Stress in children – general

Stress is the most important problem in today’s societies, which live quickly and have no time to rest. We are all from stress concerned, we keep saying we are tired of the hustle and bustle of life, we have to listen, but we continue to walk the same way every day without a break. How does this fast-paced life affect our children? Some of us think that children feel good and don’t cause stress. Children can feel the stress as much as you do and show it to you with both psychological and physical symptoms.

How can I tell if my child is under stress??

    ● If you have significant changes in mood and movement Your child’s awareness, this may be because your child is feeling stressed. Examples of depressive moods, introversions, observable anxiety, sleep and eating disorders, lack of interest in previous activities and considerable interest in games can be listed as symptoms that you will observe in your stressed child.
    ● Sudden strong screams or excessive anger.
    ● Inability to control their behavior.
    ● Sudden indifference to the social Environment (not playing with friends or sudden aggressive behavior while playing …).
    ● Negative changes in academic performance.
    ● Negative changes in relationships with parents and other relatives.
    ● Frequent inquiries to avoid sleep disorders and sleep disorders.
    ● physical discomfort (headache or abdominal pain, digestive problems, etc.)
    ● and other physical and mental symptoms that you have not noticed before and that you could not assign to a specific cause …

Sources of stress in children .

According to experts, there are two main causes of stress in children: reasons that come from internal resources and reasons that come from external resources.

Reasons according to internal sources kayaking

1. Causes of Child Development: Children go through various stages of development as they grow up. Each stage of development has its own difficulties. Children can sometimes feel stressed and show symptoms when dealing with these difficulties. Suppose your child is in a phase of having to adopt a toilet habit. This starts when your child grows and enters a different stage of development, and now your child has a responsibility to control how his body works, but it takes time and effort to cope with it until he gets used to it.

2. Causes due to the characteristics of the child: Your child can be affected internally, sensitively and easily by external factors. On the contrary, it can have an outward-looking character that is open to social environments. The character traits of children determine how they are influenced by external factors. Your child may be more susceptible to stress if it is sensitive and introverted.

3. Physical reasons: A physical disability or chronic discomfort in your child can lead to it being stressed, perceiving external events differently and suffering from stress. In this case, we recommend that you take medical and psychological help and take measures that help your child to integrate more easily into social life.

Reasons for external sources .

1. Family factor: An uneasy and irregular family environment leads to the child feeling psychologically unwell and stress symptoms appear.

2. Factors related to friends: It is very important that the child feels comfortable in school or in other groups of friends. If your child feels marginalized or weak in a friendly environment, they may show signs of stress.

3.Activity spree: As parents, we want our child to be well equipped, but we forget to set limits and prepare them for this activity. We can forget that our child may get tired, bored, or don’t want to continue these activities, and we don’t think about it. Stress can occur in such situations. Please be careful and do not fail to show your child that you care.


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Christina Cherry
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