dental caries

Dental caries is one of the most common causes of toothache and jaw pain. If a small particle of food is deposited in the caries, it causes sharp pain.

The thick enamel and dentin form the two outer layers of a tooth.
An injury to these two layers is called "dental caries".

This lack of necessary minerals is called demineralization and occurs mainly due to the presence of acids on the teeth.

Caries occurs primarily on the molars and premolars, but is less common in the lateral incisors.
One should not forget that a sealed tooth can develop tooth decay as well as a healthy one.
A decrease in gums can expose the tooth root. Caries at this height is called root caries.

Christina Cherry

How to protect milk teeth from caries, others: women's magazine january 2020

How do you protect milk teeth from caries? | Other: Women’s magazine January 2020

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Each parent remembers their childish fear of visiting the dentist. Today, children have nothing to fear if they go to the dentist with the right care and use of hygiene products and procedures that are widely used in modern children’s dentistry.

Hygiene measures must be carried out long before the baby’s teeth are cut: it is necessary to remove the plaque from the gums and rub it with a piece of gauze soaked in boiling water. With the appearance of teeth, you can go to a special silicone brush that the mother puts on her finger. After a while, it is worth buying a real baby toothbrush: it should be arranged with a small head and soft bristles, in the form of bars of different heights. It is important that the brush liked the baby, so it is better to choose bright options: colorful brushes, fairy-tale brushes, ultrasound or electric.

Christina Cherry

Incisors caries? (Health, teeth, dentist)

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Hey, I have a question, if you have tooth decay on the incisor, how does the doctor treat it, because he can’t pierce the whole tooth, then there would be almost nothing left of the tooth. If, for example, the upper part of the tooth has tooth decay, how does the doctor treat the tooth, because if it drills up the lower part breaks off and how much fillings, crowns etc. do you have?

1 answer

Dentists are very good craftsmen, that is no problem. You can even reconstruct broken teeth. Only when it no longer holds does the dentist put a crown on the existing root so that you can continue to laugh.

Christina Cherry

What is important to know about tooth decay in young children

In young children, tooth decay is usually much faster than in adults, and the destruction often affects several teeth at the same time. In such situations, the prolonged inactivity of the child’s parents can lead to very serious consequences.

Don’t think that "that are just milk teeth and they will still fall out." The infectious carious process is not limited to hard tooth tissue, but goes quickly beyond the root with purulent fusion of the surrounding soft tissues. In such cases, the earliest removal of the deciduous tooth is the best option for the child’s health and normal life, which in itself often traumatizes the small child’s psyche and causes persistent anxiety in the dentist’s office.

Christina Cherry


Caries, also called tooth decay, never heals itself as soon as a hole is created. Therefore, it is necessary to see a dentist. During the visit, the dentist decides which caries treatment is appropriate given the stage of the disease.

The general rule: The older the hole in the tooth, the longer your tooth has been attacked and the greater the intervention by the dentist. It is better to take care of it as early as possible to maintain dental health. You can find out more about the course and the individual stages of caries under Caries Symptoms.

Christina Cherry

Caries treatment without drilling in children and pain afterwards

caries treatment

Caries, also called tooth decay, results from the destruction (decalcification) of the hard tooth substance. This destruction can be caused by certain bacteria that develop in the dental plaque. Caries is mainly caused by nutrition and the bacteria are also contagious. There are numerous caries treatments that are tailored to the individual patient. Today, dentistry is far from reaching for a drill in caries. If caries is treated in the early stages, the drill can be omitted. The caries treatment always requires prior and intensive cleaning of the affected tooth and then the tooth is filled. Today, however, dentistry also has options to do without the drill. Above all, anxiety patients benefit from this gentle method, which is usually calculated by a private doctor.

Christina Cherry

caries treatment

This text corresponds to the specifications of the medical literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been checked by medical professionals.

If the tooth substance is already damaged by bacteria, one is caries treatment necessary. Because caries progresses continuously without treatment. The bacteria can spread to nerves and bones and cause severe inflammation. The earlier caries is recognized and treated, the better the prognosis. Read everything you need to know about caries treatment here.

Christina Cherry

Caries: What costs does the health insurance cover??

The essentials in brief:

  • Anyone who is covered by statutory health insurance is entitled to a supplement-free filling.
  • The basic therapy is completely covered by statutory health insurance companies, i.e. amalgam in the posterior region and composite (plastic) in the anterior region.
  • Anything that goes beyond the non-payment variant must be paid for yourself with a written additional cost agreement.
  • There is a two-year warranty on fillings.

Ocskay Mark /

What is the standard treatment for tooth decay??

Fillings are benefits in kind in statutory health insurance, which means that what is necessary and economical is paid 100 percent. In the posterior area, the health insurance companies cover the costs for an amalgam filling, in the visible area for tooth-colored composite fillings. However, the till service only covers the single-layer technology, not the multi-layer technology, so the composite is filled and hardened in one step. Because composite (ceramic-reinforced plastic) shrinks during curing, the multi-layer technology is safer, in which several layers harden one after the other.

Christina Cherry

Caries on milk teeth, root canal treatment

Caries in milk teeth

Caries in milk teeth – It is well known that milk teeth are also teeth. It is also known that children’s milk teeth fall out and are only replaced by permanent teeth. However, not everyone knows that it doesn’t matter how the children or parents treat the milk teeth because they will fall out anyway. Many parents think that it does not matter how and when the baby teeth of their toddlers fall out and whether they have already decayed from caries and in some cases have even been eaten. Caries in milk teeth is not the end of the world, but it can still lead to complications and unpleasant surprises for the future permanent teeth.

Christina Cherry

Caries: causes, symptoms and treatment

Caries is the most common chronic disease worldwide. In 2015 were noisy "The Lancet Global Burden of Disease Study" 2.3 billion people affected worldwide. Caries can cause immense damage to our teeth, which can result in high costs. The statutory health insurance only partially covers the costs.

What is tooth decay?

The term caries goes back to the Latin word "caries", which means "rottenness" or "rot". This means the destructive disease of a tooth, which is caused by microorganisms. Caries is contagious and causes severe pain for those affected. The infection can destroy the enamel, the hardest material in the human body.

Christina Cherry