parents and educators know about each other, the better they succeed education“Is the initial thesis, which should justify the importance of the parents’ evening. Different expectations of the educators are mutually described, which must be considered in the preliminary considerations for a parents’ evening.

In the section "The outer framework" the planning of an event becomes concrete: How should the invitation be made? Which conversations and forms of work are suitable for parents’ evenings? And what needs to be considered when designing the room? The section offers considerations and practical suggestions for these questions.

Then it goes to the content. The following topics are discussed and recommended for a parent’s evening: independence of the child; Strife and aggression; Living together in a group; Discover silence; religious education; Toys, books and compact discs; Singing, playing and dancing; Watch TV; Health care; Environmental Protection; Road safety education. Each of the topics mentioned is highlighted in a few sentences. In between, methodical suggestions are interspersed and attention is drawn to dangers and difficulties in the implementation.

The "Outlook" offers a elaborated parents’ evening to get to know the new parents. Here is an example of how you can be invited to such a parents’ evening, how it should be carried out step by step and what a successful farewell looks like.


This publication addresses the main questions regarding the design of parents’ evenings. Extensive experience from holding parents’ evenings speaks from the contributions. Almost on each double page, an illustration illustrates the content addressed.

The introductory arguments that should speak for the parents’ evening are flat. There are no considerations from the educational plans that convincingly require cooperation with the parents. Many conditions should also be mentioned regarding the focus on the “external framework”, which can have a decisive influence on parents’ evening.

The statements on the topics outlined are extremely poor. If, for example, when it comes to the subject of "aggression", it is only said that there have always been disputes among children and that aggression has changed, this difficult subject is nowhere near prepared. The educator remains at a loss. Unfortunately, there is also no evidence of further literature to compensate for this deficiency.

The publication also lacks important elements that pedagogy should have in kindergarten: So there are hardly any considerations from adult education that are suitable for one collaboration with parents are indispensable. Furthermore, it is not clear how a parents ‘evening fits into the educational concept of the institution and how the information from a parents’ evening can shape the educational process in the institution.


If you are looking for a very brief insight into questions regarding the design of a parent’s evening, the book will serve you well. However, anyone who sees an element of the pedagogical concept in kindergarten at parent’s evening is hardly supported by the publication.

Review of
Michael Schnabel
State Institute for Early Education, Munich

See all 45 reviews by Michael Schnabel.

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Michael Schnabel. Review from 02/01/2011 on: Rolf Krenzer: The parents’ evening in kindergarten. Suggestions and suggestions for kindergarten teachers; [Kindergarten, preschool]. Auer Verlag 2010. ISBN 978-3-403-04469-7. In: socialnet reviews, ISSN 2190-9245,, date of access 14.01.2020.

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