anxiety patient

Tips for anxious patients

Take a little nap and wake up refreshed with bright teeth! This is what some patients dream of before their dentist appointment – especially if a supposedly painful treatment is on the agenda.

This dream does not become a reality for us because we do not offer general anesthesia. And we have good reasons for that. It is not only since the tragic death of an 18-year-old fear patient in a Hamburg practice at the end of May 2016 that medical doctors have warned against the careless handling of general anesthesia. Even if all the high requirements for room and device standards are met and an anesthetist and qualified assistant initiate and discharge anesthesia, incidents can occur. For example, because the patient suffers from previous illnesses of which, as in the Hamburg case, he knew nothing at all.

Christina Cherry

Fear of the dentist?

Sensitive, humanly attentive and careful treatment with heart and mind

Are you so afraid of the dentist that despite the pain, you would rather do anything than go to the examination? The normal fear of the dentist is based on negative experiences that a dental patient has often had in childhood. You are not alone with this fear. Many people fear visiting the dentist. Even famous artists and scientists like Johann Wolfgang von Goethe or Sigmund Freud were affected. The problem: With every missed check-up or treatment, dental problems can increase.

Don’t be afraid of beautiful teeth: Whether you see yourself as a "fear patient" or not, we will not leave you alone with this fear or these doubts. The choice of dentist is a matter of trust. We have been living on that for years Word of mouth and are proud of this positive response. You can expect friendliness, humanity, patience and a lot of sensitivity to take away your skepticism and fear. Detailed information and open discussions are our recipe against uncertainty and fear. We will take you step by step to healthy and beautiful teeth. Comprehensive advice without time pressure and a relaxed atmosphere are the cornerstone of the desired result for dental fear. The first visit to the dentist is only a consultation and should not be associated with fear, stress or pain, because the fear of expectation in front of the dentist is mostly due to the fear of pain during the first treatment.

Christina Cherry

Afraid of the dentist? You can do that against dental phobia! >

Fear of the dentist

General / basic

Fear of the dentist is common. According to various surveys, three out of four respondents fear the dentist. Like every form of fear, fear of the dentist is nothing unusual at first. After all, there are certainly more pleasant situations than lying relatively helplessly on a folded back chair and letting someone fiddle in his mouth. However, around forty percent of the respondents postponed their visit to the dentist until they suffered severe pain. The fact that delaying the visit often aggravates the dental problems and thus the treatment is often overlooked. In about every twentieth, fear ultimately means that they no longer go to the dentist for fear of dental treatment. Such exaggerated fear can be attributed to various causes and is often not comprehensible for the environment. Sufferers often react with shame and restraint, there are numerous therapeutic options, approaches and options that can alleviate or overcome fear.

Christina Cherry

Afraid of the dentist

Fear of the dentist

Synonyms in a broader sense

Children at the dentist, dental phophy, childish fear of the dentist

The parents

The anxiety before the dentist is common.
This affects not only adults, but also children if they are not properly prepared for the dentist’s visit.

The parents are the role models for their children, so it is not surprising that their fear of the dentist is also passed on to the children. But visiting the dentist should be seen as a completely natural process of everyday life. Therefore, the children should get to know the dental practice as early as possible, even if they are still with them no Treatment is necessary.
Under no circumstances should a visit to the dentist be threatened as punishment. On the other hand, the indication that it would not hurt the dentist is harmful, since the child is then informed that the dentist may experience pain.

Christina Cherry

Afraid of drilling at the dentist? (Tips)

Afraid of drilling at the dentist?

Hello, I have to go to the dentist tomorrow because I have 2 small and 1 medium holes. I’m afraid of drilling because it always hurts so much. Do you have any tips on how to survive this better??

5 answers

Do you do with or without anesthesia?
Try to get lost in thought. Think of past embarrassments, problems, arguments or or.
You can also claw yourself in the chair or take something to knead with you, which concerns you and your hands a little.
I always had anesthetic drilled because I found the anesthetic worse than drilling. Anyway, I managed to get lost in my thoughts.

Christina Cherry