Many gods – belief in antiquity

In ancient Greece, people believed in many different gods. They were immortal but looked like humans. Everyone had their sphere of influence. We explain more about the exciting Greek mythology.

How did the world come about??

There are many myths about the origin of the world – and also about the gods in particular. The most famous myth about the origin of the world is the so-called "Theogony" by Hesiod, a Greek poet:

In the beginning there was chaos. From this chaos emerged Gaia (mother earth), Tartaros (the underworld), Eros (god of love), Nyx (the night) and Erebos (the dark). Gaia had several children without a husband, including Uranos (the sky) and Pontos (the sea). Nyx in turn gave birth to Erebos two children: day and brightness. Gaia had many children with her son Uranos, the titans.

Christina Cherry