Toothache? Cause, symptoms and treatment, dentist Lentrodt


Everything about toothache

There are different types of toothache?

He often comes suddenly: a bite on ice and pain suddenly runs through the cheek. Sometimes he creeps up slowly, falls silent, only to flare up more dramatically soon afterwards. Pain is not the same as pain. But in general, nerves are irritated. The tissue of the tooth nerve is normally safely protected from tooth enamel and gums in the interior of the teeth. However, if it is attacked by bacteria, injuries or chemicals, the fibers react extremely sensitively.

We dentists distinguish between two types of toothache: idiopathic and sympathetic toothache. The idiopathic has its center directly in the tooth, the sympathetic only radiates on the tooth nerve tissue and the origin lies somewhere else.

Christina Cherry

Caries in children

Synonyms in the broadest sense

tooth decay, toothache, bad teeth in children

English: caries


Caries means the destruction of the Tooth structure through external influences. There are areas of teeth that are particularly often affected by caries. Caries is caused by bacteria. They form acids, which the tooth attack.


Caries is a problem that occurs in almost every age. In principle, children’s teeth should not be affected by caries. With a healthy and balanced diet right from the start tooth decay only in very rare cases. An unhealthy diet in children, especially with lots of sweets, favors the development of tooth decay.

Christina Cherry

Fever of unknown cause (fuo) - fever - diseases - internists on the net

Unknown fever (FUO)

Fever may appear as part of a harmless common cold or may be a sign of a serious illness. In some cases, the doctor cannot determine a cause of the fever despite a thorough examination. In the case of fever with no apparent cause of more than 3 weeks in duration with temperatures above 38.3 ° C and unsuccessful standard tests, one speaks in technical terms what is known as “fever of unknown cause" ("Fever of unknown origin", FUO).

Physicians distinguish 4 types of fever of unknown cause:

Christina Cherry

Dysfunctional family as the cause of difficult childhood

The dysfunctional family is a catastrophic community characterized by repeated malfunctions. Its destructive effect is realized much later when it has an enormous form of destructive psychological effects on the children.

Characteristics of a dysfunctional family

  • Lack of trust and security
  • Lack of love and togetherness
  • Lack of understanding between family members
  • The parents do not support their children
  • The child’s needs and desires are always neglected
  • Verbal, physical or sexual abuse is part of family behavior
  • Family members create an unpredictable unhealthy climate
  • Insignificant disputes regarding problems such as money, love, work or etc.
  • Negative treatment of stressful situations
  • Family values ​​and rules are rigid and illogical.

Serious effects on child psychology
Distorted worldviews have a traumatic effect on the children. Such unnatural relationships shape the child’s norms of life. In adapting to deficient parents, each child shows different characteristics. Some or all of the following can be seen in the affected child, individually or in combination:

Christina Cherry