Pediatric dentistry Potsdam Babelsberg

"Pediatric Dentistry-Potsdam-Babelsberg What does that mean exactly?"

Pediatric Dentistry Potsdam-Babelsberg, sometimes it is a very carious truth. This results in a. a study on dental care for generations in 2008 *. As a result, the habits of dental care and oral hygiene (good and bad) are firmly established in preschool and are practiced by adults who are legal guardians. A particularly alarming finding was that most adults did not consider tooth decay to be a disease or an acute threat to dental health.

Dental and oral hygiene for the unborn child

Careful dental and oral hygiene cannot begin early enough. Even during pregnancy, the combination of meticulous dental care and a balanced diet has a positive effect on the dental health of the newborn. We therefore work with our patients to develop an appropriate dental care and nutrition program right from the start of pregnancy.

Christina Cherry