
Dental implants – the artificial tooth root

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots. They are anchored in toothless jaw sections directly in the jaw bone and close the existing tooth gaps. The prosthetic restoration is then attached to the implants, for example Crown, bridge or prosthesis.

Duration of treatment:
3 days stay in Hungary,
thereafter 3-6 months healing phase.
Finally 6 days stay in Hungary.

5 year guarantee

from 745 euros per implant including abutment

In modern dentistry, dental implants are a proven replacement for a missing tooth or more precisely: for the missing tooth root. Implants usually consist of three parts: the implant body made of titanium or ceramic anchored in the bone, a connecting piece and the tooth crown, bridge or dental prosthesis attached to it. The entire system is referred to as “implant-supported dentures”.

Christina Cherry

Dental implants abroad

When is dental treatment with implants abroad possible, when should you stop??

"Having cheap implants used abroad" sounds very tempting, especially when savings amount to 5-digit amounts. But should everyone really take this offer seriously or do special circumstances generally fall out?

When an implant treatment abroad can be considered

Anyone who is seriously interested in a dental prosthesis service abroad will certainly get detailed information in advance and study various sources. Rarely does a blinking internet banner attract attention to the possibility of having your teeth fixed abroad. First and foremost, the potential cost savings generate interest. It addresses patients who either cannot or do not want to afford the dentist’s home offer. Furthermore, the patient should be flexible in terms of time and not have too high expectations. There must be a willingness to take risks and a real thirst for adventure in order to simply “jump into the cold water”. Because building a doctor-patient relationship of trust is almost impossible.

Christina Cherry