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dental aesthetics

A beautiful smile is created by the Dental Aesthetics certainly.

Under "white aesthetics" will the white teeth or the white tooth color understood and under "pink aesthetics" it will be healthy Appearance of the gums Roger that.

On nice bit by a tooth regeneration signals happiness and success and one harmonious gum line underlines the natural aesthetics.

Healthy, beautiful and White teeth signal attractiveness, health and well-being to our surroundings.

It is important for many people that teeth are not only healthy, but that that denture includes all teeth and also beautiful and esthetic looks because White teeth are considered a status symbol and are a sign for youth, beauty and health. In today’s society that wins Dental Aesthetics more and more important because lovely, aesthetic teeth and a beautiful smile be with attractiveness, vitality and success connected. Influence on the Dental Aesthetics to have tooth color, tooth shape, tooth position, and the appearance of gums. For the facial aesthetics is in one harmonious teeth the gums "pink aesthetics" as important as beautiful teeth. In the Aesthetic dentistry (bio-aesthetics) plays the white aesthetics like that red aesthetics (Gum aesthetics) an important role because the red aesthetics includes all treatments for one healthy gums and the white aesthetics includes tooth color, tooth shape and tooth position. Research has shown that Mouth and teeth send the strongest signals when evaluating the other person, which also increases the chances of success on the job market.

Christina Cherry

Gzfa - dental aesthetics: what is aesthetic dentistry?

Dental aesthetics: what is aesthetic dentistry?

Beautiful teeth, healthy gums and functional harmony

Aesthetic dentistry is the field of dentistry that deals with the appearance, the aesthetics of the teeth.
Dental aesthetics include not only beautiful, white teeth, but also healthy gums and the functional harmony of the rows of teeth of the upper and lower jaw.

The teeth have a great influence on the appearance of a person. Beautiful, white teeth signal health, youth and self-confidence. Missing, polished, discolored or defective teeth, on the other hand, affect appearance, well-being and quality of life.

Christina Cherry