Surgery – dentist ahlen drensteinfurt sendinghorst vorhelm dolberg walstedde

Practice for Holistic Dentistry Dres. Tilch


The various techniques of dental surgery allow us to contribute to the health of your teeth and your entire body.
How this can hang together is to illustrate this patient example:

One patient introduced himself to a focus search, unable to move his left arm. He asked if the cause could be the teeth? On the X-ray taken, a root remnant of a long-drawn tooth could be seen in the upper jaw on the left. After removing this root remnant (osteotomy), the patient was instantly able to completely move his arm again.

This case impressively showed us the holistic connection of the human body. Therefore, the surgical methods are important to remove inflammation, granulomas, cysts, inflamed teeth and bone change and to treat the whole body.

1 extraction

The extraction of teeth is unfortunately one of our most common activities. The teeth are pulled using suitable levers, luxators, periotomes and pliers. Under complete … More

2 osteotomy

The osteotomy describes an operative removal of a displaced tooth, a root remnant or a bone change. The wound is usually sutured. Postoperatively should no coffee, blacks … More

3 Plastic covering of the maxillary sinus

After removal of an OK posterior tooth, the antrum can be opened. Immediately, it must be hermetically sealed with plastic covering techniques to avoid permanent opening of the antrum to the oral cavity. More

4 reimplantation

After an accident teeth may have fallen out but still be present. These teeth can often be rescued and reset after disinfection in their bone compartment … More

5 wisdom teeth

If wisdom teeth lead to bone changes, chronic inflammation or misaligned teeth, it may be necessary to surgically remove them. The surgery can be accompanied homeopathically or with an acupuncture. The process is easier, the course better. It should be noted that this operation is not performed in the growth phase, as it can be energetically problematic. More

6 root tip resection

A root-filled tooth may have an inflammatory process (granuloma) or cyst at its root tip, although the root filling closes the root well. Then a root tip resection is indicated … More

7 cystectomy

Cystectomy describes the surgical removal of a cystic tissue, which may be at the tips of the tooth roots. An accompaniment with homeopathic remedies and acupuncture improves the healing process. More

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